The Pilgrimage of The Wolf | Teen Ink

The Pilgrimage of The Wolf

February 9, 2013
By sava94 BRONZE, Friendship, Wisconsin
sava94 BRONZE, Friendship, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why waste time impressing some guy when you can impress someone waaaaay more important: yourself." -My Mother

Shadows had swept over the small village of Neya. Night had fallen long ago and now the only sounds heard were the chirping

of crickets and a single howl from the faraway forest. In a rush, many villagers ran out into the small dirt clearing that served as

their central area. A girl with light hair, which stood out among the common dark hair of the rest of the village, ran up to the

chieftain quietly. She held one of her short braids nervously, wondering why a watcher would be howling this time of night. The

chieftain turned to her quietly.

“Take the young and the elders to the meeting hall until you are called for. We will investigate.” He said in a low voice, trying

not to frighten the nearby children. The girl nodded quietly and stepped toward the children grouped nearby. A small boy looked up

at her with wide eyes, almost in tears.

“Elena, what’s going on?” He asked quietly. Elena smiled and grabbed her little brother’s hand. He was an easily frightened

child. Elena could only figure it was because of what had happened with their mother.

“It’s okay, Ermolai. It’s nothing serious. Chief Faddei just wants us to wait in the meeting hall so there’s not a panic.” Elena said,

loud enough for the other changeless villagers to hear. Many of the children and elderly nodded and headed toward the meeting hall

without a word of protest. Ermolai nodded as well but, clung close to Elena as they moved with the crowd. Elena was happy to be

protecting her little brother but, as they moved farther from the others, she felt her heart speed up and her blood boil in anticipation.

She wanted to be running with the other’s and investigating the panic of the watcher’s howl. Soon. She thought, soothing herself.

Soon I will go on my pilgrimage and will run with the others.

It was midmorning by the time the hunters got back. Elena took Ermolai back to their house while the hunters met in the

meeting hall. Once she finally got Ermolai to get some sleep, Elena went back to the meeting hall to listen to the conversation. When

she walked in all she could hear was the shouts of people. She walked up to a girl that wasn't too much older than her.

"What's going on, Tatyana?" Elena questioned solemnly while two nearby hunters growled at each other menacingly. Tatyana glared

at them and turned her hard stare to Elena.

“Raskilnikov was found dead in the forest last night. He was murdered.” Tatyana murmured. “They are still examining the body

but, there was a lot of silver powder in the surrounding area.” Elena’s eyes widened with surprise. There was almost never a murder

in Neya and when there was it was usually because one of the hunters went wild.

“How did the murderer get ahold of silver?” Elena questioned, “It’s banned from Neya and there isn’t another village in a

hundred mile radius.” Tatyana just shook her head as Chief Faddei began to speak again and everyone else became silent.

“Enough arguing. There is nothing we can do now but, try to discover who the murderer is. The Council and I will continue the

investigation, in the meantime keep an eye on the defenseless.” Chief Faddei announced with authority. Everyone nodded as he

continued, “Now we must move on with our lives. Today one of our young villagers will go on the journey to become a huntress.

Elena Ekk, today you must go on the journey to Vyazma so that you came become one of the wolves.” A couple hunters spoke out in

protest of risking a young villager’s life for a mere pilgrimage but, Elena’s blood seemed to run faster as she nodded in acceptance.

She was finally going to become one of the wolves! She couldn’t wait to travel on her journey and see places other than Neya. She

hurried through her farewells and finally went to say goodbye to Ermolai. She stopped right outside of their small shack. She hadn’t

thought about Ermolai before. She would be leaving him all alone. Surely one of the mothers would take care of him but, he would

still be so alone and Elena could tell he still hadn’t recovered from their mother’s death. Elena entered the shack quietly. Ermolai was

practicing his writing at the table and looked up at her. He smiled at her at first but, his face darkened when she didn’t immediately

smile back.

“Elena? What’s wrong?” He asked, eyes already tearing up. Elena smiled sadly at her little brother.

“Nothing is wrong Ermolai. I just came to tell you that I am leaving on my pilgrimage today. Isn’t it great? I am finally going to be

a wolf.” Elena said excitedly though her eyes burned with sadness. Ermolai grabbed Elena’s arm and looked up at her.

“Don’t go! Don’t become one of them!” He pleaded. Elena ripped her arm out of his grasp and looked down at him, gaze


“One of Us, not one of them!” Elena said sternly. “It’s not your place to decide what I do, this is what we are whether we like it or

not. I chose long ago to embrace it. One way or another you will have to go on your own pilgrimage one day.” She gave him one last

cold look before turning on her heels and leaving the shack. Elena headed towards the edge of the village, stepping into the last

building she had to visit. The prison shack was perhaps one of the most run down of the buildings in Neya. It was poorly built and

could be easily broken out of with it's weathered down boards. The reason is wasn't broken out of was because it only had one

prisoner and it also held the only trace of silver in the entire village. Elena looked down at the ragged prisoner with contempt. With

the silver lined cuffs he was stuck in a half transformed state. Coarse hair sprouted from his bare back and his nails were sharpened

into claws. The worst were his eyes that were permanently stuck as bright yellow orbs, lit with madness. Elena curled her lip at the

sight of him.

"I just came to tell you that today I set out on my pilgrimage. I thought you should know." Elena said formally. She sighed inwardly as

the prisoner didn't look up from the dirt floor he was scratching lightly at. Elena turned and walked towards the door.

"It'll happen to you to, you know." The prisoner spoke up in a rough voice. "You will realize the child's true nature but, by then it'll be

too late." Elena nearly snarled as she turned on her heels.

"I will never be like you, Father!" She shouted, voice filled with venom. "I won't kill my family or my friends and I would never make

Ermolai feel so hated the way you did! The madness won't take me over." Elena ran out of the shack and slammed the door. She

hated her father for everything he had done. She remembered a time when he was normal. He was a loving father but then Ermolai

was born. That very day he snapped. He had claimed that Ermolai was evil and tried to kill him. Elena's mother got in the way and

paid the ultimate price. Elena was only seven at the time and hated her father for leaving her and Ermolai all alone. Elena ran

through Neya's bordering woods, tired of farewells. She felt a great relief once she crossed into the plains. She was finally out of

Neya. This was where her adventure would begin. That, however, wasn't entirely true. Elena spent the next several days crossing the

plains, nothing of interest had happened in those days so Elena had been left alone with her thoughts. That was when she realized

she had no idea where Vyazma was, or what it was for that matter. She just knew she had to keep heading west. Elena was very

grateful for all the food she had packed as well. It was the fourth day by the time she reached another village. It was on the outskirts

of a forest that was even bigger than the one outside of Neya if that was even possible. Elena headed for the tavern cautiously,

suddenly aware of how different these people were. They wore much heavier clothing as it was colder here. Elena's slightly tanned

skin that seemed pale in her village now looked dark in contrast to that of these people. Their skin was a shade of ivory that Elena

rarely saw. Instead of moving freely with the confidence that one who had the wolf would possess they moved quietly and nimbly.

Elena entered the

large tavern ignoring the stares from all the current patrons. She approached the barkeep with purpose.

"Excuse me," Elena said quietly, "What is this village called?" The barkeep gave her a quizzical look while many people continued to

stare at her.

"Well," He hesitated, "It goes by the name of Kinel. Do you have business here?" Elena sighed quietly. She had hoped this was the

place. She couldn't bear the thought of spending one more day on the plains.

"Do you by chance know how to get to Vyazma?" Elena questioned again, hoping for the best. At that moment the barkeep's eyes

widened with knowledge and he leaned in a little closer. "That is a dangerous name to utter around here." He murmured under his

breath. "Look for the house at the edge of the wood. There you will find your guide." He continued, "And whatever you do, do not

trust any of the villagers." Elena nodded, suddenly on edge. What was going on? Was something wrong with Vyazma? Elena

meandered out of the tavern and then hurried towards the forest. She stopped as she heard footsteps behind her. She turned and

saw some children behind her. To call them children was a little unfair for they could only be a few years younger than her but, that

made all the difference within Neya. A small girl with fiery hair seemed to lead the group. Elena couldn't help but notice that they

were all heavily armed. The girl carried a large bow while behind her a dark haired boy held a dagger and brown haired boy held a

small spear.

"What do you want?" Elena questioned, standing tall. The small girl stepped forward. Elena realized that the girl made very little

sound as she made her toward her. The girl stopped a few feet away and gave Elena a long look. Even though she was much shorter

than Elena, she seemed to command all attention.

"Is it true that you're going to the house on the edge of the wood?" The girl asked, ignoring Elena's question completely.

"How did you know that?" Elena asked, alarmed. Had the barkeep told them after she left? The girl rolled her eyes.

"We overheard the conversation. Now I believe I asked you a question." She said impatiently. Elena was taken aback by the strangers


"I need directions." Elena replied cautiously, "Is there something wrong?" The girl took another step forward, threateningly.

"You couldn't possibly need directions to a place called Vyazma could you? Because last time people showed up needing directions to

Vyazma they waved their silver weapons around and threatened the entire village." Elena's eyes widened with shock at the mention

of silver.

"Well I didn't have anything to do with it!" Elena claimed defensively. The girl narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

"How do we know that?" She demanded. Elena struggled for an idea of how to prove herself innocent. She suddenly knew exactly

what to do but, cringed at the thought of it.

"I can't touch silver." Elena said simply. The girl raised an eyebrow at the suggestion and pulled out a small knife. Elena cringed

inwardly when she noticed the silver glint.

"Well." The girl said, "Take it." Elena reached out a shaking hand and gripped the handle. Instantly a light sizzle filled the air and a

black rash spread itself across her hand. She let go right away and the blackness slowly receded. "What are you?!" The girl asked in

surprise. Her two friends reacted quite similiarly. Elena took advantage of the moment.

"My turn." She said to the girl. "Who are you." The girl slid her gaze back from Elena's now normal hand to her face.

"My name is Ilia and these are my friends Luka and Maks." Elena sized them up and realized that if she had the ability to transform

she could take them on easily.

"Why are you walking around with weapons? You don't look like you even know how to use them." Elena questioned again. All three

of the younger teenagers sighed in unison as if they've all heard it all before.

"We do know how to use them!" Luka shouted, "We've just never had to use them before." He added a little more quietly. Ilia rolled

her eyes at his comment.

"Wow. Thanks for that. It was pure gold." She said to him, voice laced with sarcasm. She looked back up at Elena, more serious.

"Usually the hunters are here and they handle the weapons but, do to lack of prey to hunt they set off to find food. So in the

meantime we have taken up arms. So far, though, it hasn't gone so well." Elena nodded.

"These people with weapons of silver, did they say anything weird to you?" Elena asked trying to sound casual. Ilia narrowed her

eyes, once again suspicious.

"They asked us if we've seen any... wolves around here and then they threatened us. We were actually preparing to hunt them down

and teach them a lesson." Ilia muttered the last part with contempt. Elena thought about it and even though the barkeep told her not

to, she decided to trust them.

"Well there's something you should know." Elena said to them. "The wolf they were looking for... Well that was me." Elena brushed

off the confused looks. "Come on, I'll explain while we walk." They followed her without questioning her immediately. She had

prepared what she was going to say. "Well to start, I'm from a village full of werewolves. Our mature hunters go on a journey to

Vyazma where we gain our wolf and the ability to transform into a creature that isn't human but, isn't quite wolf either. I'm

currently on that journey. Any questions?" I asked after rushing through the explanation.

"Tons." Ilia said matter of factly, "But none that are important." She added.

"Good." Elena said stopping, "Because I think we're here. I have to go now." Elena said turning to say goodbye.

"Wait!" Ilia said quickly, "If you're going to Vyzama that's where those people were going correct? We want to find them so therefore

we want to go with you okay?" Elena nodded though knowing it would be dangerous. She knew she would rather at least have

someone to talk to. They all entered the shack quietly. They were greeted by a young girl, about Ermolai's age, with fair hair and

nearly colorless eyes.

"Can I help you?" She said in a monotone voice. Behind her an elderly woman limped toward the entrance. The woman seemed to

look right through them with her cloudy eyes.

"Katya, who are these people?" She questioned lightly, seemingly unworried.

"My name is Elena, I'm looking for Vyazma." Elena said stepping forward. The elderly woman rose her brows but, looked unalarmed.

"You're looking for your wolf." The woman said, "Well in that case, Katya will escort you there." she said simply. "You must leave

immediately or you won't make it in time. No questions now." She added before turning away. Katya stepped forward and gestured

for them to leave. She lead them quietly into the forest. They walked for some time and Elena talked to the others during that time.

She learned quite a bit about the others. Although they didn't look it, Ilia and the others were actually pretty proficient fighters, each

learning from their father. Ilia's family consisted of only her father which was the only reason she learned how to fight. Maks'

parents were merchants and he had traveled to many cities that Elena didn't even know existed. As hours stretched into days Elena

grew to see all the others as friends, even Katya who rarely even spoke. It had been a couple days but, Katya said they were almost

there, finally. Elena was walking beside Ilia discussing proper bow shooting techniques while Maks and Luka walked behind them. A

rustling in the trees pulled Elena out of her conversation. She looked up quietly but, could not see any movements within the

shadows. They moved on a little more cautiously. They had just started to relax when the rustling started again. Before Elena could

react someone flashed out of the brush. There was a glint of silver and then Maks fell to the grround, a brightening red wound on his

chest. Luka and Ilia rushed for his body while Elena turned toward the attacker, who was now smirking at her.

"Are you angry, Wolf?" He asked mockingly. Elena noticed he held a silver dagger, prepared for her incoming attack. Elena pulled

her dagger from her boot and looked for an opening. She dashed for him and he attempted to dodge and attack her. He was fast but,

Elena was faster. She twisted on her heels and slashed, nicking his arm. He flinched and slashed back, narrowly missing Elena's

cheek. Elena made another attempt and flew forward going right for his throat. She didn't see a better way to take care of him then

to bearr through a cut in order to make the final slash. She managed to cut through his windpipe but, not before he slashed open her

shoulder. She screamed out in pain as her entire shoulder turned black. She clutched her shoulder as she bent down and made sure

the attacker was dead. Katya calmly bandaged her blackened wound as she sat beside Ilia and Luka.

"We should bury him." Ilia said quietly, her voice sucked of emotion. Katya shook her head.

"We can't. There is no time." Katya murmured. Ilia glared at her but, retrieved her stuff. Elena stood abruptly and turned away from

"You guys stay here and bury Maks, then head back to the village. I'll go on alone." Elena said coldly, "If you come along, you'll just

die because of me." Ilia stood up and gave Elena a hard stare.

"There's no way." She said determinedly, "We knew what we signed up for and we won't leave you to face this alone. You'll surely

die." Elena looked at the ground.

"You're right. I'll just die. I will go back to the village and take care of Ermolai. I won't be the cause of anyone else's death." Ilia shook

her head.

"You can't just give up!" She shouted, "Not when you're so close! Besides what makes you think we're just going to turn around and

leave before getting revenge for Maks' death. You can't just run from a battle especially not someone as strong as you." Ilia said as

anger edged her voice. Elena looked at Ilia, Luka, and Katya. They all nodded in agreement. Elena nodded her head as well.

"Okay, I get it. We have to continue on. So let's go." Elena said with a faint smile. They were right, Elena couldn't give up yet. If she

returned to the village she would be seen as an outcast, no one would even acknowledge her. They moved on and it took less than a

day for them to reach the altar by the name of Vyazma. It was an ivory marble construction that stood as a small gazebo. There were

three people, all clad in silver, standing in the center of the altar examining it. Ilia tiptoed behind Elena.

"We'll provide a distraction, you go to the altar." Ilia whispered quietly. Elena nodded and snuck around, circling the altar. She heard

noise as Ilia, Maks, and Katya distracted the strangers. Despite the sounds of battle, Elena ran to the center of the altar. A voice

invaded her mind as she stood there. The voice was light, soothing, and kind. It reminded her of her own moher as it whispered to

her. It told her that it was her time, she would be a great, strong wolf. All she needed to do was make one of her friends perish. Elena

felt something wrong about that but, why would her own mother tell her to do something wrong? Elena watched in amazement as

one of her hands sprouted long, dangerous claws. She looked up to the edge of the altar where Katya was watching her in

fascination. Elena's eyes had turned to yellow orbs as she stepped to the younger girl. Katya's face turned quickly into a mask of fear

and for some reason that made Elena smile with a mouthful of sharp wolf teeth. All Elena remembered after that was blood, blood,

and more blood. When Elena finally awoake it was just what she had thought. Blood everywhere. There were a couple bodies strewn

about, most of them unrecognizable. One in particular stood out. It was smaller than the others and had long fair hair that was

stained red with blood. The other body she recognized was Luka's for that wasn't her doing. Someone had slashed his throat. One of

the mangled bodies coughed, spewing blood. Elena approached him.

"Who are you?!" She shouted, filled with more rage than she had ever felt. The dying attacker smiled grimly.

"I am a werewolf hunter." He said quietly, "WHat you did was pointless Wolf, there are more werewolf hunters on their way to Neya

as we speak. All your friends, your family will die." Elena let her claws grow as she slashed out is throat, taken over with rage. She

looked up as she heard footsteps. Ilia had stepped out from behind a tree. She looked uninjured though she was covered in blood.

Her eyes were wide and she stared into the distance.

"You killed Katya when you first turned." She said quietly, "You said that 'Mother' told you to. You didn't kill the hunters until after

you saw what they did to Luka. You were angry, very angry." Elena started walking towards the village.

"They're going to kill everyone in my village. I have to stop them." Elena said with determination. "I understand if you hate me now."

Ilia ran to catch up with her.

"I don't think you even knew what you were doing." Ilia said quietly, "I want to help you save your brother." At Elena's gaze Ilia

shrugged. "That's who you're worried about right?"

"Mostly," Elena responded. "Aren't you upset about your friends?" She questioned coldly. Ilia's gaze dropped.

"Of course I am but, I don't really have time for that. We're going to have to run if we're ever going to catch up." Ilia said, changing

the subject. Elena nodded before sprinting. They ran most of the way, only stopping as long as they had to. Ilia did surprisingly well

for someone who did not have the wolf inside her. Something seemed to have changed within Ilia. She acted much more casually

about all this than she would have before. She never complained or got depressed, she just kept moving. Elena had decided it was

result of shock and brushed it off. After many days, more than Elena would have liked, they made it to the hill above the village. So

far there was no sign of intruders. Elena stepped forward and her foot brushed against a hint of silver. Elena gestured for Ilia to

come over.

"Pick that up." Elena said, pointing to the silver object.

"Why?" Ilia asked defensively as her eyes widened. Elena turned her gaze sharply to Ilia. Something about her definately wasn't

quite... right. Elena crossed her arms casually.

"Because I want to inspect it. We don't normally have silver around here." Ilia approached it with caution and reached out with a

shaking hand. She gripped it tightly and Elena watched as Ilia's hand blackened along with her arm. She dropped it quickly and

clutched her arm whimpering. Elena kneeled in front of her. "The attackers aren't the ones who killed Luka are they?" Elena

questioned with a hard stare. Ilia looked at her timidly.

"Ever since I was a small childthe villagers have made a fuss about how my mother wasn't from the village. She had just showed up

one day. She died of sickness when I was little. When I heard from you about the wolf village something stirred inside me so while

you were slaughtering the hunters I stepped inside the altar. My mother's voice spoke to me, told me that killing Luka would help me

gain my wolf and that's when I blacked out." Ilia said quietly, her voice trembled slightly. Elena was deep in thought, something

didn't make sense.

"Then how come you could touch silver before. The dagger you handed to me." Elena pointed out. Ilia shrugged.

"I figured it must be because I am only half werewolf and my wolf hadn't awakened yet. That's the only explanation I could come up

with." Ilia said quietly. Elena nodded as she looked at the ground. Part of her wanted to hate Ilia but, another part realized that Elena

herself had done pretty much the same thing. There was a rustle nearby as silver clad people stepped out from the forest. Elena

stood to face them. Ilia stood quietly beside her. The hunters looked at Ilia and smirked.

"Girl, you are not a wolf, there is no need for you to die today." they said to her in a tone that implied that she was a pathetic child.

Elena realized something. They didn't know Ilia was a wolf! She could still survive. Elena nodded her head to Ilia who moved quietly

towards the trees, leaving Elena behind. Elena was prepared as the hunters moved forward, circling her slowly. She was prepared as

they pulled out their swords, ready for a massacre. Elena wasn't prepared for Ermolai to be the one to step out of the trees, a cold

look on his face.

"Ermolai?! What are you doing?!" Elena questioned, panicked. Ermolai smiled cruelly.

"I told you not to go, Sister. You didn't listen to me. You could've lived." He said almost sadly. Elena's gaze darted quickly to the circle

of swords slowly closing in on her. She transformed but, didn't attack them.

"Why do you want to kill me?" Elena said in a rough, wild voice. Ermolai looked at her as if the answer was obvious.

"Because you're one of the monsters. The same monsters that killed Mother and looked at me as if I was an evil creation my entire

life. I am going to rid the world of werewolves. The altar is being destroyed as we speak. Good bye Sister." He said nonchalantly. The

circle of swords closed in faster and Elena let out a great howl. A howl that told her village there were intruders on their way, that

warned them to run or prepare themselves. Elena was forced to stop as she felt a piercing pain in her stomach. She transformed

back into a human and watched as her skin blackened from the swords piercing it. She heard a howl in the distance that seemed to

say goodbye. It was the howl of her father who had known all along that this would happen one day. His howl was filled with

sadness. Elena was numb inside and out from all the trauma. She was close to blacking out when she saw a great red wolf emerge

from the forest. Somehow it was more wolf than the rest of the werewolves in the village. It's green eyes looked at Elena with

sadness, they seemed to seek forgiveness though Elena did not know what for. The wolf leapt suddenly and clutched Ermolai by the

throat. His eyes widened and he let out a scream before the wolf dragged him back into the shadows. Elena felt herself smiling as her

eyes shut involuntarily. Her thoughts all seemed to subside and there was only one thing she could think. Thank you Ilia.

The author's comments:
I originally created this piece for my english class and got really into it. I quite enjoyed writing from such new perspective.

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