The Rosenberg's Truth | Teen Ink

The Rosenberg's Truth

September 7, 2023
By King-Ivory BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
King-Ivory BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once every year, in the humongous city of Canterlot, a phenomenon happens to a random family. This event is known as the 'Life or death baby’, in Canterlot’s power hospital where babies here are only born abnormally. ‘Life or death baby’ can only affect mythical and unpowered babies, usually meaning a half reincarnation of a random god. When the god stays in the baby’s body it either takes its power or gives it the god’s power. On this day the phenomenon happened for Aurther Rosenberg where he was given the power of nothing.

Aurther never wanted powers, he always wanted to go live a normal high school life with his normal middle school friends. But his parents wanted their family to become the most powerful and talked about family in the school district. One day, after Aurther’s summer sword assessment without notifying Aurther, his father sent a letter for Aurther to get enrolled into Ivory Pendragon’s mythical school. Aurther’s sword play became swiffer than King Arthur which is the reason for his father wanting him to go to that school  Since 1942, the Tournament of Abilities has been about the school's most powerful, self-sustaining, and reliable students. The Rosenberg family awakened their powers in the tournament's 50th anniversary event and, because of that power they won that event for the Ivory Pendragon school. After getting back from his summer break he was forcefully put in classes with high power expectancy where Aurther he wasn’t talked about or talked to, until 7th period.

“You are the only one in this classroom with no real power even counting that sword power you apparently have.” a random boy said.

“Who are you, how do you know so much?” Aurther questions.

“I'm the one known as Sartor Linburg, the leader of the school’s high rating sword fighter.” Sartor exclaimed. 

“But if you like swords, why wouldn’t you like my power?” Aurther question.

“Always with some question, why does your family use a cheated sword?” Sartor answered.

“But your sword-” was all Aurther could have said.

Aurther was interrupted by the teacher telling the class to

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