Blue Light's Struggle | Teen Ink

Blue Light's Struggle

September 28, 2023
By Dark_Starfire_Studios BRONZE, Kearney, Missouri
Dark_Starfire_Studios BRONZE, Kearney, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day began like any other. Weak morning sun peeked through the sheer curtains in Blue Light’s small residence, where he lived alone. He stretched, letting out a tired yawn. It was going to be a peaceful day today, he thought. 

His long claws clicked on the cobblestone streets as he patrolled, enjoying the warm ocean breeze. Tiny dragonets with silver-green scales wrestled on the path, growling with fake anger as they played. Their mother flicked her tail as she watched them from nearby, ready to jump into action if the need arose. 

Light jumped into the air, flying to his designated lookout tower to watch for danger. The streets were busy today, with many dragons outside enjoying the weather. 

His claws itched, and he glanced around nervously. He had just arrived, but he could feel something was wrong. Ominous dark clouds hovered over the ocean, a stark contrast from the small rainstorms the city usually had. A shiver rippled through him. He needed to warn the Queen. 

Light skid to a stop on the main lookout of the palace.

“Your Honor,” he said with a bow. 

“Oh please. You know that’s not necessary, friend.” The black and silver dragon bumped Light’s shoulder playfully. “What brings you here now?”

Light paced at the edge. “I can feel danger coming from the ocean. We need to warn the Queen and evacuate the city.” The guard dragon standing there, Void, was one of the few dragons he could talk to comfortably. 

Void stared at him. Light was familiar with the look of doubt from most dragons, but now it was dangerous. He shook his head in frustration. “You need to warn the Queen.”

“And what makes you say that?” Void sat, head tilted slightly.

Light hesitated for a moment, contemplating. It would be best for Void to see for himself.

“Look over the ocean. Have you ever seen clouds so angry?”

Void flew to a perch to get a better view of the water. The clouds were closer now, and the wind had picked up. Birds that spend most of their lives at sea were flying inland in groups, taking cover in houses and trees. Void sighed. 

“I will notify the others. Our seawall should protect us, though. There’s no reason to panic yet.” With a nod, he turned away and disappeared into the palace halls.

Light was concerned at the lack of urgency in his friend's voice. The lives of the city are in their hands, and even a minor mistake could be deadly. He took off into the sky, heading to the busiest part of town. He would have to warn them himself, he thought. 

Light landed in the square, and his senses were immediately bombarded. A group of dragons pushed past him, laughing loudly. Others shouted to gain attention to their wares. Dragonets ran about, weaving through his legs and squawking at one another. He took a step back. He could smell chicken cooking and fruit rotting, pungent spices and bitter root soup. He shook his wings. The sun flashed in different colors as it reflected off swords and jewelry and colorful windchimes that tinkled and twinkled in the wind. Mind overloaded and body paralyzed with stress, his purpose of coming was lost with the growing gusts. He couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. He closed his eyes, drawing in a shuddering breath as thunder rumbled faintly in the distance.

He jolted as a drop of water hit his body, then another, and another. Dragons flew for cover, some closing shop and others looking worriedly at the sky. The tingling in his claws grew stronger. Light shook himself, focus sharpened. A wave of calm came over him. He leaped into action, directing dragons to get themselves and their families further inland, on higher ground. Food and water should be getting set up at a safe point. In the meantime, he would stay near the seawall to help dragons evacuate and to monitor the condition of the storm. 

Rain was falling in torrents now. Fish flopped on the beach beyond the wall, the water suspiciously low. He flew up to one of the guard towers, where a dragon sat with a bored look on her face. 

The ocean surged forward, crashing against the wall. It creaked under the stress, and small cracks started to form.

Light shouted to the guard in warning, but before the guard could react, the wall burst. Light cursed under his breath, the familiar feeling of uncertainty rising in his chest. 

The storm wasn’t supposed to be this bad. The city, with its advanced technology and defense system, was supposed to protect them. But the wall that was built to hold back the wrath of the ocean had failed, and his city was starting to crumble. He had to push past this barrier in his mind, he had to do something. 

Below him, a pink and gold dragon stood frozen in terror, the water crashing towards her. He tried to move, but he couldn’t. The strange tingling feeling rose from Light’s claws, collecting in his chest. Electricity sparked and danced around his body. It grew stronger, overwhelming his senses, then exploded out of him in a flash of blue and white. He stumbled, holding back a shriek. Time moved in flashes, his head throbbed. Wind. Weightless. Tumbling. Thud. Darkness. 

Light awoke in the infirmary. A purple dragon hovered over him, adjusting his bandages. “I’m Storm, your nurse. You saved a lot of lives today.” Bewildered, he looked around. Surely she was talking to someone else. She smiled at him. “You did good.”

Storm sat, recounting the story. Light’s burst of energy had been a forcefield that held the water just long enough to let many dragons escape to safety. He had been shoved over the edge of the tower by the blast, then left unconscious from the fall. Despite the pain radiating through him, he was happy.

The author's comments:

Flash Fiction, 1000 words

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