Dreamlike Moon | Teen Ink

Dreamlike Moon

June 2, 2023
By 3hansen BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3hansen BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Looking around I see giant mountains as I feel the white powder compress beneath me, except these aren't mountains, these are the wall of craters formed over millions of years. Looking around it is mostly gray and it looks like I am in the middle of a crater the size of my hometown. Then I look up to see billions of stars above me dotting the sky, like sprinkles on a cake. To my right rising over the horizon is Earth bigger than the sun, and I can almost make out the lights of a city in the middle of the night as I try to figure out what continent I am looking at, but without the sun's light, it is impossible to tell.

 I try to figure out how I ended up on the moon, but before I get anywhere I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see a middle-aged man and what looks like a city of bubbles lit up all different colors, he says “Welcome to the moon colony” and drags me inside before I have time to ask any questions. When we are inside it looks like a normal hotel building inside a dome with the moonscape all around us.

 As he takes me to my room we walk past people playing games in the grass, children running around and, people walking their dogs. Just then it hits me that when I was outside I didn't have a space suit on. We arrive at my room and it looks like a normal hotel room but it has a huge window of the moonscape. My host says “Get comfortable, you will start building another dome in the morning.” and again before I ask questions he leaves the room. I try the door but it is locked so I settle down and watch Family Guy on the tv before I go to bed.

 I wake up in the morning and go about my day as I normally would and forget that I am on the moon. Until I open the curtains, just then I hear a knock on my door and hear the man say “Let’s go it is time to get to work.” 

We walk outside and again leave the dome without space suits, I open my mouth to say something but again he interrupts me and hands me a drill, and points to a bunch of bolts that are loose. 

I walk over there to start and I tighten 2 with no problem, but when I get to the third I feel a sneeze coming on, and my arm comes to my nose as a reaction, which ends up throwing the drill right to the dome. I watch in slow motion as it floats to the dome still turned on, I try to run and stop it but my muscles feel frozen in place, just then I hear a loud pop as the dome starts deflating and alarms start blaring. Brrrt, Brrrt, Brrrt, Brrrt, Brrrt. 

Then I move my hand over the alarm clock to turn it off and get out of my bed to prepare for the last day of school.

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