How to Time Travel | Teen Ink

How to Time Travel

March 8, 2023
By genex BRONZE, Chilaw, Other
genex BRONZE, Chilaw, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Well, there may be a way to time travel. In simple words, all we need is a formula and a time machine to calculate the exact time and place. In my opinion, time travel is related to teleportation. Because time travel means separating your body particles across the time dimension (theoretical) and sending your body atoms apart to the time and place you want. If we were to build a time machine, it would have to be portable, because there was no time machine in the past, so if we went back in time, there would be no way to go back. Scientists say that a quantum processor is needed for time travel because it has the ability to perform complex quantum calculations beyond the computing power of any classical computer. Scientists say that by using quantum computing, we can go back in time in a fraction of a second. As you travel through time you will enter the time dimension that separates you from every second of your life, imagine you have a photo of you in your 20s taken 4 years ago. You built a successful time machine on your 20th birthday, you went to your 16th birthday, took a photo with your 16th self, and that's why you have a photo of your 20-year-old self recorded 4 years ago. A 16-year-old builds a time machine on your 20th birthday, which means it loops endlessly, and what happens if you die in the past? There's no need to talk about it, because if you die in the past after time travel, if you die at the age you traveled to, you don't have a future when you die in the past. Ultimately even if you build a time machine there is no 2nd chance for what you did because energy only flows in one direction. Note: All these are my opinion and not the theories of scientists

The author's comments:

Note: All these are my opinion and not the theories of scientists

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