The Government? | Teen Ink

The Government?

February 20, 2024
By leee06 BRONZE, Boiling Springs, South Carolina
leee06 BRONZE, Boiling Springs, South Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
we can't punish ourselves for our mistakes .. that's a closed door , but we can take responsibility for our actions .

Just another day in Jonesville, nothing special. 

or so we thought. 

Niya- So are we going to the grocery store or what?

Lee- Yes love, just give me a minute.

Tyra- You get ready so slow when it’s time to go somewhere.

Darlean- I don’t know why you're talking when you do the same thing..

Tyra laughed.

Lee- Ok ok, I’m ready now.

We all got in the car and started driving to Walmart.

I hooked my phone up to the bluetooth and turned on some r&b.

Couple minutes later.

Niya- Um.. 

She said, breaking the silence since my phone had randomly cut off therefore, there was no music.

Lee- What’s wrong?

I asked while looking up, only to see why she reacted the way she did.

Tyra- Yoo, what the..

In the air there was this purple gas that was coming down, getting closer and closer..

Darlean- What is thatt, is someone lighting smoke bombs?

Tyra immediately rolled the windows up and we closed the air vents.

People were getting out of their cars, taking pictures and running around like it was an apocalypse.

Tyra turned the car back around and drove straight to the house.

We weren’t far from the house but the smoke wasn’t too far from hitting the ground either.

When we arrived we ran in with our shirts over our noses.

Darlean shut the door expeditiously, and we all got towels and put them right under the doors, never allowing the smoke to get in.

Lee- Eventually, one of us will have to go out and get something, like food and other things we need to survive.

Niya- I’ll go. 

Lee- Um, no.. actually if that’s the case i’m going with you. 

Tyra- How bout we all go!

Darlean- Yea that makes the most sense, therefore we can make one big run and people can get what they need for themselves.. whatever that is.

With that being said, everyone went into their rooms and found big bags that they would be able to hold stuff with. 

When we got outside we all covered our noses with our hoodies.

Lee- No time like the present, right?

I said as I started playing music.

“We on” - by Chris Brown now playing.

Her tesla said aloud.

I still didn’t feel too comfortable riding in a robotic car but.. I digress.

Niya- Ahh come on now.

Her words immediately knocked me out of my thoughts.

Darlean- Nobody wants to listen to your chrissy pooh right now.

Lee- Girl.. nobody wants to listen to kehlani either. 

Niya gave me this look like she wanted to smile but instead she mean mugged me.

“Can we talk” - by Tevin Campbell now playing.

They started hitting the back of my seat in a “i’m proud of you” manner. 

I rolled my eyes.

Lee- Yea whatever.

I said, chuckling.

As we pulled up to the store, bodies were everywhere.. making it to where it doesn’t even look like we were driving on the road.

Tyra turned the music down.

Lee- What happened..

Tyra- Do we just run them over?

Darlean- We can just walk from here, it’s not far. 

Niya- I don’t think that’s a good idea, what if we have a lot of stuff .

And with that being said Tyra didn’t hesitate to run over the bodies, not caring if they were dead or just unconscious.

I turned the music back up to block out the sound of bones cracking and heads popping. 

She pulled right in front of the door of Walmart, but the door was full of bodies. 

I pulled my sleeve over my hand and checked one of their pulses.

My mouth dropped.

Lee- They’re still alive TYRA. 

I said, emphasizing her name so she knows she killed unconscious people.

Tyra- You say it like I did it purposely..

Niya- We all gotta go someday right? Let’s just get in and get out.

I walked towards Darlean, ignoring her careless remark.

Niya- Oh it’s like that? Alright. 

She said, referring to the fact that I wasn't walking with her.

Lee- I didn’t know you wanted to walk with me.

I said walking over to where she was.

Niya- Nah nah it’s cool. 

I grabbed her arm and held her close to me, smiling in her face.

Tyra- Just text the group chat when y’all are ready to- 

Before she could even finish her sentence.. she fainted.

We all immediately dropped everything, including our shirts from our noses.

Lee- Ty ? Ty wake up! 

I said, shaking her while wiping the tears from my eyes.

When I felt Niya’s grip loosen I looked back, only to see her falling backwards. 

I caught her so she wouldn’t have a hard fall. 

Darlean immediately covered her nose again and so did I but it was too late for her, I caught her as well and laid her down carefully.

I had no idea why I wasn't unconscious along with them, considering my mouth was open and everything. 

Let me not complain. 

I got up and pulled my shirt back as tight as possible, almost choking myself to death but just enough so I only had the air from my shirt. 

It doesn’t make sense really because I'm still breathing the same air but I guess it might have something to do with skin contact.

I opened the doors and placed their bodies there. 

I took all their bags while immediately trying to remember what they would want.

Lee- I’ll be back guys.

I said, while my eyes welled with tears from me being on the verge of crying.

I went into the store, only to see the same thing I saw outside but worse. 

There were bodies everywhere you looked.

Well at least I don't have to pay..

You’d think I'd be thinking about anything else but that..

I immediately went to the shower isle where everything we needed was, considering I don't know how long this will last, I need to be prepared.

Now that I think about it.. I have no idea how long they’ll be asleep.

I got something for everyone. 

Couple minutes later.

It had been almost an hour and everyone was still asleep, so I was almost certain I was the only one still conscious. 


It was so quiet that I could hear a pen drop, so when I heard footsteps my heart dropped. 

I hid immediately, hoping they didn’t hear the loud water bottles I was laying on.

They came to where I was, walking straight past me.

I got a quick glimpse of what shoes they had on, they were the exact shoes Niya had on. 

I came out from hiding and looked in the direction they ran, and it was Niya.

Lee- Niya?

I called out, only to immediately regret it when they came running towards me. 

Niya- Lee? What happened?

My heart was pounding, I was so confused.

Before I could say anything I felt a needle enter my neck, immediately causing me to lose my balance and black out.

Niya’s pov.

I woke up in this wooden cabin along with Darlean and Tyra. 

They woke up around the same time I did.

My head was pounding like I had a migraine, my vision was a bit blurry too.

Tyra - Ugh.. where’s Lee ? 

She said, sounding half asleep.

Were we all experiencing the same side effects?

My body jerked when she said that, immediately waking me up.

That was weirder and stronger than usual..

When I tried to move my hands I finally felt how tight this rope was wrapped around my wrists.

Danny - Don’t.. you’ll only make it worse. 

A man with a white coat on said while walking towards us. 

He was about 6’5 with a low fade buzz cut, dark skin with black boots on.. imagine idris elba.

He took the white coat off, only to reveal an all black outfit.

Niya- Who are you?

He chuckled.

Danny- You're right, where are my manners..

Tyra sighed loudly.

Danny- Don’t worry pretty girl, I'm about to get to the point. 

The vein in her neck twitched a little, which I've never seen happen before.

Danny- My name is Daniel Adams, I'm a scientist that experiments on living things and that’s usually animals but i decided why not try my new creation on the human species.

Tyra- He’s telling the truth.

Niya- How you know?

She looked down and confused all while furrowing her eyebrows.

Tyra- I.. I don’t know.

Danny raised an eyebrow while walking towards Tyra.

Niya- Where’s Darlean?

Darlean- What are y'all talking about.. I'm right here.

Tyra whipped her neck in every direction.

Niya- Huh .

She slowly appeared back as if she was invisible.

Danny- Fascinating.

Niya- What the f- 

Tyra- Aye, where’s Lee?

Danny- I assume you’re talking to me?

Tyra- Why would anyone else here know?

He chuckled.

Danny- She’s actually about to arrive.

He’s telling the truth.. I can.. feel it?

And right as he said that, a car pulled up outside, I could hear the gravel crunching beneath the tires.

Double doors opened with her in one of their arms.

I yanked at the ropes trying to pull myself out of them. 

Danny- What did I tell you? You’re only making it worse for yourself.

They sat her in a chair across from me.

As I was about to scoot my chair closer, someone who looked identical to me came towards me and held my chair and me.

Niya- What the..

Danny- I see you’ve met Mya.

When he said that it looked like she disintegrated, but behind the ashes it revealed her true identity.

She smiled.

She laid her white and brown hand on my shoulder, as if she was trying to comfort me but it did the complete opposite.

Niya- Stop touching me.

She slowly removed her hand, like she was trying to rub on me before she let go.

Darlean- Ou if only Lee was woke, she’d have a hizzy.

Danny- How come?

As if it was on command, Lee started moving and groaning.

Danny looked as though he was thinking.

Danny- Why did you react the way that you did when you saw them carrying her? 

He asked while walking closer to me.

Danny- I understand you two know each other but.. it seems deeper than that.

I was debating on if i should answer that because there's a reason he asked that and it’s not good I know.

He smirked, then looked over at Lee.. who was now looking dead at the girl behind me and Danny who was standing in front of me.

She tilted her head as if she was trying to confirm something but thinking at the same time all while furrowing her eyebrows .

Danny- I get it.. 

He walked over to Lee.

I once again tried to remove the tight ropes from my wrists, which it started to sting so bad and I felt a liquid run down my fingers.

He pulled Lee up by the neck, causing her to groan.

Danny- She’s your girlfriend huh?

Lee’s pov.

Feels like a million electric bolts are running through my veins.

My skin was burning, but it felt good.

Why is he walking over here?

When he grabbed my neck it hurt from how many times they stuck me with a needle. 

I felt the rope fall from my wrists and legs, allowing me to get up and head butt him, knocking him unconscious.

When I got up I was completely dizzy but I saw the rope on the floor in almost ashes.

Everyone was looking at me weird.

Lee- Why .. are y’all looking at me like that.

Niya- Baby .. you’re literally on fire.

The girl that was behind her looked terrified.

I pointed my finger at her for a split second, only to find out I literally had green electricity coming out my hands and when I looked at my body it was everywhere, but it wasn’t hurting me.

When I looked back up the girl was on the floor, I walked.. well stumbled over to where she was, only to find out she was an AI.

Guess I don't know my own strength yet huh..

I tried to untie the ropes wrapped around Niya’s wrists but it was useless.

Niya- Just burn it like you did yours.

Lee- I don’t even know how I did that, it just happened.

Tyra- You're kinda like Jen.. you know, from black lightning.

Darlean- Now that i think about it .. we all are. Well, except for Niya.

And as if it was on queue, Niya’s hands lit up green and burnt the ropes. She also removed the ones from her legs while I walked over to Tyra.

Tyra- So.. I’m like Issa? That explains why I knew when he was telling the truth.

Niya- Yeaa, I saw your vein twitch and it kinda showed up white right before you asked.

She said while walking over to Darlean.

Lee- Wait.. so does this mean we have the same powers?

Tyra- I doubt it, he said he was experimenting on us so it’s not likely that he would want two of y’all with the same powers.. unless.


Darlean moved her hands in a ‘ keep going ‘ motion.

Tyra- Oh oh, like he might want us to fight to see who’s more powerful.. just like black lightning. Y’alll.. this is our ASA.

Niya- Bro I was thinking that.

Lee- Ok we can figure all this out later, right now let's find our stuff so we can go home.

We all looked outside and.. 

Darlean- It looks like an apocalypse outside.. 

Lee- It LOOKS like infinity war, ya know.. with thor n them.

Niya- I see someone got something like annisa’s power, judging off the cracks in the road.

We walked outside and found a car.

Tyra- Need the keys to drive..

I went back in to pat the girl.. well, the AI down for the keys and found them in their pocket.

I went back out and tossed them to Tyra.

Tyra- Does anyone have a phone with service?

Lee- I have my phone and service, y’alls might still be in the car back at walmart.. hopefully.

Tyra pulled off and started to try and look for landmarks.

Niya- So, what exactly happened, the last thing i remember is watching you shake Tyra and then i woke up at that place.

Lee- Alright.. so.

Couple Minutes later..

Niya- So THAT’s why it looked JUST like me.

Lee- I could just tell it wasn’t you by the way it was acting. They knocked me out so many times with that anesthesia in the car, I guess they were trying to see why the gas didn’t affect me.

Darlean- If this is actually anything like black lightning.. you’re like the most powerful meta.

Just as she said that, I could feel the jolts of electricity circulating through my veins.

When we arrived at our house, it looked nothing like we had left it.

Tyra- Exactly how long were we asleep for?

Now that I think about that, we really have no idea.

I checked my phone and it still said Jan 24th, 2050.

Things were everywhere, especially the furniture.

I walked back out to see everyone else's house, only to see they look perfectly fine on the outside.. meanwhile, it looked like a tornado came through ours.

Somethings not right..

Lee- Y’all ever get the feeling your being-

All- Watched?

We all immediately ran back in the house and Darlean locked the door.

Darlean- What if there's cameras?

As if they were listening, someone’s voice started coming out of the corners of our house.. but there was nothing there.

Or so we thought anyway , but when is it ever just nothing .

Danny- You guessed it! We have been monitoring you ever since you left the pit.

Lee- All of us? Why.. 

Danny- Yes all of you , especially you Ms Lee.. you’re my golden goose.

He voiced , while chuckling loud as ever.

I pointed my finger towards the corner and let the current run all throughout my body and my fingers.

When I finally felt in control, I let it go and there was a small camera in the corner that had speakers on the back.

I did that to every corner with a little less force so I didn't damage the house more than it already was.

Before I did the last one, I thought about what he said.

“You’re my golden goose.“

Lee- Guys..

Niya- Nope , HECK NO.. I know that voice, you’re not doing it, I don't care.

Lee- He clearly only wants me, let's be smart so everyone doesn't have to get hurt.

Darlean- If i didn’t care about you then i’d say yes, but i do so no.

I sighed.

Tyra- We need to find him so we can make him stop all this, I mean have ya looked out back?

As she mentioned that we all gravitated to the back windows, only for it to look like world war 3.

Darlean- Yea let’s go..

I wasn’t going through with their plan fully, I planned on making a deal with Danny.. he better be smart about his decisions afterwards because I have much more up my sleeve than he thinks.

We all got in the car, except this time I was in the back with Niya.

Lee- You know I love you.. right?

I uttered, with the words not feeling right to say at all because I knew this sounded like I was leaving her.

She snapped her neck, now looking right in my brown orbs.

I saw a sparkle in her eyes, but it wasn’t the one you imagined from the moonlight or anything.. she was on the verge of crying.

I immediately wiped her tears.

Lee- Baby you’re supposed to be making this easier for me, not harder.

Niya- No, I’m not sacrificing you.. we’ll get through this together, ok?

I didn’t want to say anything because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep that promise.

We haven’t said our vows yet but when I say I’ll do anything to keep her safe, that’s exactly what I mean.. even if that means sacrificing myself.

Lee- Just know, whatever happens.. I love you and I always will.

Niya- I love you too but don’t say it like we won’t get through this.

I smiled while trying to hold back my tears, all while cupping the side of her face.

Tyra- We’re here..

The building looked like it was never ending.. but it was all an illusion, right ?

The door was heavily guarded.

Darlean- Maybe I can look for a way in.

Tyra- You know how to control it?

Darlean- I’m pretty sure it’s based on my emotions.

With that being said, it was as if she wasn’t literally standing beside me.

Darlean- Alright , i got y’all.. in the meantime Niya and Lee can clear the door way huh?

It was getting darker by the minute, so I decided to shut off all the lights .

And like a light, Niya was just standing there behind them like it wasn’t even real.

Lee- So you got it like that huh?

She laughed.

We took the elevators up with Tyra, at least she would be able to tell me if he was gonna keep his end of the bargain.

“California Love” - by 2Pac now playing .

It was almost as if it was on queue when the guards jumped in front of the elevator but we held our own.

The door was at the end of the hall and knocked the door down.

Danny turned around slowly.

He knew we were coming, but he had no idea the things I had up my sleeve.

Lee- Why are you doing this.

Darlean had now appeared beside me, causing me to jump.

Danny- Because the government can’t control their people with just their mouth, so you have to take control.

Tyra- But.. you don’t even have control of anyone.

He made this noise like he was taunting her.

Danny- That’s where you’re wrong sweetheart, I clearly have control of you guys if I lured you here so I don't have to do all the work.

With that being said, guards came flying in, holding us and making us drop to our knees.

I immediately drew electricity to my hands, shocking the guard to death.

Lee- Look, I didn't come here to fight.

They all looked at me, Danny looked shocked.

Danny- Oh?

Lee- I have a proposal.

Niya- Lee..

Tyra- Come on now be SMART, we talked about this.

Darlean looked so upset with me but she knew this was the best option.. deep down they all did.

Lee- You said I’m your golden goose right? Take only me and leave everyone else be, I know you have an antidote because.. you wouldn’t want to take the risk of turning like everyone else.

Danny looked down.. as if he was surprised by my knowledge.

He chuckled, all while walking up to me slowly.

Danny- Dang, you’re smart and beautiful.. what else?

I could see the vein popping out of Niya’s forehead.. but i couldn’t tell if she was mad at me or him.. probably both.

He was now face to face with me, looking me up and down.

Lee- Do we have a deal or not?

I said slightly backing up, only to be pulled back by him.

I was getting ready to shock him.

Danny- Ah ah ah.. you hurt me they shoot them.

He whispered in my ear, while pointing at them.

I put my hands down.

Lee- I wasn’t going to hurt you, I was going to kill you.

I chuckled, while he swallowed hard.

Lee- We got a deal or not?

He looked over at them.

Danny- Yes, but this does mean you belong to me now.. literally.

Lee- Yea whatever.

I looked at Tyra, she looked confused.

She gave me this look.

He called a guard over to cuff me.

Tyra- He’s l-

Before she could even finish her sentence, Danny shot her.

The guards then shot Darlean and Niya.

I screamed, knocking him into the corner.

I ran over to Niya to check out the wound.

Lee- Come on Baby.. just breathe, you’re gonna be ok..

She smiled at me, lifting a hand up to my face.

Niya- Open your eyes.

Right when she said that everything started turning into ash.

I opened my eyes and lifted the VR headset off of my eyes while squinting from the bright sun shining in my eyes .

Tyra- I don’t like how this felt so real.

Lee- I know right, I was actually so scared.. thought I lost y’all.

They all started smiling and came over to hug me.

Darlean- We’re not going anywhere.

Niya- Right, now can we go home.. I wanna take a nap.

She said while cheesing, only for me to be doing the opposite.

We walked towards the entrance while laughing and talking about what we were going to do tomorrow.

While we were talking Darlean and Tyra fainted, causing me and Niya to immediately drop down to check on them.

Lee- They’re still breathing..

Niya looked at me as if she saw a ghost.

Niya- Cover your-

She fainted as well and I looked back to see what she was looking at.. Only to see purple gas falling.

I saw the same building Danny was in, miles away.


The author's comments:

 I loved the series Black Lightning , so when this idea came to my head it reminded me of how much I loved that show and gave me the push i needed to write this story . In all i just hope people really like it and it helps them embrace their creative side as well .

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