Intro To Jotukubi Center | Teen Ink

Intro To Jotukubi Center

May 24, 2024
By apreston SILVER, San Pedro, California
apreston SILVER, San Pedro, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here in the Jotukubi Center, 

There are young children skipping along the sidewalks as cars fly by.

There is an elderly man strolling next to the shops littering the town.

There is a newly wedded couple enjoying the scenery on a bench.

Here in the Jotukubi Center,

There are rats that hide in the dark and dewey alleyways.

There is a bearded man smoking his cigar under the night sky.

There is the sound of the town plaza’s fountain splashing until sunrise.

Here in the Jotukubi Center,

There is a faint smell of salt from the nearby sea.

There is a forever breeze that sweeps through the stores and homes.

There are plates filled with crabs and fish in the restaurants.

Here in the Jotukubi Center,

There are eyes that watch whoever crosses the alleys.

There is a voice in the wind that nobody hears.

There is an invisible man who walks the streets alone.

Here in the Jotukibi Center,

There is no misdeed that goes unpunished.

There are pleas and prayers that are always answered.

There is an unseen hand that comforts those who weep and suffer.

Here in the Jotukubi Center,

There are times when the fishermen catch no crabs.

There are times when the winds blow too strong.

There are times when misdeeds are overly punished.

Here in the Jotukubi Center,

There are people who believe in spirits and ghosts.

There are people who do not.

There are people who happen to forget their umbrellas when it rains. 

There is something watching in the Jotukubi Center.

The author's comments:

There may be a goofy little ghost hanging around the Jotukubi Center :)

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