The Alien from Outer Space | Teen Ink

The Alien from Outer Space

April 8, 2022
By Anonymous

“Oh no, I'm going to crash!” BOOM! My spaceship crashes.  I open my door, the air smells different, tastes different, everything’s so different. 

“Where am I?” 

Everything’s so unfamiliar. 

*music playing* 

“What are those sounds?”

I walk around this unfamiliar planet. Is this planet Earth? How will I get back to my home planet? My ship is broken. I’ll need to repair it. 

Who are these people? Humans? They speak so weirdly. I’m not completely sure what they’re saying. Their hands have 5 fingers, when I have only 4. And their feet  have 5 toes, when I only have 3. 

*stomach growls* 

I’m hungry. I walk into this building. I think they have food. The only familiar food I see is apples. I sure do love apples. I take some and walk out. 

“Police! Police!”

Next thing I know, I'm getting chased by some guy with a stick in his hand. I ran for a couple minutes until the guy caught out of breath. I will explore this planet a little more. I walk into this other building. There's this guy pouring some kind of liquid to this other person. I think I’ll take some of that. I sit at one of the tables. I wait. Finally the dude came up to me.

“What can I get for you?” 

I’m not sure what he’s saying so I just point to what the guy was drinking.

“Oh, you want a beer?’

“Can I get your ID?”


“Your ID?” The guy repeats himself

Eventually the guy walked away. Gosh, I’m so thirsty. I sneak behind the counter and grab the drink and I run out.


I sprint away. I think I’m far enough, I sit down on the sidewalk. I drink this mysterious liquid.



“What is this!? Humans really drink this?”

I continue to drink it. 

*Few minutes later*

I start to feel dizzy. I can't walk straight. 

“I think I’ll take a little nap right here.”


*2 hour later*


Who’s making all those noises? Next thing I know I’m getting soaked. That lady really turned on the sprinklers. 


I ran off again. The sun is setting already. And I’m soaked. It’s cold. I think I’ll go to sleep behind these trash cans.

*10 minutes later*


*there mom comes out the house*

“Oh you must be freezing, and you’re soaked, would you like to come in boy?”

I’m not completely sure what they’re saying, I just follow them. They gave me some clothes and tea. They’re asking all these questions, I don't know what they're saying. 

“Can you understand me?” 

“Where are you from?’

“How old are you?”

“What's your name?”

“Why do you have 4 fingers?”

I sit there clueless.

“Mars..Mars..Mars” I say 

“Is that where you're from?” 

I nod my head yes. They gave me some paper. I drew my spaceship, when I crashed. 

“Is that your spaceship?” The mom asked

“Mom, we need to help him.” the little kid says

“How do I know if they’re telling the truth?” The mom replies

“Come on mom, maybe they’ll show us.”

After a few minutes of trying to understand what they were saying, I finally figured out that they wanted to know where my spaceship was. I lead them to a big field. I could tell that they were shocked by the way their eyes lit up when they saw my spaceship. I point to my engine.

“Broken, Ship broken.” I say

The kid's mother almost faints. We walked back to their home. I watch television. I hear them gossiping behind me. 

“What are we going to do with him?” The mother says

“We can’t just abandon him.” The kid replies

“Okay only for a couple days until we figure out something,” the mother says

I will stay at their house for a couple days. I’ll try to find the tools to fix my ship. The kid tells me that there’s this place and the people are called mechanics, I don't know what or who that is but they sound useful. We go to the mechanic, the kid tells them that I crashed in my spaceship and I can't get back home so they need to help me fix it. They laugh in the kid's face, like if he’s joking. The kid keeps on trying to tell them but they keep brushing him off. But right before we were about to leave, a man called us over to him. And he says that he believes us and he’ll try and help me. So we took him to the ship.

“WOAH, ya’ll weren’t lying when you said you have a big ship, It’ll take about a week, but…” 

“But what?” The kid asked

“I’m going to need to get paid, this is a big job.” The man says. 

The kid thinks for a quick second. 

“Okay, but how much are we talking about?” 

He replies, “About $1000”

Holy moly, that's a lot of cash. How will we get that much in just a week!? But the kid had a plan. He told me not to worry about it. So we’re putting all our trust in this random guy. So all we can hope is that he dont scam us.

One week later. We went to the spot where the crash happened. THE SPACESHIP WAS GONE! Where Could it be? Where is the guy? I knew we couldn't trust him. What are we going to do now? The kid tells me not to worry, but no, I need to get home. We wait and wait. It's been about 5 hours. The kid tells me that he thinks it is time to go home. I don’t say a thing, I sit and wait. The kid leaves me. I sat there all night, just gazing at the sky. The kid eventually comes back. Taps me on the shoulder. 

“Come on, let's go home. My home is your home.” he says with a smile on his face.

The only thing that’ll remain a mystery is the guy who was helping us. Where did he go?  

The author's comments:

An alien that crashes on planet Earth. He needs to find a way back to his home planet. Will he make it back? Will the humans help him? Read to find out.

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