The Diary of Aetius | Teen Ink

The Diary of Aetius

May 7, 2024
By XBartnesky BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
XBartnesky BRONZE, Bradenton, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't tell no lie about me and I won't tell truths about you."

Day 1

I met the father today. He gave me wings so that it would be easier to heal other earthlings. This has made my wildest dreams come true. I remember my first day of training like it was yesterday.

Day 2 

They named me Aetius meaning eagle because of the large wings they gave me. I am so excited to heal the earthlings and help all of them.My back is not used to carrying these heavy wings, it’s very difficult to walk and fly.

Day 3

It’s my first day on earth today. I'm so excited and I can’t wait to do so much for this world. I met this couple today and they were very sick. I held their hands and started to float and it healed them. They were very grateful for me and gave me gifts of gratitude. I tried to turn down the gifts, but they insisted.

Day 4

The second family I helped was not as grateful as the last. They kept asking for more healing, but I can only do so much. It was so painful… I have immense back pain after today. These wings are so heavy.

Day 5 

People keep asking for more and more. One family threatened me today telling me if I didn't give them more help they would cut off my wings and sell them for gold. These people aren’t what I thought they would be like. They are starting to look like savages and abusers. My back hurts so bad, I think I will take a rest for the day in a hut that I found.

Day 6 

I woke up with even more back pain than ever today, I can barely move. I will continue to push on with all that I can, but I can’t promise anything. More and more families were helped today. I met this little boy today. He was so nice and innocent, but his family wasn’t. The moment I finished helping they yelled at me except for the boy.

Day 7

I’ve met more kids today. All of them so very nice and so very pleasant to help. This town has a very big problem with their orphan population. I see more kids on the street than I do in families. My back is starting to get unbearable. This pain… I can’t even describe it. I can barely fly anymore. I found out I can use my feathers to heal others as well. So I have decided to leave one feather to every family I help so that they don’t keep asking for help.

Day 8 

I can’t get up today. I think I broke something in my back and temporarily disabled myself. I hate that I can’t heal myself so I could stop dealing with this. I have decided I’m going to rest until my back is better. I’m going to try to go back to that hut I found a couple days ago. If I am unable to get to it then I will just rest here under this bridge.

Day 15

I rested a little longer than I wanted to; I must get back to work. I’ve only seen a total of 4 families today. Much less than I wanted to see today, but work is work. I’ve been gone for 7 days and I have seen more and more lonely children in the streets. I must report this to the father. He would know what to do about this.
Day 16

I flew up to the heavens today, but I couldn’t find the father. He was apparently out for an important meeting with Lucifer. Someone very important must have died or something, but I can’t go back down there without his grace so I must wait for him to come back. Being back home was very nice. It seems like my back pain is lessened when I am up here. I mean it wouldn’t be heaven with pain and suffering. That's Lucifer's domain. I’m going to go see my mother and stay with her for the day or until the father gets back.

Day 17

The father is back today. I am going to have a meeting with him in a few hours, but I’m not sure if he is going to take some low life form angel seriously. He is the highest form of angel after all, but there is no hurt in trying to talk to him. I think it would be very important for the father to know his world is having a problem with orphaned children and mean families. Once I talk to him I am going to ask for more grace so I can go back to Earth and continue doing my job. I really hope he gives me grace. I don't want to leave the earthlings without someone to help them.

Day 18

I got more grace from the father today so I could go back down to Earth. The first thing I did was go back to the hut. I have grown very attached to this place. The hut is nice and comfortable almost as if it was blessed by the father himself. He wouldn’t do that though. It’s just some measly old shed, but it is home and I’m ok with that. I’ll spend the rest of my day here so I can do some renovation and spruce up this place. I’d like to have a little fire so I could make food and also make some sort of light fixture so I can see better at night.

Day 19

I did the renovations. I wanted to make this hut look really good. I have officially made this place home. There was a little boy right outside my hut today. I decided to give him shelter and food along with healing because he looked very sick. I told him he could stay in my hut as long as he needed. If he didn’t have a home that is. I will try to help him find his family tomorrow so that he can get proper care.

Day 20

The roof had a leak from a rough storm I had today. I can’t really fly in the rain so I had to stay in and do more work on my house or at least that's what the humans call them. I also found out that they are called humans not earthlings, The father told me himself. 

Day 21

For some reason one of the older humans came up to my house and threatened to burn it down if I didn’t help. I don’t think that that was ok, in fact I’m going to go to the father about this because I don’t think that he would want his humans to be doing such a thing. What if they are doing it to each other? The bigger question is how did they know I was in here?

Day 22

I sent up a messenger angel to the father with my new information. He gave me my own personal messenger which I almost forgot about so then I wouldn’t have to keep bothering him for grace and an appointment and such. However the humans are getting worse and keep asking for more help. It almost makes me want to stop helping because of their selfish ways.

Day 23

I can’t believe this. The father can’t do anything about HIS people. This is an outrage and the people are getting even more worse than yesterday. Someone almost burned down my house while I was gone. I was lucky I caught him before he did it and I did not enjoy his company. It’s almost as if he had known of my whereabouts and knew the perfect time to try something mischievous.

Day 24

They did it. They burned it down. I no longer have a place to live. They did it while I was sleeping, I could have died. They didn’t care, they just wanted to carry out their selfish deeds. I cannot stand for this. I must do something about this myself. I know what I’ll do, I will stop helping these people. They don’t deserve to be helped, in fact they deserve to go without help.

Day 25

I decided to hide very high in the mountains so no one could find me. If so much as a rat comes up here I will throw them off this mountain so I can stay safe. After all that’s what they would have done to me had I not left my house in time. These people are outright monsters. Burning down an innocent angel's house. They might as well have punched the father himself. They should have the reign of terror that’s coming for them. Until then I will be sitting here in the mountains. Watching and waiting.

Day 31

It has officially been a month since I’ve been on this Godforsaken planet. I had such high hopes for the humans and this is what they repay me with. All that help. All the pain I went through. Speaking of pain, my pain is back and it’s even worse now that I’m not in my home. I can’t move anymore, so now I’m just sitting here until someone or something comes to finish me off. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a human either. All they want is bloodshed and selfish actions. I am going to stop writing because there will no longer be something new and exciting. Farewell.

The author's comments:

This piece is inspired by the movie "Skellig: The Owl Man" I had written this for a School assignment and my teacher had thought that I should publish it somewhere because she felt that it was really good. I'm not the best at writing so I thought I would give it a try.  

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