Guns in the Ghetto part 1 | Teen Ink

Guns in the Ghetto part 1

January 8, 2013
By Anonymous


Gatling City, one of the greatest cities in the history of man, but it is also the most segregated city in the world. The city is split into two separate areas based on how rich or poor you are and how much technology you have. The poor have almost been exterminated due to the fact that almost all of them don’t have technology to face the oppressing upper class. But one young man decides to make a stand. His name is Antonio and this is his tale.

Antonio comes from a poor family that has always lived in the ghetto of Gatling City he has been nicknamed Tye because of his middle name, Tyrone. He is 17 years old and can’t afford to go to school; his father died when he was 3 in a mining accident in the gold mines right outside the city. Since he was 12 Tye has been working to pay for the house that he and his 39 year old Mother live in. The jobs are switched every week unless you get hired for a year or you can be requested to work in the same area you worked in the week before.

In the ghetto there isn’t that much technology but there is always a need for basic supplies that people will scavenge for. There are some areas where you can work where scavenging is easier than other areas. Tye almost always gets assigned to the Industrial Ghetto so he helps out around the neighborhood with supplies especially with his family and his girlfriend Kendra’s family.


“Come on Tye it is time to wake up!” Said Tye’s mother from downstairs.
“In a minute Mom! I barely slept last night!” Answered Tye from up in his room.
“Well you better hurry up or you will be late for work,” replied his mother.
“Fine then,” Tye mumbled along with some other words.
“I heard that young man! You better get your a** down here before I get up there and bring it down for you!” she screamed
“Yes Ma’am,” grumbled Tye.
“Thats right boy, now come get some breakfast before it gets cold,” she replied.
“Okay,” he mumbled walking down stairs into the kitchen and sitting down at the table.
“What job do you have today?” she inquired giving him his breakfast.
“Sewage duty,” he whispered taking his first bite of breakfast.
“Okay that sucks,” she replied she said clearing her plate.
“Yeah and I have it all week too, but this is the week is the technology clean up so maybe I could pick some stuff up for you. What do we need?” he stated checking his phone.
“Umm let me think. We need some batteries and some kitchen supplies,” she said looking at the list on the refrigerator.
“The batteries should be easy but the I’m not so sure about the supplies,” he stated also looking at the list thinking about what else he could find down there in the sewers for them.
“Thats okay honey, just do the best you can!” she replied.
“Yes Ma’am,” he said thinking about what he could find for Kendra’s family in the sewers.
“Now get your scooter and get to work and remember the batteries!” she yelled running upstairs to start the laundry.
“I know, I know. I gotta go now,” he retorted walking out of the house to his job down in the sewer district.


On his way to work he started texting his girlfriend Kendra.

Kendra had been friends with Tye since they were little. He had a crush on her since they turned 15 and finally got the guts to ask her out a couple of months ago. She loves baking and is always cooking something for her family. She lives across the street from Tye with her mom, dad, and three sisters.
“Hey baby what's up?” he texted her walking down Main Street.
“Heyyy. Not much getting ready for work wbu?” she replied.
“Heading to work. What job do you have this week?” he answered.
“I got bakers assistant this week!! I’m so happy maybe they will hire me full time for the year after they see my baking skills. What job do you have this week?.” she stated.
“I have sewage duty this week but its in the industrial district so maybe I will be able to find some stuff. Does your family need anything?” he asked.
“Awwww you’re so sweet! And yes we need some batteries and a new connector for the refrigerator,” she replied.
“Okay, I should be able to find the batteries fairly easily but what size connector do you need?” he inquired.
“Umm, ¾ inch at the refrigerator end and 6 prongs for the plug,” she responded.
“Oh. Okay. Those are fairly common I should be able to find one of those easily. Is that seriously all you need for your family? Do you need anything?” he answered.
“Thats all for the family, but I don’t want you to think I’m too needy,” she said.
“You are not too needy and it always makes me happy to help you out. So what do you need?” he replied lovingly.
“Well I would love a mixer so I don’t have to mix my cakes by hand anymore. But if it is too much trouble you don’t have to look for one,” she responded.
“Oh I saw one last week and hid it at home. I was going to give it to you on your birthday but I guess today works just as well,” he replied
“Oh my gosh!!! You are the best boyfriend a girl could ever have!!! I love you so much!!” she exclaimed.
“I wouldn’t be able to be the best boyfriend if I didn’t have the best girlfriend in the world! I just pulled in to the parking lot I’ll talk to you after work okay? I love you,” he replied
“Okay honey I love you too!!” she answered.
“Here we go back into H***.” he thought walking into the sewer facilities.


Tye walked into the sewage building, grabbed his uniform, and headed underground into the sewers where he would spend the next 12 hours in. He almost instantly found enough batteries for his house and Kendra’s family, he actually found a bunch of kitchen supplies but 30 minutes before his shift was over he noticed an unfamiliar shape sticking out from the oil and sludge. He picked it up and cleaned it off when he noticed 3 more of the objects in the sludge. He also found 24 oblong objects with small metal canisters in each one of the oblong objects. He then noticed that the oblong objects fit inside the larger objects. Tye believed that they were a new kitchen supplies and he should bring them back home to his mom. As he was leaving the sewers he noticed more and more of the strange objects so he quickly grabbed his backpack and filled it with 30 of the larger objects and 70 oblong ones before deciding to leave.

Tye decided to see if his best friend Nickolas knew what the objects were.
“Hey man what's up?” he texted him walking home from work.
“Not much man, just left work wbu?” he answered.
“Same here but I found some weird stuff in the sewers mind if I bring it over so we can see what it is?” he replied.
“No problem man head over in about 30 minutes or so,” Nik answered.
“Okay thanks Nik. And is it cool if Forte comes too?” he asked almost home.
“Yeah dude thats cool g2g bye,” Said Nik.
“Aight dude peace,” replied Tye arriving at home.

Later that night Forte and Tye were heading over to Nik’s house when Kendra saw them walking by and she decided to join them.

“Hey Tye and Forte. What’s up?” she asked walking out of her house.
“Hey baby, Forte and I are heading over to Nik’s house to look at some stuff that I found at work today. Do you want to come?” replied Tye stopping and waiting for her to catch up to them.
“I would love to come! Let me grab some stuff I found last week so we all have something to share,” she answered running back into her house.
“Alright,” said Tye turning around, “Don’t take too long baby.”
“Dude since when have you and Kendra dating?” Forte asked with a puzzled look on his face
“A couple months now, we just didn’t want everyone to know about it so we only told our parents,” Tye replied with a smug look on his face.
“Oh, Okay, no offense but I never thought you two would ever be dating,” Forte shot back angrily.
“Well no one ever thought you and Angie would be going out. Now did they?” Tye replied smartly.
“True my dude. But I had more of a chance with her than you had with Kendra,” stated Forte.
“Yeah well then why don’t you tell Kendra that?” Tye replied.
“Tell me what?” asked Kendra walking out of her house.
“Nothing other than that Tye here is making fun of me and Angie again,” said Forte with a sincere look on his face.
“Yeah right,” said Kendra, “You guys were talking about me and Tye. I’m not stupid Forte,”
“Oh snap she got you Forte!” said Tye.
“Shut up man,” angrily countered Forte.
“Both of you shut up!!” Exclaimed Kendra, “You’re acting like children.”
“Sorry baby,” said Tye “Sometimes I can’t help it. Especially when this I’m hanging around with this ‘kid’.”
“Alright Tye we get it. I’m a little baby and you’re a big boy now,” retorted Forte.
“Nah man I’m kidding bro. Let’s hurry up Nik’s probably wondering where we are,” stated Tye.
“Alright let’s hurry up then,” said Kendra.

So they ran to Nik’s house and on they way they ran into Calli, Nik’s girlfriend who was also Kendra’s best friend.

“Hey Calli!” said Kendra excitedly running up and hugging her.
“Oh. Hey Kendra. What’s up?” she replied while hugging her back.
“Not much going over to Nik’s house, would you like to come with us?” asked Kendra.
“Of course I would!” replied Calli smiling.
“Okay then let’s go then,” said Kendra.

They now hurried even faster towards Nik’s house. When they arrived they were greeted by Nik’s Mom.

“Hey guys. How are you?” she asked pleasantly.
“We are doing great how are you Ma’am,” replied Tye courteously.
“I’m doing great. Thank you for asking. Nik is up in his room if thats who you guys are looking for,” she stated.
“Thank you Ma’am. Have a good night,” answered Tye.
“Why you’re welcome Tye,” commented Nik’s Mom.

They rushed up the stairs into Nik’s room where Calli instantly sprinted to Nik and hugged him.
“Hey Niko, how are you?” Calli asked letting go of him.
“Hey Cals, I wasn’t doing so good until you came here. How are you?” Nik replied lovingly.
“Oh my gosh that was so sweet,” Kendra whispered to Tye.
“I know right? He so smooth,” said Tye in admiration.
“Not as smooth as you, hot shot,” Kendra whispered back.
“But its true that all the hot shots get the best girls,” he whispered lovingly back into her ear.
“Oh stop it you. Not here at least.” she whispered back, “Maybe when we get back to your house.”
“I’m going to hold you up to that statement,” replied Tye with a smile.
“Well now that the lovebirds are untangled, let’s get back to business,” stated Forte jealousy while getting up from the chair he sat down in.
“Oh shut up Forte. We all know that you’re just jealous that Angie’s not here,” said Nik sarcastically.
“Yeah well let’s see how that is in a couple of months Nik,” countered Forte.
“Both of y’all be quiet and listen to Tye before we both leave!” exclaimed Kendra slightly annoyed with everyone.
“Alright Kendra we were just messing around,” said Forte hesitantly.
“Yeah we were only playing,” agreed Nik.
“Now that all of your arguing is done let’s see what Tye found during work today,” said Kendra.
“Alright guys I only brought one of each item but I have about 45 of the larger items and 70 of the smaller ones,” said Tye.

Tye pulled the black object, it had a handle and was about ten pounds. It kind of looked like a sideways L and on one side it said ‘GLOCK’ and on the other it had a silver rectangle. When Tye pulled this out Calli squealed.

“What's wrong baby?” questioned Nik holding her in his arms.
“I.....I. I’ve seen something like that before,” she replied crying into Nik’s shoulder.
“When?” asked Kendra slightly concerned.
“When I was little,” replied Calli trying to hold back her tears.
“Do you know what they are called?” asked Forte.
“I think it is called a gun, and it is what killed my father,” she replied instantly breaking out into tears.

The author's comments:
Part of a bigger piece

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