Events In Tokyo | Teen Ink

Events In Tokyo

September 27, 2023
By Anonymous

Last night I dreamt that I traveled all the way to a gas station in Tokyo. The sky was painted a maroon-ish purple as I was drinking an Arnold Palmer. The city was covered in pictures of Abraham Lincoln walking through the Caspian Sea, as if he were Moses. But I don’t know why. As I walked towards the beautiful shore of the city I could see Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson riding a baby seahorse deep in the ocean. I scurried back to the gas station to grab a bacon egg and cheese bagel and rain started to trickle down the windows. When I got to the register the cashier said,”That will be $9,254,614, sir.” I rushed to la biblioteca leaving the sandwich in the dust. At this point the rain was coming down hard and the city was stormy like it was out of a movie. I entered the library and everyone cheered, “RAHHH!!” I froze in confusion but decided to put on my headphones and clear out the distractions as I began my homework. However, I could only focus on the lyrics from Lil Wayne. “Real G’s move in silence like lasagna.” He sounded like a poet. All of a sudden a man wearing open toed socks came up to me and asked me what I wanted to be when I’m older. “A day trader,” I responded. The old man replied,”Bet that steppa,” and walked away. All of a sudden, I woke up and Hellen Keller said,” Goodmorning hun.” I’m in another dream.

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