The 2 sides of nature | Teen Ink

The 2 sides of nature

October 25, 2021
By 3576051David BRONZE, Cupertino, California
3576051David BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sounds of water splashing onto the boat was like music to my ears. Water splashing on metal, nature, and mankind. As I walked to the edge, I dived. Splash. The water going in my ears clouded my hearing. I breathed, the scuba tank full of air, and the CO2 bubbles rose like balloons. Bubbles going up to the surface from my dive. As I look around, I see life everywhere. Coral, fish, plants. So many colors, so many plants, so many living things. I swam, lower, exploring, and then the worse side of nature showed, darkknees, abyss, an endless void. Somehow compelled to explore, I went deeper, and deeper, and deeper. The light above grew faint. The darkness began surrounding me. While I was swimming, something hard hit my leg, a beak? Confused, I swam towards it, my biggest mistake. Then I saw something rushing towards me, not a fish, in a blink of an eye it wrapped around me and dragged me down. An overwhelming force dragged me lower and lower, the pressure of the sea increasing. The last bits of light from the surface disappeared. The environment around me getting darker and darker. The shimmering light from the Co2 bubbles disappeared. I was being dragged, falling into the abyss. The thing stopped, and I looked around, the darkness impairing my vision. The pressure of the sea was strong, and I was barely able to move. The thing grabbing, suddenly its grip tightened, knocking the wind out of me. My oxygen was running low, I had the last few breaths I took as I closed my eyes, something hard, like a beak, began closing onto me, and the last thing I heard before I blacked out was a snap. 

The author's comments:

    With this set-piece, I was trying to use imagery to express my thoughts, with descriptive adjectives and such. What I like about this piece is that the imagery can allow you to express what you're thinking to others through writing. 

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