The Predator | Teen Ink

The Predator

November 15, 2012
By doddster4 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
doddster4 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I rocketed through the woods as fast as my legs would carry me. Who knew how fast I could run once adrenaline kicked in. I could hear the steady thump behind me beating the soft earth, matching the rhythm of my heart, which at this point felt as though it was about to explode from the depths of my chest. “Don’t you dare look back,” my conscious screamed so loud my skull shook. As they say, “curiosity kills the cat”, as I whipped my head behind me to glimpse the predator my foot caught on the single tree root to cross my path. My face skidded against the dirt and sticks, scrapping along my jaw. My breath flew out of my lungs, my vision blurred, hearing vanished. There was only silence. The thumping had stopped, but my raging heart had not. A dazedly tried to get to my feet by rolling onto all fours. But then I heard it, that faint ragging breath. I let out shaky cold breath, creating a cloud effect in front of my face. I forced myself to raise my throbbing head and stare directly into the scorching yellow eyes of the predator. His lips curled into a wicked grin as he snarled and snapped at my face. Drool oozed from the corners of its jaw and hung from his razor sharp teeth. Its eyes taunted me, daring me to run. They held me in a trace.

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