New Beggining | Teen Ink

New Beggining

January 28, 2013
By Anonymous

The year is 2050 and I worked as a construction manager not far from where I live. My life was in perfect shape. The morning was beautiful as the sun lies over the rose sheets that covered the fields in the distance of our backyard. I was ready to head out of my office, the outside smelling like a usual summer morning, great! Celia, My wife, works at the nursing home in town, today she didn’t work so my goal was to get home as early as possible tonight.

Everything felt usual but as I entered the building almost everyone was looking at me. It seemed as if I was in the spotlight today. I dint expect anything to be wrong: I had hoped nothing was bad. When I got to the office my boss was standing up with his foot up on my chair…

I was disappointed and felt disrespected to see this, but it was as he didn’t care who I was anymore.

“Sorry Miguel. Nothing personal here, but my company was bought this weekend and the boss demands I remove you from the company.”

“But how could you? I’ve made no mistakes!”

This seemed fishy to me and it was time for everyone to head out to the work site. I was fired. I couldn’t go home at this time, not jobless. Celia would really be disappointed if she hears I got fired, but at least the y had no reason to fire me. I wasn’t used to being home around this time, so I decided I go check out the work site where they were beginning a new project.

. Lefts, right yields and stop signs I was really familiar with the streets we were taking. Without a doubt I noticed that the vehicles I was following were trying to avoid me. We were at a two lane intersection where I pulled up to my ex co-worker. He looked straight forward not being alerted that I was staring at him. Soon I noticed I was in the neighborhood where Old Man Jenkins and I lived as a teen. The light was still red and Oscar, the man driving the truck I was following, took off quick making a nasty smell from the burns of the tires screeching. I didn’t know whether I should follow him and skip the light.

Red and blue light were shining from my rear view mirror and I was losing my patience. The officer who approached my car seemed like a serious man. No expression on his face whatsoever. As soon as I turned back from getting my license and registration, nobody was longer there. The man was gone along with what he was driving. It might have been a stress call calling all officers. The day suddenly went bad; I felt as I only wanted to get over it. What I didn’t know was that it was only the beginning.

I arrived at the work site. I recognized the area and came to a conclusion that the houses they were working on was Old Man Jenkins’ house, and my old house was knocked down, well at least partway gone. Plastic covered a brick barrier that was square around the perimeter of the house and 3 feet high. The only thing was the for-sale sign on the front lawn had a red label that read “sold”. I dint care much to go off to go off on a home broker for something that was no longer mine, it made me sad that the house that I grew up in was knocked down. I thought a regular family would move in instead of it being knocked down and made into commercial property. The economy was coming to a revolution and a new way of doing things. Experiments and science was the major focus of the town. Extended stay hotels were being built on every other block.. I accepted the fact that I lived in a new era.

After a long drive, I snapped out of the bouncing thoughts in my membranes and pulled into the driveway. I was home and the sun was coming down. I took a long wash in the bathroom acting as if I had a hard day at work. Trying to not act like something was wrong: I called out and around for Celia. She wasn’t home.

The sun was coming down and I was beginning to worry. I decided to call Celia, only to find that her cell phone was lying on the edge of the sofa. I gave a long gasp and headed to the kitchen. We loved hanging out when the sunsets came, at least when we made time for it. Disappointment flooded my thoughts and I sat on the kitchen table staring out at the flower fields.

I was about to turn away when I saw two people and a champagne bottle. I could tell by the black corkscrew shadow that I could see in the distance. I felt worthless and betrayed. I headed to my bedroom, shut the door, and almost took a step when someone grabbed me from behind. He covered my face with a rag that smelled like alcohol, there wne the rest of my day….

I woke up strapped to a bed, in a room which smelled like latex gloves and old people. the day was the twenty fifth, January twenty fifty-two, it seemed as if this was a part of my life I had already experienced. I layed my head down for a second or two, and then felt shocked! The clock read: January twenty-fifth but the year on the blue LED light of the watch said “2052.”

I was in shock. Had two years of my life been wasted like that? A man in a suit came in, he came up and stood next to me on the bed. The strap, prevented me from looking up. I only had the ability to see that the guy had creased pants. He introduced himself. “Arnold Jenkins!” he said, as if he was really proud of it. He let the strap holding my head loose and I turned to look at the man. Blue eyes, a fresh shave, and his hair slicked back. “Two years of intense research and you finally have a right to brag that you are worth something.”

Flashbacks hit me and I had a sudden strike of migraines.

“Why am I here? Why are you doing this?”

“You see my son, you are here because you are the greatest man alive in the world right now, you may be incredibly stupid, but you carry the knowledge your father had.” He winked at me and I showed no fear to the man. At this point I wanted to know what was up with my wife and where she was, what has she done with herself with me being gone for two years.

“Celia, where is she?”

“ don’t worry my child, she is in the safest hands she could be in right now, with my son.” He gave off a laugh and continued to look into his papers that he has on a clip board. Two men clicked the bed off its legs and transferred me onto one with wheels.

I was confused about that part; I had never thought he had sons. The wheeled me on to an elevator and got to the roof of the building. They carried me to a black helicopter, one that looked like something Bruce Wayne would fly in.
as we lifted off I got a view out of the window, it was where my old w\house was. I knew this because the old man’s house was still there. Over my house was a three story building that was all black by the tinted windows, but stood out and apart from all the other buildings.

We seemed to only be flying around in a helicopter. Mr. Jenkins gave me a brief explanation of what was happening, he was taking over the world. A clone, one that was better than the old man, was created by the old man. I was talking to a clone who was apprantly taking over the world. Everything seemed true, but I couldn’t believe that people were now stereotyped, if you weren’t genetically born in a custom way or a clone you were considered stupid. Everything was now striving toward perfection.

“Your dad was an idol to me,” the old man told me as the helicopter landed back onto its helipad. There was something that didn’t seemed right. It seemed as if the real Mr. Jenkins cloned himself but now was a sympathetic man.

I read a lot of the books that my dad’s basement library and the old man watched me for days. Finally he explained himself. “Your dad, he created us, you are original and weren’t genetically brought into this world, I tried to take over the world. But it is now obvious to me that I can’t. I’m just not smart enough like your father. Your father knew what would happen in the future. He built me to not die by natural cause, but only gave me a time lapse me to disintegrate.”

He went on and on for so long that I spaced out. I found out that my dad’s project was to better the world in a good way, and the old man explained it turned out to be for the bad. The old man grinned at me and he was starting to look weary. His eyes turned dark brown and then shifted into a lighter brown. He turned into sand and collapsed to the floor creating dust.

I knew everything by now. My dad was by far the greatest and smartest scientist alive. Mr. Jenkins wanted to inherit my dad’s power, but it only seemed as if he wasn’t smart enough. I finally knew my purpose in life was to help the less fortunate and create opportunities.

Five years later, as people predicted, the world came to an apocalypse. All of north America was being taken over by a virus which spread by mixing any other breed with clone, it made people crazy. I was now in my palace in Havana and the world counted on me and my co-workers to civilize the moon. Soon the world would no longer exist. It would be naturally smartest that had the best chance of survival: this is nededed, to keep the universe moving.

The author's comments:
Corrupt-ism breaks out. In one worldwide battle, one average kid find his destiny to survive and bring upon one new race as a whole.

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