The Tree | Teen Ink

The Tree

March 8, 2023
By Anonymous

Deep in an ancient forest, a huge tree stands at the centre. Some say it protects the forest from evil. Walking through the forest, you see a large opening in this tree. You decide to see what’s inside. Walking in there, everything goes black, not even the beam of light behind you from the opening is coming in. You decide to walk further in, and the deeper you walk in, the more your body starts to tremble as a result of fear. You see a small beam of light at the end of the rigid tunnel, it was blue, but no matter how far you walked, the light stayed the same. It would not go further. It would not come closer. It would stay the same. You look behind and all you see is darkness except the light at the back. Both sides were the same, almost as if they were parallel. Nothing would change until you thought ‘Why is this happening?’ Once you thought it, something changed, it was subtle but you were still able to notice the change. The lights had shifted. They didn't move up or down but they had moved further. 

“Why is this happening?” you said out loud, waiting for a response. You hear a sudden noise, almost like a pebble moving or being kicked. You start to hear more and more, the noise getting louder and louder, but all of a sudden, the noise stops. 

“Why is this happening?” you say with your voice shaking “What’s the reason for this happening to me?” You, again, hear a noise but this time, it’s different, you hear dogs barking, only this time, if you look around, you see shadow people crawling on all fours, surrounding you, barking, but not sounding like a person barking, but rather like an actual dog barking. 

The author's comments:

You wander in the forest when all of a sudden, you find a tree with an opening. You decide to go in

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