fantasy writing | Teen Ink

fantasy writing

March 7, 2023
By Anonymous

Looking around I see that the only thing that is big is the tree right in front of me. I peek inside and see a whole new world within the tree. I tried to turn back and go home…but the door disappeared. I turn around not knowing what I am about to see. The tree's tops are purple and its trunk is pink. Some of the trees are different colors. Some blue, pink, yellow, or green. I step to go explore and find a way out. I felt something so soft I thought I was dreaming. The grass was a bright orange feeling like the fluffies blanket I have ever felt in my life. Looking around I see that I’m on some kind of island. Islands are supposed to be small right? Well, not this one. There are lakes the size of a whole town. The rainbow fish is flopping in and out of the water. They can sing too. I thought for a second about how I am going to get back. But before I could try to come up with a way I can get back home the ground starts shaking. Suddenly I’m lifted up into the air by what looks like a pink giraffe. We started going higher and higher. I could see the whole island from up there. It was so beautiful. Looking around I spot what looks like a camper in the far distance. I quickly hop off of the giraffe and land on a tree. The leaves were so soft you could take a nap on one. Once I got off the tree I started running to where I saw the camper. I was so shocked when I found it. It was actually a camper, and It looked like someone lived in it too. I was curious so I went to grab the door knob so I could go inside but it was locked. I looked around for something that I could use to bust open the door. I see a whole bunch of rocks in a pile a few feet away from the camper. I start walking toward the pile of rocks. I grab a few in case I need more than one. I start throwing rocks at the front window of the door.*smash* *glass cracking*. I carefully moved my arm to the lock of the door while trying to not get cut and I turned the lock that unlocked the door. The first thing I saw when I stepped into the camper was a turkey in the oven. I didn’t even know there were turkeys on this island.

The author's comments:

I worked hard on it 

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