The Story of Your Father's Holiday | Teen Ink

The Story of Your Father's Holiday

December 7, 2023
By JustinClark BRONZE, Vestavia Hills, Alabama
JustinClark BRONZE, Vestavia Hills, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In 2132 your father was interested in joining the space force even though everybody told him not to. Your father was a polite man but wouldn't sit to see himself or anyone he loved get disrespected, which got him in trouble and is why he couldn't pursue joining the space force. in 2133 you were already inside of my stomach. Your father was walking with his mother because the weather was great and you can only spend time once. As he got close to the coffee shop they were going to a few monkeys with weapons who walked behind them and demanded their money. From that moment the best thing to do was hand over the money, and he did but he was not letting go of this. As the men drove off he got their plates and was gonna find them again in a few weeks. In the time between the second meeting of these men Your father was making plans to get these men back none of which did not include crimes of some sort but one thing about your father is that he is determined. When your father sets his mind to something I you can one hundred percent expect his best effort and i mean best effort. Once your father figured out the ware house they lived in he found the floor plans. Knowing the floor plans of the monkey mafia's house he went over discreetly and checked for any cameras seeing 3 in the front 1 on each side and 3 in the back he went home. Knowing that there were cameras he brought a large tarp via the new 2133 silenced and invisible helicopter to cover the solar panels with a one sided tarp so it looked like it wasn't there. Then waited till the lights went out which also meant the cameras would go out. He put his own hidden camera in a bush outside the house so he could research them and watch them at the same time he saw that one had a key card and he figured out he needed that. So once he found a tranquillizer he used it on the monkey with the key card which he assumed was a high official and he was huge. He saw the ID card had been written in another language and knew they were bilingual because they spoke to him in English when he was robbed. Back in 2129 your father was in space force training for highschoolers as a senior and bought a portal grenade and packed it up since he figured it could be useful. Eventually after he saw all of them go into the house he proceeded to portal the house and sucked all of them into another dimension. Little did your father know the police had just found the monkey mafia boss and knew they could dress up as people. Your father standing at the address of the mafia boss with an ID that happened to belong to the boss the police wasted 0 time and used their disintegration ray on him and he fell from existence.

So when you asked me, "Mom, why is dad dead, and why is he being celebrated?" all I could say was, "That's a long story."

But I think I'm ready to tell it, for your father. In 2132 your father was interested in joining the space force...

The author's comments:

This piece is set in 2140 where a 7 year old boy asks his mother about his fathers passing and the legacy he has left behind. 

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