Beauty of a Reckless Leader | Teen Ink

Beauty of a Reckless Leader

June 19, 2012
By SanityMarie BRONZE, Dover, Delaware
SanityMarie BRONZE, Dover, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
fighting for peace is like f*cking for virginity.

She was dramatic, dark, mysterious, cunning and beautiful. Oh God did I want her! She was our medicine and our poison. There savor and my lover. She was our secret weapon, our leader, our reason to live. But she fell; our leader fell and never got back up. And when she fell we became reckless. We became lost, confused. We became desperate. Chaos broke over our land, the land that took over 200 years to build and to keep stable. 200 years of work destroyed in one day. It’s her fault! She left us! She left us here to die, and didn’t give a damn! We needed her; we needed her more than anything. Didn’t she know how much we loved her? How much I loved her? How much we sacrificed to be with her? I missed everything about her. Her long raven locks, her pale skin, her purple eyes and soft red lips. GOD! I miss her so much. Doesn’t she know that were too weak to fend for ourselves? She’s so self-centered! Where lying in the ruins of our land, cold, hungry, thirsty, and dying and she goes and sleeps! How dare her! How many times do I have to scream and beg and cry for her to come back? But then again she has been asleep for 2 years now. But that’s not the point! She has a duty to fulfill! She’s our leader, where supposed to die for her! She was so reckless. She wasn’t supposed to die!

The author's comments:
Dark Music. I hope people like it.

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