The Tea Party Part 2 | Teen Ink

The Tea Party Part 2

January 1, 2011
By disfunctionalX-x SILVER, Allentown, Pennsylvania
disfunctionalX-x SILVER, Allentown, Pennsylvania
6 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
live life, die free - corona motley

May 11th, 2010
:Tea Party
Queen ->{shouts}Who dares to speak while I am speaking!?
Alice ->No one, your Highness. [curtsies politely]
Queen ->I hope not! Anyway, I ordered this Tea Party for everyone because I feel we all need a little break of everything that has been going on. {chuckles}With Humpty Dumpty in the hospital, we all will have enough room around the table. Now, if you would do so nicely, SIT!
The White Rabbit ->{comes in the forest with his watch tucked under his arm}Am I late?
Alice ->{quickly motions for him to sit down}
Queen ->I knew we'd be seeing you, Rabbit, a little late, shall we say?
Queen's Deck of Cards ->{laugh hysterically}
Queen ->SILENCE! Cards, did I tell you to talk? NO! As you were! Now, welcome to the Tea Party!

The author's comments:
very cool

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