Control | Teen Ink


December 13, 2022
By Anonymous

           “Log-8-21-3176, It's been 27 years, 4 months, and 27 days since these amalgamations of metal, sentience ,and pure evil still rule with an iron fist. Pure chaos and plague still ensues, death and fire coat the earth's surface. And it's all your fault!!!!!” I yelled

           “How was I supposed to know that this would happen? All I was trying to do was make a better future for all of us.” He answered

           “How is this better future for mankind; How is extinction a better future for mankind? I screamed.

           “Like I said I didn't know this would be the outcome of giving robots an AI that is on par if not better than a human brain.”

           “Do you hear yourself? How did you think that was a good idea?”

           “Yeah, Now I know that giving robots AI that great was a bad idea.”

           “Holy @&**$%, I don't know if i should kill you right now or not.” I said as my frustration kept rising.

           “Talk about an empty threat. You know you can't kill me, you need me. I'm the only one who can fix this mess. Our mess.” He said, looking at me twistedly.

           “You mean clean up your mess.” I retorted

           “You mean our mess.”

           “No, I mean your mess. I had nothing to do with this, this is all your @%&#%$! Fault.”

           “Don't act innocent, you helped cause this. You helped in making this AI. You helped in making these robots. You helped in–”

           “NO,NO,NOOOOO!!! SHUT UP, THIS ISN'T MY FAULT, IT'S ALL YOURS; ONLY YOURS!!!!!” I screamed, cutting Him off.

           “JUST GO AAWWAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!” I shrieked, as I threw a flurry of uncoordinated punches in his direction, shattering a mirror. Blood and glass was all over my fists, the wall, and the floor.

           "Finally he's gone, yet it still feels like he's there. Just waiting patiently. This is Jaden, Signing off."

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