Nightmare World | Teen Ink

Nightmare World

December 12, 2012
By Person20 BRONZE, Malabar, Florida
Person20 BRONZE, Malabar, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nightmare World

One day, Charlotte, a young woman who wears t-shirts with superheroes on them, jeans, and black sneakers, which complement her acne and jet black hair, was on her way to her prestigious school when she fell into a pothole. Charlotte flinched thinking she was going to hit the asphalt street but she didn’t. Instead, she opened her eyes to see that she was falling down a hole with no end in sight. She looked up and could see the faint August sunlight seeping through the pothole.

Hours later, Charlotte could see a white glow beneath her. The white object was getting closer every second. Charlotte screamed making the sound of a crow being chased off the manicured lawn. Finally, she crashed into the white glow, but to her surprise it gave way. She sat up looking at her surroundings but all she could see was the thing glowing. Charlotte sniffed the glowing thing; it had a sweet smell. Charlotte decided to take a bite of it because she had hunger pains. The white thing had the taste of lucky charms cereal, it was sweet and fluffy. Charlotte started devouring the sweet, white, fluffy thing.

Ten minutes later, she had eaten the white glowing thing and was now standing in world made of sweets. The grass was made of Twislers, the sun was a lemon head, and the twisting rivers to take you from candy factory to candy factory were made of caramel. “Wait, why are there candy factories?” Charlotte thought aloud. Then, it struck her that she was in the world where candy is made grown, packed, and shipped to obese people in the United States of America. Immediately, Charlotte had an overwhelming feeling of terror. Charlotte’s worst nightmare was to become obese. For the past year, Charlotte had been making herself vomit after meals because she was so worried about having rolls of stomach fat. Charlotte fell to the ground gripping her tangled hair and sobbed. Charlotte was sure she was going to be overcome by gluttony.

Time quickly past with her sobbing, stuffing down Twislers, and then forcing the Twislers back up. When she came to her senses, it was night and the cookie-like moon was sitting in the powdered doughnut filled night sky. Charlotte had come to a resolution; she would fight her way out of this tempting sugar plagued inferno. Charlotte ran alongside the bank of the caramel river looking for a boat to cross the river on. Charlotte realized that the factory workers must hide the boats so no one can escape this candy trap, but Charlotte was too smart. She went to the lollipop forest to make herself a lollipop raft. Charlotte cut down the lollipops with the barber shop pole looking weed that was insanely sharp. She painstakingly collected taffy from the small hole in the chocolate cliff face nearby the lollipop forest. She carefully wound the taffy around the lollipops to pull the raft together. Now, it was time for the biggest challenge. “Grr” went Charlotte as she lifted the candy raft over her head. She trudged out of the forest to the caramel river where she threw the raft in with all the strength she had left. Charlotte then leaped onto the raft and accidentally fell asleep on her way down the river.

When Charlotte woke, she could see a caramel geyser shooting up through the pink cotton candy clouds. Charlotte’s face was contorted by fear of the impending doom. Charlotte tried to use her hands as paddles so she could go against the current of the river. Charlotte’s attempts to escape the geyser were sadly unsuccessful. The geyser swept up Charlotte and the raft and shot them into the sky. The view she had was magnificent. The candy world was really one big face. The river formed a handle bar mustache, the factories were pimples, the grass was skin, the eyes were gumdrops, the lollipops were black heads, the taffy and the chocolate cliff were an ear, and the geyser was vomit coming from the face’s mouth. “Do I look that ugly when I throw up” Charlotte thought aloud. Then, Charlotte shot out of a broken fire hydrant. Charlotte, bewildered, sopping wet, and lost ran like a gazelle to find something familiar.

Later, Charlotte put the pieces together. The reason the candy grew was because it was a living creature’s face. The factories take pieces of the face and ship the face to America to be eaten. Charlotte decided she would never eat candy again; stop forcing her food back up because when she does she probably looks as ugly as the face, and she was lucky she got out of the world she accidentally fell into alive.

The End

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