Dystopia | Teen Ink


November 3, 2022
By Anonymous

He walks around in the abandoned house, now filled with cobwebs, home to a family of rats and countless insects and arachnids, a feeling of nostalgia running over him as he remembers, late night parties thrown, heated discussions leading towards blows exchanged, arguments ending in crying and hugging. All this was before the Enforcers, a group similar to the Nazis and the Taliban, were created, but even less humane, and much more powerful. He came here to seek shelter, they had been chasing him since his escape from their torture. He remembers, as he walks around on the creaking floorboards.

He remembers the day the newspaper reported the uprisings and riots happening across the globe, with the government announcing that they were created to “enforce” the rules. He remembers when they wiped out an entire city, their justification being that the city was corrupt. He remembers the onslaught of news stories afterwards, about similar incidents all across the country. He remembers his reaction, shocked that there were people who felt it was okay to do this. In the back of his mind, he remembers when they came through his city, taking it all with ease.

He goes out onto the street, and he gets hit with another flashback:

Their numbers were not high, but they had weapons of mass destruction, capable of wiping out humanity in just a few days. They laid siege to the city for a month, before entering with guns blazing and grenades exploding everywhere. They had captured him and his family, civilians living just outside the city. He had tried to protect them, fighting back with everything he could. It was because of this that when they brought them to their headquarters, they had put him in a top security cell, and tortured him with shocks of electricity and beatings.

During his time as a captive, he had almost completely forgotten what had happened, unable to keep his mind on anything except the torture being ensued on him. But now, with his memory restored, he vows to continue attacking, stopping at nothing to reach his final goal, to stop the Enforcers.

… I will not be silent any longer.

-John Yarmuth

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