Writing project | Teen Ink

Writing project

March 1, 2023
By Anonymous

I don’t know why I chose now to start writing a book. I just had to choose it after I angered the government of 9275-f. I managed to escape them for now but I’m not in the best of spots. My getaway spot was closer than I had expected, only being two planets away but I guess I just wanted to write something in case I get caught.

The reason they’re searching for me is because I stole a classified document because for some reason that had to be the only well paying job I could find. At the moment I’ll just say I'm “looking for a new job” because being unemployed sounds bad, I’ve been having to do random jobs and stealing a classified document was the only one that would give me enough for rent.

Right now the galaxy is in turmoil anyways. A new religion is taking over many planets, the reason why so many people believe it is because they have someone that claims to be ‘god’. Not everyone believes in it so there have been wars breaking out on almost every planet and the ones where there haven’t been have also been refusing to put out any new news. 

Throughout all of this there have been a few, like me, that have just been trying to get by without getting involved in any war or conflicts. Most of my jobs up to this point have been more chores than an actual job, such as mowing the grass, fixing a pipe, etc.The reason this job caught my eye is because it was the highest paying one by far. The person who asked me to get this decided to be anonymous which is probably a good thing but it makes me curious who could be asking for a classified document, and also what the document contains. Part of the description for this job was to not look at the document but the more I think about it the harder that gets.

Could it be something terrible that happened? Or maybe something that they’re trying to cover up? Whatever it is, they really don’t want to get out. I had to get past about 70 guards as well as four locked doors. I have absolutely no idea how I managed to get this, I think it was a fluke that I even made it in the building. After getting it might have been even worse because as soon as i grabbed it a guard saw me, I had to try and retrace my steps but this time with more than fifty guards trying to shoot me in the back and when i did get outside i had to find my car so i could then get and onto my ship, I was very lucky to even get into the building but was even luckier getting out.

Now that I got away I just have to lay low for a little while and try to find the buyer.


                               1 week later

I have been looking absolutely everywhere for the buyer but can not find him anywhere. He never said a name or anything but told me he’d meet me at the market on 9275-E but I don't think he ever actually showed. The market has a lot of twists and turns and has a kind of “primitive” look to it. It has bones, ripped cloth, and stone. It looks like it was taken out of a T.V show or something. Really the entire planet is primitive in nature, there’s some species alive here that went extinct on other planets millions of years ago. Even though it’s difficult to navigate it shouldn’t be that difficult to find someone here especially since so many buildings stand out so much. 

I’ve been looking around now for literally hours and can’t find the buyer, they said they would be wearing just a normal green shirt and black pants but they don’t seem to be anywhere nearby. At this point I think I’m just going to go home and see what this document is myself. 

On the way back to my ship I should probably go get some more fuel because my “old reliable” burns through fuel faster than most ships even run out of a fourth of their fuel. Luckily I know someone on this planet with the only decent technology for the next few hundred miles.

When I finally got to his old clunky shop I called in “ Hey Ziggy! Can I come in?” He replied by grunting loud enough to assume it meant yes. It took a bit to find him but eventually I found him under a large machine trying to fix something. He rolled out and excitedly greeted me since it’s been about 5 years since we’ve seen each other. After talking for a bit I told him I needed some fuel and that I didn't have the money for it since I got scammed after a job I did. He told me he understood but to pay him back sometime in the future.

After I got the fuel I went back to my ship. I got it refueled and went back to Earth. By now it’s more of a wasteland because of the warming and pollution. There’s only the big cities left like New York, Tokyo, and London. It's mostly just the capitals and most populated ones left because people were willing to pay the money to keep those areas protected. 

Most farms and such have been reduced to nothing but the biggest ones were protected so people could still grow food. Most transportation is underground except for in the biggest cities but anything between needs to be underground due to the heat and lack of oxygen. 

I was born in New York, since there wasn’t enough room to spread out to the sides they started expanding vertically more than they ever had before. My parents lived in one of the bottom levels of the skyscrapers since they cost less because you’re closer to the filth and stench of the streets below. Most people don’t own cars because in a city as packed as New York they’re pretty much useless, they also cost more than most people can make in 10 years because inflation passed the minimum wage centuries ago. I live higher than what they did but not by much unfortunately, I live on only the 5th floor which is just enough for the smell of the streets below to be somewhat gone but I can still hear the people groaning and the few cars driving past. 

Coming back here sucks every time, having to walk through the trash and stench of the streets below and then come back to the old dusty apartment I unfortunately have to call “home”. The reason I spend so much time away from home is to get away from all this. The “higher ups” are mostly the religious figures as well as business men and they get to have the very top apartments where the entire floor is their house and they also get access to the roof where they keep gardens and stuff whereas we have to spend our time down here where the best greenery we have is a weed sticking out of the sidewalk. 

When I got home I had to try and find something to eat since I apparently left the house empty when I left. The only thing I could find was a “sustenance package” which was the most off brand and cheap food money could buy, at least it was filling though. When I turned on the tv the first thing that came on was “SECRET DOCUMENT STOLEN FROM THE GOVERNMENT OF 9275-f.” Hopefully this whole thing will blow over quickly because if it doesn’t I have no clue what I’ll do if they catch me. 

After sitting in my apartment for a while trying to forget how many crimes I committed in one day (it was more than 10). After that was unsuccessful I decided to open the document. It said “This document is for data conservation, the following people were the ones depicted as god within the past century” and then a list of names. It also said how much money they had made within that time period which was a few trillion dollars. This document can prove an entire religion is fake and for some reason they didn’t just burn it. 

After finding that out I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget the amount of crimes I committed to get it. I don’t even know how to react to something that big, it shows that most peoples god is just a fake made for economic gain. Showing this to the public would tear it in half. 

Just reading this makes me almost have a panic attack thinking about what could happen if people found out. Would everyone rebel against them? Would there be some people that think the document was forged and still try to protect them? This raises so many questions and I’m not able to answer a single one of them right now. I don’t even know if I should tell people about it. It also shows that people have been wasting all their money on a huge scam.

For now I just want to lay low and try and think about what to do. I could ask some people but I’m not sure who would be able to answer something like this. I don’t know if asking for advice is even the best way to go because it’s not like anyone has had this happen to them before. 

I could try and post it online but it might not even reach everyone or get popular, I could also try and show everyone but I would have a chance of being caught or not being able to make it in the first place, or I could try and take over the screens during their next mass preaching and show everyone. There’s so many options and yet none of them seem good. 

I think the best choice is to try and show them through the screens in all of the churches they have. In all the churches they have screens set up for people to look at and their “god” preaches through them. I could try to instead broadcast the document and show everyone but to do that I’d have to go back and find their broadcasting room which is guarded very heavily so no one does what I want to do.

After some time I put a “plan” together. It’s not very thought out but I need to break in, broadcast it, and get out. It’s not much of a plan but it has the basics at least. The easiest way to get in is probably either impersonating a guard or knocking everyone out on the way. None of them are trained because they don’t think people should be trained in violence, I would normally agree with that if not for the entire position being centered around that and also that the religion is fake. 

I’m going to feel bad for knocking out all the guards but at least I'm not killing them I guess. On my way to the planet I ran into some trouble though. They had some blockades set up because of my recent break in but somehow they didn’t catch me on camera. I made it through by trying to act casual and I also tried to dress the part by looking like a 40 year old office worker. 

After making it through their blockade I just had to act like I was visiting for a religious get away or something. I just went slowly down to the planet next to a family just trying to fit in because most of the “ships” were for short distances and looked more like cars than a spaceship. 

The planet is huge, even bigger than most planets out there today and yet is still completely owned and controlled by Cross. They completely covered the entire planet with buildings, churches, and businesses. I’m assuming that they were able to afford all of it from scamming the millions of innocent people coming here right now. I don’t understand why people are so willing to give money to a massive church but turn their heads at homeless people and refuse to help them in the slightest. 

This place is the ultimate wasteland for conservationists, the only greenery on this planet is held in pots in huge corporate offices dozens of stories above the ground. Most of the buildings are made of pure steel made on a planet so polluted it’s cleaner in the steel mills than it is outside, to stop the pollution on this planet they try and pump it into space which has just made it difficult to get to the planet because off the debris blocks vision and might hit your ship. They tried to make a sort of tunnel to make it through easily but it ended up costing too much and was getting destroyed by debris flying at upwards of 600 mph. 

Getting on the planet and to the building I needed to get to was a blur. I had so much anxiety I could have been shot and not even remember that

The author's comments:

I wrote the story.

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