The Inevitability of The Future | Teen Ink

The Inevitability of The Future

October 10, 2012
By spacemarine BRONZE, Waco, Texas
spacemarine BRONZE, Waco, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"wars come and go, but my soldiers stay eternal" - Tupock

The Inevitability of the Future

John woke up early that morning and yawned, tired of his humdrum life. He turned on his screen and stretched wishing he could just stay home and relax and watch a few 21st century flicks. He looked over his emails and sighed 52 from work, and a few from his mother.
He scrolled through them all extremely bored when he saw an email pop up as spam. “Weird” he thought to himself “I don’t get any junk mail usually”. So whether it was because of boredom or because of fate he opened the email simple labeled Read, and he began to do so…
I've got time to kill.
That would be funny if it weren't so true. Well let’s start from the beginning.
Hi my name is….well that doesn't matter to you. I don’t want you to get any ideas yet so, anyways. I watched my self-die. This is my point for this email I’m sending you;
The future is inevitable; no matter what you do you can’t change the end result.
I know, I know you’re gonna be all “what? That so untrue we have free will,” and you know what, I would have agreed with you but, I've found that in the end we can’t change what happens. How do I know this?
As we speak I’m heading toward my own demise at the hands of fate. Since you live in the past my death hasn't happened yet. Anyways back to my life and how I got here. I tried to stop it don’t get me wrong I fought hard. But now I can’t help it that one phone call sealed my fate that morning with his simple words.
“Meet me at the place where it began” he told me.
And with that my life took a downward spiral, I worked for the United Nations. My job was to watch the probes that go into the future to make sure it isn't messed up. My job was pretty easy you know, just stop all the future Hitlers, Stalin's, and so on. But most of the time it’s just plain old boring. Until on one of the probes I watched my death. And I knew I had to heed his words.
Alright so now the real bomb-shell I’m you from the future….Don’t believe me?
Neither would I but its true. So heed my warning and when you hear that phone ring, don’t answer it whatever you do.
So as you, or is it me?, can see my, or is it your? Life though short has given us a wider perspective. This is the end of my email and now I’m leaving to go to my own end.

John froze as he finished the email, extremely creep-ed out by it. He stood up turning off his screen and stretch looking over at his clock and realizing he was late; he silently cursed who ever made the email. As he grabbed his air car keys and got ready to leave his Omni phone began ringing, email forgotten completely he sighed and answered it.
“Hello?” he said “I kind of in a hurry” he explained.
And a voice replied words that made his bones chilled over “Meet me at the place where it began”.

The author's comments:
A Paper i wrote for English class on the inevitability of the future in a fictional short story.

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on Oct. 15 2012 at 7:23 pm
Wolfshadow SILVER, Park City, Utah
9 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Some say time is an illusion, others, time is of the essence but time is something we stand by, are comforted by, killed by, and helped by, therefore time is all in our heads, but who says something in our heads,  can't be real?" ~Wolfshadow

This is amazing. It's filled me with chills and I had to keep reading it. Keep on writing!