Something In The Sea | Teen Ink

Something In The Sea

May 20, 2024
By AbrahamM BRONZE, Willits, California
AbrahamM BRONZE, Willits, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I still remember when we were children and my friend and I used to play with my sister outside the house while my mother talked to the neighbors about what had happened in the neighborhood, but today we are here without knowing what to do or how to get out of this situation. Things that lurk for us out there.

This story begins in a hospital where the only thing you can see at the end of a hallway was a woman in labor. She was fighting to have the child, which she barely managed after so much difficulty. During the delivery, the baby was born and the doctor gave him to his mother and she held him for a moment. The doctor told the mother to rest so that she could get better after so much effort she had made. When the mother woke up from so much work, the doctor was gone. A nurse approached the woman who had woken up and mentioned something to her.

“It's good that you have already woken up, madam, but I have some bad news that I have to tell you. Unfortunately  your child was born too weak. The birth lasted so long it also almost cost him his life. The child was born a little weak. 

"He is not even of average weight and size."To which the mother without concern answers.


 “I don't care that my child was born a little weak. I will strive so that he has the best of the best in life and I can assure you of that.”

After the birth and the mother had recovered, her sister Eva arrived and arrived once she found out that everything was over and everything went well.

“It's good that you are well, sister, and I am glad that your son is even more so.”

To which Caroline, the mother, said, "Thank you, sister, but it was something complicated.”

“I imagine it must have been too complicated for you but the good thing is that the baby was born well despite everything and that you are also very well after everything and that is something that is appreciated.”

 After all that, the two sisters went to their home which was in a very lonely place near the sea. The baby, upon hearing the sound of the sea, stopped crying after having spent the entire trip crying.

We move forward fifteen years in the future in which the boy who was said to be too weak was now called John. He looked like a strong young man with great muscles and height who always tried to help his mother and little sister who was five years old. Unlike him, she was born without any problems since throughout the delivery, which produced a healthy girl without any problems. From a very young age, John met a friend who always followed him to any disaster that the two made over time. At the age of eleven, John began to be curious about the sea, which for some reason no one dared to approach. To him, on one of those days, out of extreme curiosity, he along with his friend Arturo went to go into the sea. An adult spotted them and  approached, very alarmed and upset, shouting at them that they could not enter the sea. “Spoiled children cannot enter the sea! If I see them here again I will make sure that they regret entering there for the rest of their lives. You heard me.”

 The two children, afraid that that man with his deep and penetrating gaze would do something to them, simply walked away in fear without first telling the man.“Sorry, we didn't know you couldn't go into the water.”

 The man just watched with a bad face as the two children walked away. Later at home, the two children asked Coraline. “Mom, today we went to the sea.”

 And before his son finished saying everything she shouted at him. "What did you do? How do you think of doing that! Don't you know? Since I was little I told you that you couldn't go into the water. Arturo, your parents told you the same thing."

  The two most alarmed children asked. “Why can't we go to the sea? Is there something wrong with it or they just don't like swimming in the sea?”

 Their mother without losing her composure, only with a softer voice, said to the two children. "It's NOT that it's forbidden, it's that something happened that I can't tell you yet because you are very small. The day they are older you will understand why you can't enter the sea. Just promise me, swear to me that you won't enter the sea again."

 The two children were alarmed but understood that they could not go in. They simply nodded their heads saying yes and that they were sorry. Coraline simply told them. "It's okay.  Just don't do it again and quickly wash your hands to eat since. “I have to get to your house before it gets late.”

 She said that last thing to Arturo, who ran to wash his hands. While they were eating, the two children whispered something to each other while the mother fed John's sister. "We need to know what happens to the sea," Arturo said. “Yes, but remember that if they see us now they will punish us,” said John.“I know but maybe in the future we can” said Arturo before Coraline turned around and looked at them askance.

After that event, John and Arturo never thought about returning to the water until one day years later watehed he at his now 16-year-old sister began to approach the sea. He remembered everything he had said. Like his mother and the man that day when he tried to enter the sea, without stopping to think, he approached his sister running agitated, telling her not to enter the sea.

“Why can't I go into the sea? You're not curious to go in,” she asked 

 John quickly and without letting his sister finish the phrase said, “Let's  go home now.”

“But brother.”

“I said now, and if I say now and my mother is not here, you listen to me.”

After that the two siblings went home.  After dinner, the sister went to her room a little confused since during the entire dinner no one talked about the sea and no one said anything to her .

After his sister went to her room, John stayed to help his mother. Already tired of her not telling him what was happening at sea, he confronted Caroline.

“Mom, I'll ask you again what's in the sea. I'm an adult. Time has passed. I even made my sister not go into the sea. And yet you haven't told me anything and you tell me to trust you.”

"If that's what I say and if you don't want to accept it very well, but it's better that you don't know anything about the sea. As far as I'm concerned the only thing you'll hear from anyone you ask will be bad things but I'll give you an idea of ​​why. All people are afraid of the sea. Haven't you observed something peculiar in all of us besides our phobia of the sea?."

“No just the sea, he said it is the most unusual thing that all the people in this town have.”

“How bad you are. Even though you are the age of an adult, your thinking is very dull.          Or rather, you have the mentality that is partly that of a child, right?”

“Why do you say that? I graduated from my university as one of the best.”

“That's what I mean: you were intelligent but you are not mentally developed enough to see the things that an adult sees. So that you don’t know what I am talking about. You have not looked.There are not so many children or newborns, nor in schools. Nothing. Only adults and old people. In the rarest cases there are teenagers like your sister. How have you and your friend not seen how people have stared at you since you were little?”

 John, stunned by what his mother told him, was left thinking about the fact that his mother was right. Since he went to kindergarten he never looked at too many children. At most one.It left him thinking for the rest of the day.

The next day, something unusual happened when John and Arturo got together after having breakfast at his house. In the park, Arturo made a very strange suggestion, “Hey John, aren't you sick of everyone here not telling us the truth about what's happening here? “It is the sea they are afraid of it.  It is only water.”

“I don't know, friend. The truth is, all this has me intrigued. What do you want to do? Because if you tell me this, I think you have a plan in mind, right?”

“This afternoon I will look for you on the hill behind your house.”

“But how am I going to get to the hill if I never went there?”

“Just go with your sister and she will take you.”

“You also brought my sister into this?”

“I remind you that your sister is already sixteen and she can decide for herself.”

“And I remind you that I am her older brother and while my mother is not here I will take care of her. Also remember what she is like when she is with us.”

“Please, my mature friend, stop protecting her too much. Let her have fun. Let's just do it this once and if something happens that I see is bad, I myself will take care of getting her out of there. I become her guardian angel, so please, friend, let her go with us, can you?”


After they finished talking, the friends spent the rest of the time going home to get ready. Once Elizabeth saw her brother John getting ready to go she prepared to leave the house. Elizabeth looked at him through the door frame. He instantly knew what his sister was thinking and told her, "No, stay there. I'll watch you, fix your things."

 "Arturo already told me that you would follow us. What do you expect me to do?" John said with a more angry tone.

Elizabeth, without letting her brother get more angry, rushed to follow. Once the two siblings were heading out, they did not realize that a person was following them. Arturo met them, and John quickly said, “I let you come because I guess you won't be a burden, but the moment you disobey me I will make sure we come back and that Mom will punish you for your whole life. I will make sure you don't even think about ​​​​getting closer to the sea again, you heard me!” Elizabeth, surprised by how he spoke to her, said yes, just shaking her head.

“Very well, since we already have everything planned, look at what you see in the distance,” said Arturo.

“If I see what he has,” John responded quickly.

“Well, that's where our answers may be.”

"And how do you know?"

“Oh friend, while you go get the corn, I already brought the popcorn. It is clear that one day I came here to see why no one wants to go to the sea. One day I saw some men in boats heading to what looked like a small island."
“Very well. That is our objective and you are supposed to believe that the answers are there, but how are we going to get there? I remind you that no one in this town has boats other than those men from what I said John.”

“I already have it covered. I present to you two people who also want to go see it, their names are Alex and Miguel and they both have a boat that they built to go there.”

John looked at the two boys out of the corner of his eye with doubts. He told them, “Are you sure your boat can take us there?”

To which the two boys said, “We are not sure but we have to start with something.”

John looked at Arturo with a worried face, but since they had no time left, they didn't discuss any more and they prepared to go. Once ready, everyone marched directly to the artificial island since the closer they got they saw that it was made of metal, the closer they got they saw cages outside as well as blood protruding from various places, but what caught their attention the most were the huge teeth that had bitten into the teeth of the artificial island. Once the group arrived at the island, they got off it and saw that it was a military base that they had entered. As soon as the whole group realized it, they wanted to return but it was too late since behind them the boat in which they had come was already behind them. They also saw that another boat was approaching from a distance and that it seemed that it would not take long to arrive, so everyone ran to hide.  As soon as they did, Migue passed through a restricted area causing an alarm to sound and many soldiers to come out surrounding them.

Once the soldiers surrounded the boys, “What are you doing here? Don't you know that the entire sea is restricted to all of you?” Before the soldier told them more things, the people on the boat approached and looked at John and his group. With amazement, a large muscular and firm man got off the fight. The soldiers addressed him, “Sir, it is a pleasure to have you here.”

 The man, without delay in responding, said, "What are these children doing here? Are they the bait for that thing or what?"

 The soldier who seemed to be the highest-ranking officer said, “No sir, these stowaways got here and we are seeing what to do with them.”

 The man said, without waiting for an answer, “I said metals down so they can see what is here and why all of them are prohibited from entering here.”

The soldier, without doubting the order, told his men, "Separate them and take them to separate cells so that he does not talk to them. Take away their backpacks." Once the officer said that, they were all separated and taken inside what was the artificial island from the sea.

Along the way, John heard everyone shouting to let them go while he tried to think of a plan to get out, but all that dissipated when he looked at the cells. They were full of blood and slimy things that he didn't even want to know what they were. He asked a soldier, “What is this?”

The soldier replied coldly: "What do you think we are? Do you think we are good soldiers? Of course not. The only reason we haven't killed you is because you will serve as an experiment to try to attract that thing out there."

“What do you mean?” said John.

“Look at the sea and tell me if you can see it.”

John strained his eyes to see through the glass beneath the base. When he looked at it he looked at the thing that made no one enter the sea and wondered, “How did we end up here? I have to have a way to get out of here with my sister and Arturo as soon as possible before that. That thing destroys everything here or they end up using you as bait to attract that thing.”

Before John could say anything, the soldier dragged him to his cell which was located in a kind of small house which was in formation. When he was taken there, the soldier mentioned to him, “I feel sorry for most of your friends already.” "That you will only be thrown into the sea to attract the creature, but your friends have the worst time since they will be used for experiments, but well, it's time for me to retire since my supervisor will tell you the rest."

To which John, without letting the soldier leave, told him, “Like experiments, we weren't all supposed to be used as bait for that thing.”

The soldier immediately told him in a half-mocking tone, "You didn't listen to what my superior said up there, some of you will be used to attracting that thing or rather things since it is not the first time we have killed one of those creatures.”

“Like this isn't the first time they've killed one of those things!” John said in a surprised tone.

"Of course it's not the first time we've killed those things because you think the teeth marks around the base are not for decoration."

“But if it's not the first time they've killed things like that, what are those things then?”

“Those things that you look at like a fish are not fish as such, for a moment think about everything I have told you and tell me what you think we do with the people we bring here since you are not the first, you are just the first to arrive.” here."


“Of course they are not only very big since the majority of those we bring here are people or rather children of no more than ten years old.”

As soon as the soldier finished saying that, John was instantly scared since he had received the answer that this was what was happening to the children, but before he could immerse himself in all his thoughts, the soldier mentioned something that terrified him even more.

As I already told you part of what we do here, I will tell you everything else since I don't think you will leave here alive, as you now know, a large part of the newborn children are brought here to be used in experiments with sea animals, of other animals, only what we focus on most is the creatures of the sea since they have a strange phenomenon that makes them increase their size immensely, some reaching a point that can measure up to 10 meters, but the bad thing about these is that they become They are too aggressive but they are still fish but what we want to find out is how they grow so exorbitantly since in addition to having an enormous size they obtain incredibly amazing strength in addition to incredible speed and adaptation since we have exposed them to many things but how to radiation, to give you an example, at first it seems that it affects them to the point that they can die but over time they return to normal and that for scientists was an incredible discovery but for me it was anything else since I didn't care. It was very interesting but as for the main topic, we are here to try to extract and recreate what fish do and for that we use children since children have a certain strange reaction when experimenting or something they do but I don't know what to say. "That's more of a matter for brainiacs."

Before the soldier finished telling the story, John asked him, “But why, if they take newborn children to use them here, don't the townspeople fight or object against all this?”

“That is simple to answer, this city that is in decline has been dead for a long time since this town is an experimentation zone for the government, but I cannot tell you which government. What I can tell you is that all the people in this town are sick with a disease that kills them if they do not take medicine from time to time but we reached an agreement with the town's inhabitants, they give us their children and we give them the treatment for their illness, so simple but good, enough of the talk. I will only tell you that your friends will be of good use to me, those brainiacs anyway, apparently we talked for a long time and apparently they have already arrived for you,” mentioned the soldier.

“How did they come for me?”

“That's right, it's time.”

“Time for what!”

“Time to go, guys, get the boy out of here and take us to the cages outside, someone is waiting for him outside.”

As soon as the soldier said that, two more like him entered the cell and began to forcefully drag him down a hallway and the last thing that was heard from John before his voice was silenced by the two men was,"Where are my friends and my sister, tell me where they are!"

As the sun set at the same time that John's voice was silenced, in a house Caroline was seen worried that her children would not return.

The author's comments:

My name is Axel Montalvo, I was born on February 8 in Arizona but raised in Zacatecas.

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