Wish of 100 Years | Teen Ink

Wish of 100 Years

November 2, 2023
By RiuYamada BRONZE, Cupertino, California
RiuYamada BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once every century, the universe grants a single heartfelt wish for a single person.

I found myself lying on my deathbed in a hospital room, the clock inching toward midnight. It was the eve of my birthday. The nurse by my side kindly sang me Happy Birthday as she gave me a muffin with a single candle. Struggling, I closed my eyes, blew out the candle, and made a wish. 

I wished to pass away surrounded by my loved ones. My wish wasn't for extended life or boundless wealth; I had lived for a long time.  Throughout my life I have traveled all across the world, visiting all 195 countries.  Witnessing all the beauty and sorrow of life, feeling the warmth of a cute little baby, the death of my beloved ones. Anything you can think of, I have done in my life. Now, I just wanted to rest. Just be surrounded by all my loved ones. My best friends throughout my entire life. My siblings, my children, and my grandchildren. Even my long-gone mother, father, my grandparents I wished to see them all. Just once… And leave this world.

As I blew out the candle, nothing seemed to change. The universe remained silent.

Days passed, and I knew my time was close. On a beautiful Sunday morning, I closed my eyes once more. This time, something felt different. I sensed many loving gazes upon me. I opened my eyes and saw them all – every person I had held close in my heart throughout my life. Their smiles beamed with love and joy. Even my parents and grandparents, who passed away a long time ago. 

I smiled back at them and took one last breath, feeling the warmth of all their presence. With a heart full of contentment, I left this beautiful world.

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