Sacrifice | Teen Ink


November 5, 2023
By Anchovy BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
Anchovy BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Killian had run. Avery just knew that his brother would never go down without a fight. He remembered when it all started, when everything went down the drain. It was just after his parents had died. He and his twin, Killian, needed help, and they found Avery and his brother. They seemed nice at first; they took the brothers in and helped the boys recover from witnessing their parents’ deaths. But after a couple of months, the twins noticed how dark the shadows got around them and how even animals seemed to cower when they got in their vicinity. 

Then one night, Avery heard the screams. The screams were hauntingly familiar. Avery stood and went to wake Killian so they could explore the noise. Killian wasn’t there. Avery then realized why the screams were familiar. The screams were Killian’s. Avery ran in the direction of the screams and then froze. Somehow, the screams were now behind him. Avery backtracked and noticed a partially hidden door painted the same color as the wall. One that you would not notice if you didn’t look hard enough.

Avery peeked through the door. And he saw something terrifying. They had killed his brother. Avery felt the icy shards of fear piercing his stomach. He wanted to close the door and end this nightmare. To wake up with Killian near him. For them to kindly wake Avery up from this horrible dream. But none of that would happen. He knew deep in his soul that they had been planning this all along. He finally managed to get his body to work as his fight-or-flight reaction took place.

Avery ran. He bolted down the hallway and into his room. He managed to find his worn backpack, and he shoved anything he could into it. Then he went to Killian’s room, which was next to his. He looked around and proceeded to take his brother's fraying blue teddy bear with him. As he was preparing to leave, he noticed something glinting underneath one of the crooked floorboards. He didn’t know what came over him, but he went and worked on the floorboard. He was surprised when it lifted easily with no tools. Underneath, he found a stack of cash and a journal. He grabbed the money, knowing it would come in handy later, and opened the journal; it read:

Dear Avery, If you are reading this, then my assumptions are right. THEY have been planning this. THEY want to kill us both on the night before our 11th birthday. Run. Hide. Do anything to save yourself. Know that I have always loved you, my baby brother, and keep running. They have more assets than you know and will find you if you settle down. Keep going, Avery. I managed to slip money out of many pockets and store it for this purpose. If I can’t go with you, keep moving.

Your amazing older brother,


Tears streamed down Avery’s face, but he heeded his brother's warning, slung the backpack over his shoulders, and ran. He ran out of the house and into the woods. He kept running—faster, faster, faster. Avery almost felt as though they were already behind him. The backpack pounded at his back with every step he took.

Avery stumbled to a stop as he realized he needed a place to go. But who would take in a random kid? Avery soon came across a stream. He had been running for what felt like hours and, at this point, didn’t care if the water wasn’t clean. He was thirsty and tired. He dropped to his knees and dipped his hands in the water first to clean them.

Avery then dipped his face in the water to clean it of any dirt that stuck to him. He studied his reflection as he drank the frigid stream water with his hands. The blue moonlight shone down through the mostly barren fall trees. The stream was a calm trickle of water, rippling slightly in the cool breeze. This night was too serene and calm for what had just happened, and as Avery took in his reflection, his honey-blonde hair, which was usually styled perfectly, was tousled and dirty. The light sprinkle of freckles he had stood out against his unusually pale skin and ice-blue eyes, which were framed by thickly-rimmed circular glasses. He looked nothing like his twin. Killian had black hair and no freckles; the only thing they had in common was their unnaturally pale skin and frozen eyes.

Avery shook himself out of the daze; he could think about Killian later. Right now, he had to find help. He looked around, and his eyes caught on to a familiar sign. This was the walking trail he took with his parents before they died! Something even better was that from here he could find his old best friend's house and get help, or at least shelter. With a renewed sense of determination, he stood, grabbed his backpack, and walked down the trail.

This is where he made his first mistake. Water does not wash away scents but instead traps them or makes them stronger. How do people usually track something? That's right! Hunting dogs have an amazing sense of smell. His second mistake was going down the predictable path, one that anyone could easily figure out; sometimes the path less traveled is better. Looking back at this with the knowledge he had now, he should have done a lot of things differently, but he could not go back now.

As he reached the edge of his old friend's property, he only had a second to think: Is this a good idea? But then a voice called out, “You there! Yeah, YOU, what are you doing here?” 

Avery stumbled and then replied, “It’s me, Avery, your old friend! Don’t you remember me, Victor?” 

Victor stopped, Avery noticed that Victor's dark, curly hair, and his deeply tanned skin shone in the moonlight. “Avery?” he asked.

Avery’s mind flashed back to the last time he ever saw Victor.

“It’s SOOOO HOT!” Avery moaned, his sweaty skin sticking to his shirt as he attempted to catch up with his family on the hike. Avery tried, and failed to run to them, and instead tripped over his own feet. Victor helped him up, and encouraged Avery to keep going. They hiked for hours together. Victor's family had died the year before in a car accident, and he was taken in by a distant cousin of his mother, who actually lived pretty close by. Victor talked little of his home life since he was taken in, only saying that no one was hurting him and that he was fine when Avery’s parents got worried. Avery had grown up with Victor, so when he heard Victor's parents had died, it hit his family just as hard as it hit Victor. 

Ever since Victor's family had died he had become distant, the only saving grace were the long hikes they managed to make time for. The hikes were one of the only times Avery felt truly calm, tired, but calm. He always enjoyed talking with Victor, his brother, Killian chirping in when the conversation got interesting, but mostly staying quiet, preferring to listen. Victor was soon given his parents' old property, his guardian checking in on him with phone calls, giving Victor what Avery’s parents called, “Too much freedom”, or “Not enough parental guidance”. But Avery didn’t care, and enjoyed going over to Victor's house, it was quiet, and easily the one place he felt more comfortable than when hiking.

Victor took his hand, pulled Avery into his parents old house and out of the flashback. Victor settled Avery in the spare room. Then he proceeded to question Avery, asking all about what happened. Avery told Victor the whole story because if there was only one person to trust in the entire world, it would be Victor. When Avery talked about what he had seen, he did it through tears, as what really happened settled on his shoulders. When he finished the story, Victor embraced him and then left him to sleep. As Avery’s consciousness blinked in and out on the edge of sleep, he could have sworn he heard Victor say, “Avery’s here; I will deliver him to you soon.” to them over the phone, but Victor wouldn't betray him, right?

Avery woke up the next day feeling much better, and in his room at their house? He sighed in relief. It was all just a terrible dream, and even though he had a dreadful sensation burning in his gut, he decided to ignore it as it was probably unease left over from the nightmare. He stood and got ready for the day as normal. He walked down for breakfast, and as soon as he got there, he noticed Victor. What was he doing here? Avery decided to ignore it and just sat down at the table and began to devour his food until they called him over and asked, ”Avery, why did you run from me?"

Avery was shocked. “What do you mean? I thought it was all a dream?” They chuckled, “Avery, that was no dream, Victor caught you in time and delivered you to me.” Avery immediately attempted to flee the room but they just laughed and snapped their fingers,” VICTOR, bring Avery to me.” Avery tried to stop, but it was too late, Victor grabbed Avery and dragged him over to them. Avery was shocked, how could his best friend betray him like this? He was shaking in fear as Victor moved back and stood, stony faced in the corner, looking way older than any 14- year-old should look.

They took out a box from a table hidden in the corner of the dining room. Avery shook harder as they pulled out a… Avery screamed, a shrill deafening, anguished sound you only hear when the worst atrocities are committed. There, perfectly preserved was his brother's head, mouth still open in an anguished scream. Avery scrambled to get away from them, but Victor was already there, holding him down. Avery had tears streaming down his face, and deep in his gut, he knew that this was how it would end. Some said life ends like a candle fizzling out, but this life, the one he was blessed with, would end in a painful explosion. Then the pain came. It never stopped until… brother… is that you?

They looked at the blonde twin - Avery’s mangled body, the blood soaking the expensive rug in the dining room. Why did the sacrifices always run? They sighed to themself and handed Victor a thick stack of cash. “Clean up.” they ordered. Victor bowed his head to them and left to get the cleaning supplies. They turned to look out a window and sighed again. Time to prepare another sacrifice, one that may be worthy of bringing you back my loves, they thought as they pulled a picture out of their pocket, it depicted their partner and the gorgeous child they had together. Only the best sacrifice can bring you back to me my darlings.

The author's comments:

I am an avid reader of science fiction and fantasy and I enjoy writing short stories.

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