The Fate of Both Worlds | Teen Ink

The Fate of Both Worlds

January 16, 2022
By Anonymous


Long ago there was a time where the nation of water and the nation of fire were one unit. Both nations worked together to rule over the world. There was King Adrian, who was ruler of the water. He could summon hurricanes and storms at any time. He was the leader of the water nation. Everyone loved him. Then there was Queen Aguya, she was known to be the queen of fire. She was able to bring about fire at any given time. King Adrian and Queen Aguya ruled over the world, teaching their practices to the nation of the lands. Practicing one of the elements is extremely similar to how many people practice their religion. It is basically practiced the same.

However, there was just one simple rule in the land. You are only able to either practice fire or water, not both of them simultaneously. Times were so wonderful during these ages. Castles made of cobblestone were being built. Everyone in the town had jobs, and made a good living. People were learning the elements like never before. Life was good until it all went wrong. On a dark gloomy day, King Adrian unleashed a horrible storm and killed Queen Aguya. Why did King Adrian do this, some may ask? There are different theories among the people. Sadly, this set division upon the people of the land. The world has not been the same since. Everyone who practiced fire ruled in favor of Queen Aguya. Everyone who practiced water ruled in favor of King Adrian. The land was split in half, water on one side, and fire on the other. 


Fire Perspective

I am a Fire. Fire can destroy anything. It's basically the strongest and coolest thing on planet earth. However, there is one thing we do not like. It's the Waters. From the beginning of time, we have been moral enemies. At least that's what us Fires are taught in school. It all started when our Queen Aguya was killed by King Adrian for no given reason. Think about that, imagine your leader is killed. It was a cold blooded kill. Does the nation of Water really think we won't get vengeance for what King Adrian did? I think not. To make things clear, fire is kind of like my religion. We worship and practice it, and try to become as much like our Queen Aguya. The land of fire is different from the water. In the land of fire I am able to feel the heat warming up against my skin. As I walk through the town on the deep gloomy night, next to the cobblestone houses, I see people making campfires and singing around it. They like to do this and praise the life of Queen Aguya. When the people sing to praise the queen, it is pure joy to my ears.  May her beloved soul rest in peace. My life's goal is to cause harm to anyone who practices Water, even if it's to one single person. My name is Bridget, and I will take vengeance for my Queen.

Water Perspective 

I am a water, personally all I want is peace among the nations. Us water and fires don't go well together. But it doesn't have to be like that. I want a world where both water and fire can strive and be strong together, instead of this segregation. Basically how it was 303 years ago. Us waters are taught in school that the only reason King Adrian killed queen Augya was because she was an unfaithful spouse and had an affair. Many ask who she has an affair with, but that answer is unknown. The Queen had done a horrible and disgusting thing. King Adrians actions are completely justified in my opinion. May his soul find rest. Besides that, I live in a small town in the Netherlands, which is right next to where the border of fire and water is. On this side of town I am able to see many fires because of how close I live to the border. However, this is a very dangerous place. There is constant protesting. All night and day I hear from fire protesters “Justice for the Quen, Justice for the Queen.” And protesters from the water are saying “Justice for the King, Justice for the King.” Although I love my King so much, it is so unnecessary. This has been like this from as long as I can remember. In reality, we should all make peace and forget what has happened in the past. But living at the border, I know it is the only place where I can start peace between the nations. I don't know how I will do this, but I will. I will serve a purpose in this life and change the world. My name is Julien, and although horrible things have happened between us elements and religions, we must leave it in the past, and make peace. I must stop this hatred before it is too late, before the real war begins. But most importantly, I think this is what I should be doing to fix this world. It is really important for me to understand what my purpose is.

Fire Perspective

Living alone in a one bedroom apartment, I am constantly thinking to myself ways to seek vengeance for my Queen. I go to the bathroom and stare at myself. I see my tan face. My crispy jawline and beautiful hazel eyes. My red lips. Many people in the fire community say not only do I look like the beautiful queen but my personality is like hers. It is probably the best comment one can receive. But there is something more important than this. It's to make my Queen proud as she watches from above.  There are many routes I can go about this. I recall someone in the past going out past the border, and ruining the land of the water. Many people praised this man for this, but it's not enough in my opinion.I think to myself what I can do to make her and others of the community proud. I can go to the side of the Waters and steal, or spread a rumor. Or I can kidnap a Water, and torture him. But that seems like much work. I want to do something simple, but loud at the same time. Then it clicked. I will kill a water. Anyways, it is not like King Adrian even thought twice before what he did to my Queen. I begin to map out a plan. I will go to the border, find someone who I can easily manipulate, and kill him on the spot. As the nightfall arrives,I grab my spear, and head to the border. 

Water Perspective

How will I be able to stop this war that will come about from the two elements being enemies with each other. Before it has even come into the understanding of the people, I know that there will be a massive war that will be unstoppable once the scale finally tips. I think to myself what can I do to stop this. Maybe I can protest, or maybe I can share my ideas with other Water’s. But that won't work because I need to go to the side of fire, make them understand my perspective, and vice versa. Doing this, I could actually be able to do something about it. I came to the realization that I have to find a Fire that will unite me. Then both of us can come together with both of our knowledge of the other side and stop this mess. I head to the border to try to find a fire that will partake in my journey to stop this upcoming war. All I hear are the sounds of loud sirens, humidity in the air, and people screaming at each other from other slides of the border. I look around to try to find someone. All I see is angry men and women from both sides, throwing rocks back and forth. It hurts to watch. In reality their actions are not benefiting anything or anyone. But I sneak around the water protesters from the side, into the land of the fire. I see this rageful woman with a spear. However, she doesn't look like she wants to cause harm. In fact she is short, but the perfect short. She has perfect tan skin, dark black hair and has beautiful hazel eyes. And do not even get me started on her red luscious lips.

“Hey there?” I shout from a few feet away. She immediately aims her spear at me like she wants to kill me.

“Listen, listen to me for one moment, all I ask is for one moment with you.”

“Give me one reason why I shouldn't throw this spear through your heart.” She answered. 

“Because I think it's important to understand that we all have to come together.”

“Shut your mouth, your king is a trader”

“What? I don't understand. Is this a way to live life, with constant fear that a war may come about any second. I think it's important for everyone to understand the other side. Regardless of what has happened in the past.”

Saying this was not enough though. I begin to shiver from the fear.

Her eyebrows arch in towards each other, and she aimes the spear at my chest.

“What's wrong, scared? My leader was killed. MY IDOL WAS KILLED! And you think I'm going to spare you. YOU, of all people, you? That's cute. You don't understand I'm sick of you people. SICK. I'm done trying to keep it in. I just- I just ‘I stopped pulling my punches, I got rageful.’”

As I thought this was going to be my last words I quickly state, “I understand that you want to take vengeance for your Queen. I understand this- I understand because the people of my land are just as rageful. Many waters are also filled with the same hate that you fire people have. We are taught in schools that fires are the bad guys. I'm sure that in your schools they teach you that us waters are the bad guys. All I'm asking is to give me a chance. I know you want to shatter my heart, but for now just show me yours, and let's be better than the crappy standard that has been set among the nations.

Fire Perspective

I see this guy, he's scrawny, he has been raised by water’s his whole life, he is just as bad as the devil, he's a Water!. On the other hand, he has a white smooth face, thin blue lips, and has the cutest middle part I have ever seen. No! I must take vengeance for my Queen. But some of what this guy is actually saying has some sense to it. He comes with a valid reasoning that all that is nonsense. That we should focus on the present and not the past. I recall one of the queen's most famous quotes. ”Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why they call it the present.” I feel sympathy for the man, it really does correlate with the Queen's ideology. I tell myself that it is not important and try my best to forget what this man has just said. I step closer to him and press my spear on his chest. 

Us Perspective

“I should kill you right now for what your King has done to my Queen.” I hear people chattering from a distance. I know they won't see me because it's too dark in this alley. But I just press the spear even harder to where I see blood dripping from his chest. “I should kill you, but I won't, I see some value in what you have said. But what will we do to overcome this war between the nations of the land?” 

 “We have to come to the realization that we each can't each convince our element to bring peace. What type of act I'm not sure of though. It has to be something that shows we can unite forc-.” 

“I got it, we must go to the border, and you must do a dangerous act, but I will save your life, and everyone will have sympathy and think that the other nation is not so bad. Then we can create peace. We can stop this war from coming about. We can save the world.” 

“Before we go on this dangerous journey together, tell me your name.”

“My name is Bridget, and yours?”


“You can call me Juilen.” I take her hand and give it a kiss. Her face lightens up and her eyes glow. At this moment I knew that we could change the world. And I knew I had just fallen in love.”

We go to the border. All we see are angry ignorant people.We see the guards of both the fire and water stopping the people from crossing the border.  The guards of the fire are wearing dark red garments, and the guards of the water are wearing bright blue uniforms. You are able to tell which guards have been there the longest because of how dirty their clothes are. Many people from both crowds look like they haven't showered in days. We look at each other and understand that this moment will determine the fate of both nations, and ofcourse the fate of our relationship. Good or bad this must be done, for the benefit of the world. As were at the border there are many who are protesting. But here it goes. In order to get the attention of both sides, Julien jumps into a fire and is being burned. The pain in his voice can be heard from a mile away. Many observe this but do not try to help. Bridget comes to the rescue. She pulls him out of the fire, and pours water on him. She heals him with her powers that she learned from being a water. From Juliens face, being burnt and scarred, she is able to make it hydrated and beautiful again. As they stared into each other's eyes they both knew that they were in love. In front of everyone, Bridget leans in and kisses Julien. The people of fire and water saw this and were completely in shock. They were disgusted. Who could do such a taboo thing. 

Bridget stands on the border alongside Adrian and states, “What has happened to the people of the nation. We must not live like this. Living like this is hell. Eventually, when the war truly begins, there will be no going back. We must stop this madness now. It's important to understand the perspective of the other side. And that's what I have done today. We can do this, we can achieve peace among the nations. It doesn't matter what has happened in the past. In fact everyone from the fire side. Do you remember what our great Queen taught us? ‘Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why they call it the present.’ What do you think this means? It is for us to let go of the past, forget the future, and to live in the moment. Both the King and Queen would be heartbroken if they saw their grandchildren acting the way we are today. NOW WHO’S WITH ME?!”

Someone from the fire crown replies “Shut up! You're a betrayer of the fire nation. You deserve to be executed”

“What? No. No no no no guys are not understanding, we are supposed to come together”

“You trader, you're a trader. You and your little boyfriend. You are both disgusting.”

A group of angry men march toward Bridget. They throw her on the ground. They spit her away.  They dragged her away, and everyone knew where they were dragging her to. It was the execution center. 

Julien shouts from a distance “Bridget don't worry I will save you. I will come back for you”

The side of the water takes Julien away. Someone from the crowd states, “The road to becoming a true man of fire is long and scary, ‘no place for a boy, you must be a warrior,’ this being said you are lucky us people of water have had sympathy for you and have chosen not to execute you. But you have been shunned from our society. You must leave the land by morning.You don't know what you just caused. The war between fire is starting sooner than we thought. ” 

Water Perspective

As the sun is about to rise, I storm off into the mountains far from the nations of the land. I detach myself from the blue. I'm forced to run away from the blue skies, the wonderful rainy days, the ocean, all of it. I sat on top of the rocky hill and just thought to myself. I thought about what could have been. I thought of a world of peace. I thought of her. I thought of a world without enemies. But that's not possible. Just like with all political things in life. The outcome is never what we want. It always flips. It is always the person trying to resolve the issue, who becomes the bad guy, and not the problem itself. From a distance, I begin to view both nations going to war at the border. Water on one side of the border, fire on the other. The guards of each nation are lined up in front, and the civilians are right behind them. It looked cold on the side of the water, and hot on the side of the fire. The sky was red on the fire side and a bright blue on the water side. I hear someone from the crowd scream “Vengeance!” Both sides run towards each other. I see my world crumble down. You can feel the rage fullness coming from both sides. They can't see over what happened in the past. They are all disgusting. But you know who wasn't. Bridget. She was amazing. ‘Sh-she looked just like a dream, the prettiest girl I've ever seen.’ She-SHE WAS MY EVERYTHING. MY EVERYTHING!. And now she's gone. I have gone crazy. But you know what, ‘that's right, it wasn't me who was wrong. It was the world. THEN STOP ACTING LIKE YOU'VE GOT THE NEED TO FEEL SORRY FOR YOURSELF.’  As I sit and stare at the end I ask myself a question that I had never gotten to answer. What is my purpose?

The author's comments:

It all came from the heart.

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