The Tree | Teen Ink

The Tree

March 7, 2023
By Anonymous

I walked through the door in the tree and I see a bunch of tree and animal people walking around and I ask them where this is ‘cause the door disappeared and they said that it was a magical place and the only way to get home was to travel through the dead realm where dead and bad people lived trying to make you one of them when you travel and most people don’t make it out because of the dead and bad people but a couple of them have and when that happens they got awesome powers. Along with the awesome powers they were able to go in and out of the realm as they pleased. They also would protect the forest along with the tree. The forest tree was a sacred place that kept everything alive if it was destroyed it would kill all the life in the world along with all of the creatures. If it was destroyed all of creation would be destroyed life would have to restart and nothing would ever be the same without the tree of creation and life. But thanks to its power for people that survive going through the tree would help the tree keep everything alive and the more people it got the more people it helped and helped itself stay alive throughout life. Once everyone had its power it could be unstoppable unless people decided to destroy it instead of help it, it could be in grave danger. Anyone could change the world once they make it through by being good or by being evil/helping or not helping the tree. Life would change if people would help the tree instead of hurting it. 

The author's comments:

This is made up

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