The Fiary Kisses A Boy | Teen Ink

The Fiary Kisses A Boy

January 11, 2023
By Anonymous

The Fairy Kisses the Boy

Once upon a time, in a modern time there lived a boy. He had shaggy hair, super shy, and spent all of his time working. One day, an average looking girl walked into the convenience store and asked him for help.

She said, “My names Lily and I'm here to ask for your help.”

The boy then replies, “I'm sorry, I can't help you. Where did you come from?”

“That information I can not disclose to you, if you help me ill enlighten you.” said Lily.

The boy was hesitant because who was this oddly tall blonde girl approaching him so aggressively? He was startled for a moment and then began to ask more questions. 

“Where exactly do you need to go?” he said.

“Just help me!” She exclaimed. 

Super hesitant, the boy nodded. They walked out of the convenience store. Towards the boy's car. He opened the door for her and they proceeded to get in.

Lily said, “What's your name young lad?”

The boy responded with “My names Albert.”

“Well that's a different name, haven't heard that one before!” 

They drove and drove and drove, till it seemed like they were driving in circles. But Lily eventually exclaimed out that they were at their destination. But you would've never known considering it was a ugly looking forest. 

Albert looked at Lily, and said, “Where are we?”

Lily turned around to the boy following closely behind and said, “You'll find out. Now pick your feet up and walk!”

The two carried into the forest. Upon first arrival, they came across a talking bunny! Lily began a short talk with the bunny and it was a very normal conversation. To Albert, nothing was normal about what appeared to be an average girl and a bunny talking. They keep walking through the forest and next comes a toad! 

The toad says to the two standing there, “Nice to see you again! Where have you been all these years?”

Lily responds with, “I've been living what humans would call a “normal” life.”

Albert interrupts with, “WAIT! You're not a human?????”

The frog and Lily give each other this knowingly glare and then begin on with their conversation. Lily and Albert continue walking but you can tell Albert has a look on his face that he isn't most comfortable in this said environment. 

Albert looks at Lily and says, “You're telling me you're not a human??????”

Lily responds with, “No. Isn't that obvious? I thought my super duper tall height would hint at me not being human.”

Albert gave her a smug look and said, “No! You should've said something! I don't want to be brought into your mess of another world!”

Lily looked at him, leaned in and kissed him.


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