The Girl With the Journal | Teen Ink

The Girl With the Journal

January 26, 2023
By Anonymous

The Girl With the Journal

One night this young girl was laying down on her bed with her cat beside her. She was holding her journal on her left hand, writing a bunch of sentences. Who knows what she is writing? The only person that knows is herself. Her cat was purring and rolling around while she wrote. The day was Wednesday, her favorite day of the week for some reason. Every Wednesday she stayed up till 11pm writing in her journal for at least three hours. Could she be writing something important for three hours? She started getting tired and then she yawned. “I’m getting kinda tired. I don't know if I should keep writing or not. What time is it?” she said. “10:30. Hm.” She thought. “Okay, I’ll write one more page. I also have to work on my Math homework.” Thirty minutes later she wrote her last sentence by ending it with her name Isa. She closed her journal and packed away all of her math homework to her backpack. She then hid her journal inside her nightstand drawer. “Goodnight, Fluff,” she told her cat.

“Meow.” Fluff started to purr. As they were going to sleep, Isa looked up at the sky at  the window beside her. She looked up for about a minute and a half. She sighed. “I hope one day I can experience something no one has ever been to.” She then tucked herself in and fell asleep as she fell asleep she had a dream about something strange. It almost felt like a lucid dream where she's trapped inside her journal. Exactly at 3am a sudden green sparkly glow was coming from her nightstand. She woke up and yawned. “What's all that light?” she said as she was rubbing her eyes. “Huh? Why is there sparkly stuff everywhere? And why is it coming from the drawer where I place my journal?” she said as she got up she slowly opened her nightstands drawer. Her pupils dilated as she saw that her journal was glowing and vibrating. She was speechless and confused as she opened the book. “Woah is this my journal?” She flipped through the pages and found one with the page all in gold that told her to sign her name on the last line, she grabbed a pen and signed it. “Uh oh what's happening!” She screamed as the force of the wind was sucking her inside her journal. She fell on the ground with lined paper detail on it. She shook her head and got up.

“Where am I?” she said as she looked around. “Am I in my journal?” She gasped and quickly became scared. “Fluff!” she shouted. “Help me get out of here please! Fluff, can you hear me?” She looked around until she found a key on the ground. She picked it up and it was a blue key. “Hm, I’ll figure something out.” She shoved the key into her pocket and started to run. She ran through a chapter called Number Two and it was a short chapter with two pages. It was her favorite chapter because it was so short. “Haha Chapter Two. This one makes me laugh.” She laughed. In chapter two she wrote funny phrases and funny things her friends said so she keeps it in chapter two. While she was looking around reading some of the sentences she wrote from Chapter Two that made her laugh until she found something on the ground. “Is this a dog treat?” she said. She then heard sudden barks. “Huh a dog?” she said while she looked around the chapter. A small dog approached her and started to tackle her because of the treat she was holding. “Hey get off me!” she yelled at the dog. The dog licked her hand where she was holding the treat. “Oh do you want the treat? If you wanted it you could've just-” 

The dog snatched the treat out of her hand and started to eat it. “Nevermind.” She giggled. “Where did you come from? Do you know where the way is? I need to get out of here before morning,” she said. The dog barked and walked to the left side of the chapter where he thought the end of the chapter was at. “Okay, let's go!” she said as she ran with the dog. They ran towards Chapters Three and Four trying to find clues or hints. Isa noticed something. It seemed to appear an object glowing so she stopped. “Lucky, stop,” she yelled. The dog stopped and turned back, his head tilted to the right as he looked confused. “Yeah, Lucky. I’m going to call you Lucky. But I’m trying to figure out what this thing is on the ground,” she said as she crouched down. She picked up the glowing thing on the ground and observed it. “It looks like a pen. Maybe it wants me to write something down.” Lucky sat on the ground wagging his tail, until he smelt something. He got up and followed the scent that was stuck inside his nose. He started to bark and tried to signal Isa. “Lucky!” she gasped. “Lucky, what did you find?” A little girl walked towards Lucky and Isa and stood there.

“Hello, you must be Isa!” the little girl said.

“Um, yes I am, but how do you know my name?” Isa said.

“I’m Lia. Don't you remember me? I'm you but when you were little,” Lia said

“Lia, Lia,” Isa said twice. “Yeah I do remember you.”

“You used to call yourself Lia for some reason.”

“I liked the name because it was from my favorite book.” Isa laughed. “I’m trying to figure out how I can get out of here.”

“Follow me, I know the way!” Lia shouted as Lucky and Isa ran towards Chapter Eight.

As they were running towards chapter eight Isa noticed a piece of paper on the ground that was glowing gold. “Hey guys wait!” Isa yelled. Lia and Lucky both stopped and they looked behind and saw Isa with a glowing gold paper.

“What is that?” Lia asked.

“I believe it is a piece of paper, but why is it glowing?” Isa asked.

“Did you find anything else that glowed?” Lia asked.

“Yes I did, I found a glowing pen near Chapter Three and Four.” 

“Do you have it with you?”

“Yes I do,” Isa said as she grabbed the pen from her pocket.

“Wait, I think it is for me to sign!” Isa said excitedly. Isa signed her name on the paper but nothing happened. “Are you kidding me?” Isa said disappointedly.

  “Well, I think you're going to find another way, Isa,” said Lia

Isa started to tear up and cry.

“I just want to go home. Why is this happening?” she shouted as she decided to sit down on the floor.

“Isa, it's going to be okay. We will help you find your way out. Now get up, there's no time for crying,” Lia said as she helped Isa up.

Isa wiped her tears from her face and sniffled and took a few deep breaths as she finally calmed down.

“Okay, I’m ready, let's go,” Isa said as she grabbed her bag tightly and walked with Lia and Lucky.

They walked towards the last few recent chapters of Isa’s journal. Chapter 17 which Isa was still writing on currently and hadn’t finished the chapter. It had some hearts and smiley faces as Isa decided to draw some detail so her journal wouldn't look so bland.

“Hey, Isa, I have a question. It's kinda silly but I'm curious to ask," said Lia scratching the back of her head with her face getting a little red.

“Uh, yeah what is it?” said Isa.

“Am I able to go with you back home?” Lia asked.

“Lia, you're my younger self, of course you can’t,” Isa said, shaking her head from left to right.

“I know but I-” Lia stopped speaking and Isa interrupted.

“Lia enough. We are trying to find something so I can go home so move on,” Isa said.

Lia rolled her eyes and kept quiet for a while. She was a little mad because of what Isa said but it was the truth but she decided to forget about it.

“Look what that is!” said Isa

“What is it?” Lia said as she walked next to Isa.

“It looks to me like that's a door right there,” said Isa.

Isa was examining the door and touching it. It was a big door that was glowing purple with little swirls on the front with a blue knob. Isa thinks for a second and she remembers that she has a blue key with her so she grabs it from her pocket.

“Could it be?” said Lia.

“I hope so,” said Isa

“Wait before you do Isa, I want to tell you something.” Lia held her hands together.

“Yeah of course and I’m sorry for what I said earlier. I didn't mean to say it rudely or anything but I was frustrated and I want to go home,” said Isa as she grabbed Lia’s shoulders.

“It's okay I understand but I’m going to tell you that please make the right decisions like how you promised me.” Lia smiled at Isa. “Don’t let me down.”

“I won't, I promise.” Isa said smiling to Lia as she slowly disappeared waving bye.

Isa looked down at Lucky. “Lucky, it was nice to meet you. I hope to see you again.” Isa got down and petted Lucky for one last time. “I will miss you but I will keep you in my journal.” Isa said as she turned around and grabbed the blue key from her pocket. Isa took a deep breath. “Okay, here I go.” Isa opened the door and walks into the glowing purple door teleporting her back into her room. Isa was laying down and slowly opening her eyes. “Huh.” She looked around the room and turned her lights on to make sure she was in her room. “Fluff! Oh I missed you!” Isa gave fluff a big hug. “You wanna know something, Fluff? I was trapped inside my own journal. I met my younger self called Lia and a cute little small dog named Lucky.” 

 Isa told Fluff as she was petting him. Isa sighed and looked up at the sky. “Lia I promise,” Isa said, “I won't let you down.” 

Isa opened her journal and wrote: “To Lia and Lucky from Isa, I miss you guys already. It's very hard to not think about it but thank you for everything from meeting Lucky to meeting Lia and ending it with a goodbye. Thank you and I hope we will meet again soon from my journal and back. Isa.” Isa closed her journal and laid it on her desk. She turned off her lights and looked at the time. It was 3:48 am.

 Isa laid back in bed. “Goodnight Fluff, and goodnight Lucky and Isa,” Isa said as she closed her eyes and heard a goodnight from Lia. Isa woke up and looked out the window and saw a star with Lia and Lucky on it. Isa smiled and said “Lia, Lucky, Goodnight I love you two.” Isa waved at them and went back to sleep and dreamed about Lucky and Lia. In Isa’s dream she said, “Will I ever do something like that again? Yes, yes I would.”

The author's comments:

It took me almost 3 days to complete this story. I got inspiration from the famous book and movie Coraline. I love this story so much and I hope you guys will too!

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