The Mystery of Max | Teen Ink

The Mystery of Max

May 9, 2022
By Anonymous

January 25th, 2028. It's a dark night as I drive my brother home. As I reach the light it turns green. Time around me began to slow as two vehicles crashed into me. I thought to myself why did I drive on the bad side of town. Then 6 years later my wife died. I ran as fast as I could. Time around me began to slow, I was trying to get there in time but I was too late. Ever since they died I haven’t been the same since, I haven’t been able to sleep.

“Tell me Max, how's it going, How is your anxiety?” He asked. He was worried about me, I could tell. “I’m doing good.” I answered. I wish I was telling the truth. Ever since that day, Jonah has been the only one I can be around without being nervous.

“So, you have been working with the police for sometime now… since 2028 right?” Jonah asked. “Yes. I like doing the right thing, it… keeps me at peace” I answered. 

“I know that the last time we were here you said you haven’t been eating and sleeping well. Is that still true?” he asked. 

I was hesitant. “Yes. I have only slept once in the last 3 weeks. I haven’t eaten much either” I answered. He looked at me. “What's going on?” He asked. “I’m fine, I just need to finish the case I’m on.” I answered. 

“Ok I think that's enough for today's session.” Jonah said. Afterward we got to talk about life back when we were in high school. “Man, you remember that moment when I thought you were dating Emma and I was so angry that you didn’t hook me up with someone.” Jonah said. 

“Yeah but we weren’t dating, I didn’t even know she liked me.”

A few minutes later

“We still need to figure out what you're capable of. Whatever you want to call it? According to your blood that I checked and all the other tests, you're technically 25 years old.” Jonah said.

“What! But I’m 39. You mean to tell me that I haven’t aged in 15 years! ” I yelled. My phone rings. It's from the hospital. 

“Max, your daughter’s been shot.” I clicked the show location on my phone. Anger started to feel in my mind.

“Question… Is it hereditary?” I asked.

“I don’t know but It is possible..” he answered

I ran out to get into my truck and drove to the hospital. Reaching the hospital I got out and ran to the entrance. 

“Where is she, where is Cara!” I yelled. 

“She's in critical condition, sir calm down.” the nurse insisted. I pushed her to the right. Something brought me toward her and I ran to her. “No, no Cara. Why?” I yelled. I touched her hand and Soon after I started to have a panic attack, something spoke to me “It’s ok Max have faith.” I think to myself no no I can’t take much more of this. 

My phone rings. “There's another body, come down to the precinct.” He told me. He hung up. I kissed Cara on her cheek and got out of my truck. My head starts hurting. Soon I got out of the trance and walked out of the hospital, reaching the precinct and walking in. 

“Where's the body John!” I yelled. “Over here, why are you yelling?” he answered. I analyze the body of marks and cuts and notice her eyes are bloodshot.

 “She was poisoned. I need a blood sample to see if that's true” I said. I use a syringe and get some blood.”

“Here. Why are you yelling” John said.

“My daughter’s been shot for chri-!” I began to get a headache. 

“Max!” John said

“I’m fine!” I yelled

I analyze the blood with a microscope and look at the cells. The blood was changed. 

“According to her file, she’s B positive. Here it’s blood type AB. “

“How do you know?” John asked.

“Don’t ask.” I answered

“Where was she killed?” I asked. “The scene is right here on the map. Slightly outside the city.” John answered. 

I said ‘ok, I’ll go check it out” 

“You're not a detective.” John said.

“I don’t care! Stop telling me that” I yelled as I walked out the door and went to my truck.

It was a dark and wet night. A man walked up behind me. “What do you want, I’m busy.” I said as I turned around. 

“You don’t know who I am, do you?” he asked. 

“No, I don’t.” I answered. 

“I’m the one who killed them both.” He answered. “Who!” I yelled. “Your brother” He said while I pushed him against a brick wall and pushed him up “what!” I yelled. 

“I killed your wife and brother!” he laughed as he answered. I punched him over and over. Eventually I finally let up.

“Are you him, are you him!” I yelled. “Who, the man you call the mystery man. No. You still don’t know the answer do you? You didn’t kill them.” He answered. “Me?” I asked Time around me slowed down but it didn’t affect him. “What H---” I said as he interrupted me. “How am I able to do this, you wonder? You don’t deserve what you have, you could have saved them” he said. He touched my chest and I froze, I couldn’t move. 

“Bye Max. I’ll see you soon.” the man said. He disappeared and I began to move. I walked to the car saying out loud “What does he mean when by me?” 

I drove to the crime scene and got out of my car. I looked at my hand and noticed blood, getting out a tube and dripping the blood in the tube. Placing the tube back in my pack. I analyze the environment, there's a note on the ground. “What can die but doesn’t stay dead? Hint, the answer is right in front of you.” I walked around thinking what the note meant then I found a body. “An adult male, about 27 year old, died from a gunshot wound. Has signs of poisoning.” I said out loud. I get out my black light and look for fingerprints. The killer left fingerprints. I scan the fingerprints “It’s him… it can’t be.  The man who walked up to me earlier. Derek Downs is his name.” I remove the fingerprint 

“I’m gonna kill the guy.” I said out loud. My phone rings 

“Max, come to my place.” Jonah says. 

“Why!” I yelled. “I have my reasons.” he answered. “I’m busy, I found the man who killed Emma and Chris!” I yelled. I hung up. Got into my truck and drove to Jonah’s place anyway. I entered the house. “Hey, Jonah, you said you need me?” I asked. A few seconds later I got stabbed with a syringe. 

“Max, you need your rest!” Jonah said.

 “No I don’t!” I yelled. 

“It doesn’t seem to affect you.” Jonah said. I passed out 

“Nevermind.” he said.  

I awake seeing a man driving. The man is me. He is in a crash. I see fire and hear gunshots. Why did I drive on the bad part of the city? I look out the truck's window. I see my brother's dead body. I look down on him. “No, no!” I yelled. A man picks him up. “What are you doing, why are you doing this!” I yelled

“The answer is right in front of you… It’s you. He answered. “What do you mean? I asked. I don’t remember it this way.” I said

“If you're wondering if this is a dream, it's not. You're different, you can see every detail, every small detail. You can slow down time just by thinking about it. Touch my hand, I’ll explain everything.” He said. 

I touch his hand and everything becomes black. Then I see a man walk out of the shadows. It's me.

” “Daddy, when are you coming back home?” she said. It's Cara. “I don’t know sweety, I love you.” 

“That was 11 years ago. Your daughter now is 13.” 

I began to be confused. Thinking I was dead.

“You weren’t strong enough to remember Max the moment after your brother was taken, only bits and pieces.” Max answered.

“I’m you, Max… You from the future” he answered. 

The author's comments:

The story has a much bigger picture. The part that I choose to submit had more answers but also more question so I went with this one. The main character is confused to why is this happening to him, hes remembering something that haunts him. 

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