News of Experimental Interest | Teen Ink

News of Experimental Interest

September 27, 2022
By Anonymous

"This is Something or Other News Channel.  My name is Bree Capriborn, and I am at the test lab of Dr. Bonksi.  Dr. Bonski would you care to share what you've been working on here?" I said a little too hopefully.

It had been 28 days since my boss had given me the ultimatum.  Either find a newsworthy story in the next 30 days or I would be fired.  That meant I had 48 hours to find a story.  I'd interviewed the restaurant owners, police officers, interior designers, doctors, you name it I'd most likely interviewed them.  But not one of those interviews had been good enough.  Sure they were interesting, but according to Sherlyn, my boss, interesting wasn't enough.  She wanted the audience to be astonished, enthralled, captivated, and even appalled.  This was my last chance, so it had better be good.

"I am currently taking voluntary human test subjects and manipulating their DNA to make them stronger, faster, taller, bigger—whatever they want!" said Dr. Bonski.  

I knew it would fail me, but I could still feel the spark of hope spark to life as my curiosity piqued, 

“And I assume these tests have gone well-” I began before being cut off.

“Oh dear no!  None of the test subjects have come out alive, but there’s always plenty more.” said the scientist.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.  You’re telling me that no one has come out alive, but people keep showing up?!” I said partially aghast and partially excited.

“Well I don’t advertise the potential death part—I would have no business!” exclaimed Dr. Bonski.

“And you won’t!” I said excitedly thinking of the look that would be on Sherlyn’s face when she saw what a great story I had, “This footage is going to go on live television and everyone will know your secret!”  

The secret that I’ve based all my research off of mustardseed cross breeding?”

“You what?!  You know what I’m leaving.  I will not stand by this.  I am Bree Capriborn telling you to never come to Dr. Bonski’s lab-” but then I was cut off by a dark laugh.

“Oh, but Ms. Bree, haven’t you already made that mistake?” said the doctor looking awfully smug for someone who was about to lose everything, “You didn’t think I’d just let you leave after spilling all of my secrets, did you?”  

“I, uh, sorta?” I stammered, glancing around frantically for something to defend my self with or a way out.   

The doctor lunged at me with a needle in his hand, and I hurriedly moved out of the way.  

“Now come on Bree, don’t you want to help with my research?”

“As much as it might be surprising, no.” I said between dodges.  

The doctor laughed and swung his arm landing a solid punch to my gut.  I curled over and he moved to plunge the needle into my arm, but at the last second, I grabbed the needle and injected it’s contents into Dr. Bonski.  The doctor looked down at his arm in surprise barely starting to form a word when the injection set in and he fell to the ground asleep.

Though I was out of breath I had no interest in being in this lab any longer than I had to, so I grabbed my camera, which had been recording the whole time, and exited the building.  Though it had almost cost me my life, boy was Sherlyn and the rest of the world in for a surprise!

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