Into Aespa | Teen Ink

Into Aespa

February 11, 2022
By Anonymous

Just like every night, Kendal lies awake on her bed at 1 am, daydreaming about her perfect life. Suddenly Kendal gets up from bed when she hears her cat, Mulan was hissing at something. Kendal went downstairs to the living room and found Mulan hissing at a beaming light that was coming from the mirror in her living room. Kendal didn’t believe her eyes so she pinched herself twice and rubbed her eyes. “What is that?” She asked herself. Kendal was hesitant, but she walked towards the light while picking up Mulan. There in front of the mirror stood Kendal and her cat in her embrace. “Alright Mulan, let's do this together,” Kendal said to her cat. The mirror began to open and Kendal stepped in it. As she looked behind her the mirror closed and there was no more light. 

Kendal and Mulan were being sucked into the mirror. Kendal felt dizzy and everything around her was blurry. Kendal lost her balance and fell into the abyss. Landing in a pond filled with water Kendal got up and felt a weight on her head only to find Mulan who so happened to save herself landing on Kendals head.  “Welcome”. A voice caught Kendal's attention. Kendal turned around to find a woman that looked just like her but better and a little older. This mysterious kendal was the same height, her hair styled into a half up half down ponytail with side bangs. “Who are you?” Kendal asked. “I am you, we all are.” The Mysterious Kendal said as two others appeared out of a waterfall. Kendal felt very confused, she felt as if this was all a dream. 

“Let me introduce myself, I am Kendal from another dimension. Every one of us is from another dimension and this place is where we meet whenever we feel like it.” Mysterious Kendal said. “What is this place called?”  Kendal asked. The second Kendal stepped forward and began talking. “Well, this place is called Aespa.” This version of Kendal looked rather slimmer than Kendal was herself. Shy Kendal has bangs and short dark brown hair. She came off as shy and a little anxious and soft-spoken. Which reminded Kendal of herself. “So why am I here?”  Kendal asked. Then the third Kendal stepped up and began talking. “You’re here because we wanted you here.” She sounded very intimidating and stern. Her hair was short and dyed honey brown, she is taller and a bit bigger than the other Kendals. 

“But why do you guys want me here?” Kendal questioned. “We were aware that there was another Kendal which turned out to be you. So, we caught your attention and successfully brought you here.” Mysterious Kendal said. “Do you see that pearl necklace across your neck?” Tall Kendal asked. Kendal touched her necklace and looked at it, the necklace was glowing. “Well yes, but why is it glowing?” Kendal asked. “It's glowing because we were calling you. This necklace is how we all stay connected. And it glows when we call each other to meet here. Just like how your mirror was glowing.” Shy Kendal spoke. Kendal felt weird. She only thought this would only be possible in movies. 

“It seems as if you are still confused, But don’t worry we can introduce ourselves after we go somewhere more comfortable, and get you some warm clothes. Follow me.” Mysterious Kendal said. Kendal followed the others out of the pond behind the waterfall. There she saw how beautiful the place called ‘Aespa’ looked. A wide variety of colorful mystical flowers, cute but weird-looking creatures, heart-shaped trees, rainbow-colored clouds, and beautiful cottage houses. Mysterious Kendal came to a stop. 

“Here is our wonderful abode.” Kendal looked up to see a pastel purple, white, and silver-looking modern cottage. It looked so comfy and pretty. “Come on in.” Tall Kendal said. Kendal made her way inside and shy Kendal showed kendal to a room and gave her warm clothes she could change into. Once Kendal changed she went out of the room and saw that shy kendal was patiently waiting for her. “The others are waiting for us in the common room.” Shy Kendal spoke. Kendal followed shy Kendal into the common room and sat on the couch next to her cat Mulan who looked like she already made herself at home. 

“Now that you’re here, let's start introducing ourselves. I’ll go first!” Mysterious Kendal said enthusiastically. “I am Kendal. Haha, obviously but I am 27 years old and I currently live in South Korea. I work as a foreign diplomat. I have a husband and two kids. Romeo and Ruby. They’re twins and they’re 3 years old. I am also the first of you all.” Kendal was surprised that mysterious Kendal was living her dream life. She envied mysterious Kendal for living her dream life. “What do you mean by ‘The first of us’?” Kendal asked.  “Well, I was the first to be summoned to Aespa. Then I met the others later. But let's not get into that yet we still have introductions to do.” 

 Then The  tall kendal began talking. ‘I am Kendal. I’m also 27 years old. I live in Arizona and I work at an immigration office. There's not much about me other than that.” Tall Kendal said. Kendal noticed that Tall Kendal also had a career similar to her dream career. Kendal made eye contact with shy kendal. Shy Kendal looked down and began speaking. “I’m 27 years old as well. I live in Maryland. I work as a vet.” She said with a soft-spoken voice. She looked so anxious. Shy Kendal was fiddling with her fingers. “Do you have a boyfriend or any children?'' Kendal asked. “I have a finance and a few pet dogs.” Shy Kendal spoke. All three Kendal’s shared something in common with Kendal, all their careers were what Kendal wanted to become or would have wanted to become when she got older. “You guys are what I wanna become. I envy you all so much, '' Kendal said. “I’m just a regular high school student trying to figure out my life without being so stressed.” 

“We are here to help you and guide you. Think of us as your guardian angels.” Mysterious Kendal said. “Yeah, we will always be here for you to talk. That's what your necklace is for. Summon us when you want and we will all meet up here in Aespa.” Shy Kendal says. “Our time is coming to an end, but this isn’t a goodbye, just a simple see you later.” The mirror in the living room started glowing again. Kendal had so much more she wanted to say and ask but, she’ll have to do it later. Mulan and Kendal got up from the couch and made their way to the mirror before stepping in Kendal looked back at the three and waved goodbye. The girls waved back. “Bye Kendal see you soon!” They said in unison. 

Just like that Kendal was back in her house safe and sound. She made her way upstairs with Mulan to lay in bed. “Was this all a dream?” She asked herself. Kendal felt like everything that happened a while ago felt surreal. She touched her necklace and thought of the girls and if she'll meet them again. 

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