Timmy the Monster | Teen Ink

Timmy the Monster

February 13, 2013
By Sophia Bartkus BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
Sophia Bartkus BRONZE, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Timmy the Monster

There was once a monster named Timmy; he was a purple furry monster with horns. While he looked absolutely vicious, he was a super friendly guy. At first, the people of Hornsville were very afraid of him. They thought that he would eat them or tear their faces off. After Timmy proved that he was just like an average human, they seemed to treat him that way. People used to know that he was very admirable , but then a heinous event occurred that caused people to believe otherwise.

Timmy used to live in an apartment with his parents and sister. They were humans that adopted him after they found him abandoned on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. When Timmy asked his parents where he came from, they just said in a field near the Hornsville woods. Timmy used to be able to walk around the town, and because everyone knew him, nobody gave him weird or unaccepting looks. Timmy adored everything about his life, his family, friends at school, where he lived. That event (see paragraph above) affected Timmy in both a wonderful way and a really terrible way. It was really terrible at first, but then it got a whole lot better.

It was a typical day. They ate breakfast, got dressed, and Krysten, their mom, took Timmy and Leighla to school. The sun was shining high in the sky. Timmy and his older sister Leighla were in their mom’s car, while Krysten drove them to school. They went to school and had a wonderful day. Leighla got an A+ on her report, and Timmy and his friend gave an oral report on Dr. Seuss that went very well. When they got picked up, Krysten asked how their days were, and Timmy and Leighla said that his day went delightful..
On the car ride home, Timmy noticed that Leighla looked really depressed, and that she also had tear stains on her shirt. Timmy asked Leighla what was wrong, and Leighla said that she and her best friend had a fight. Something wasn’t right about how she said it that made Timmy not believe her. It sounded like she was lying because of the tone of her voice. Timmy was really worried about her, he loved his sister very much, and he didn’t like it when he could tell something was wrong in her life. Timmy was right, Leighla was lying about why she was upset. It was much worse than a fight with her best friend.

Timmy walked into Leighla’s room to ask her a question about math and discovered something that was disgusting, and something that would haunt his brain forever. Leighla was laying on the floor, slit across her neck, almost floating in a pool of her own blood. Timmy ran over to her, tears pouring down his face, trying to wake her up. He called his parents, Krysten and Zachary, and they were in absolute shock. They didn’t want to believe that their daughter was dead. Timmy called 911 while Zachary and Krysten were bawling their eyes out, and saying their last words to their daughter. When the paramedics arrived, they pronounced her dead. Krysten and Zachary said that Timmy must have done it. It would make sense, him wanting his sister’s life, parents, no siblings, everything to himself. The police checked the knife and sure enough, Timmy’s fingerprints were all over them.
Timmy insisted that the only reason why he touched the knife was to see if this whole thing was real, and this wasn’t just a terrible nightmare. Timmy thought that he was imagining this whole event, so he wanted to see for himself. But, they didn’t believe him. Timmy wasn’t put in jail. He was banished to the wilderness where he would have a shock collar on , so if he went out of the woods, Timmy would get electrocuted. Timmy wanted to bring one of Leighla’s stuffed animals to remember her by, so he went into her room to get her favorite one, a bunny named Hippidy Hoppidy. As Timmy was reaching for the bunny, something on her dresser caught his eye, it was a note. Krysten, Zachary, and the paramedics didn’t notice it either. This is what it said:

For anyone who is reading this:
I’m sorry. I know if you are bothering to read this you must really care for me, or why else would you even care? You are probably really disappointed, because I’m dead. Yes, I know, why would I commit suicide? I’m a bright young girl with so much potential. I will tell you why I did it. I wasn’t happy. Everything in my life was so wrong. My boyfriend broke up with me for some girl that’s a total wackjob. Me and my best friend fought and still haven’t made up. I’m failing, or was failing, science, my best subject. Everyone at school made fun of me for some reason, most people saying that’s I’m ugly and worthless. My dad abused me up until I was 10 while my mom was at work and Timmy was still at school. My mom was constantly yelling at me for not being the perfect daughter that she always wanted. The only thing that was right in my life was my beautiful brother Timmy. He was caring and compassionate to everyone. He was and always will be my hero. I want nothing more than to be like him. Throughout this whole ordeal, I tried to say to myself, “What would Timmy do”. Timmy is the reason why I put up with it for so long, and the only person I will miss is him. All of the other people in my life at some point didn’t care, and Timmy always did. He loved me with all of his heart, and I loved him with all of mine. I’m so sorry I did this. I know this will break your heart, but I just couldn’t live with all the pain anymore. I love you so much my baby brother. Love- Leighla

Timmy was crying with all his might, fearing that he might run dry. He knew if he showed this to Krysten or Zachary they wouldn’t believe him, so he grabbed Hippidy Hoppidy and the letter and put it in his suitcase along with the rest of his things. He walked down the hallway, and then got loaded into the police car for the dreadful twenty minute drive to the woods.

Timmy didn’t know how to fend for himself. He was living on berries and river water because he didn’t have the heart to kill an animal, even though he knew he would have to at some point. He lost about five pounds in the two weeks that he’d been there. Every night he would go to the same cave to sleep, more like lay there, for ten hours and think about Leighla. He was so sad, more like severely depressed. One night, he wandered into the wrong cave by accident, but that mistake would be one of the best ones he had ever made in his life.

He saw someone that was vaguely familiar, someone that he knew, but not someone who he’d seen or talked to in a very long time. He# racked his brain for something he knew about this person. Then, it all made sense. The purple fur, horns; she was Timmy’s biological mom.
“Mom, it’s Timmy, your son.”
Timmy’s mom gasped in shock.
“Timmy!!! I thought I would never see you again. How did you find me?”
“Well you see mom, it’s a long story. Do you mind if we talk for awhile?”
“Of course son. Anything for you.”
“So I’ve been living with this human family. Nobody treats me strangely though. The mom’s name is Krysten, the dad’s name is Zachary, and the dearest person in the world (their daughter) Leighla. They brought me into their home and treated me like one of their own. I loved them and they loved me. They were the most supportive adoptive family anyone could’ve ever been. So almost a month ago, I walked into Leighla’s room to ask her a question about math. I walked into her room, and saw her laying on her floor, with a slit across her neck and laying in a pool of her own blood. Everyone thought it was me who murdered her, except when I was packing my suitcase to come and live in this wilderness, I went into Leighla’s room and found a note that she left. She committed suicide. Instead of telling them, I just decided to live with the punishment. So, I have been living in this woods for the past two weeks, slowly dying of starvation and dehydration. How’s your life been mom?”
By this point, Timmy’s mom Donna was bawling her eyes out, already getting beef and berries for Timmy.
“Oh, honey. I’m so sorry! That must’ve been really tough on you. But don’t worry, Mommy’s here. We can be a family together again!”
“Thanks for the food Mom. I’m so excited to live with you again, even though I don’t remember the last time I did live with you. These next five years are going to be marvelous! Oh, and maybe we can live together until I start a family of my own!
“You’re welcome Timmy!! I’m going to have such a great time with you!! So how old are you now?”
“I’m ten!!”
“Wow, what a handsome young gentleman! I have a whole seven years of your life to make up for, since the last time you did live with me was when you were three! I’ve been regretting leaving you. I just thought that I wouldn’t be a good enough mom that you deserved.”
“That’s alright mom, I understand. But anyway, why don’t we stop focusing on the past and focus on the awesome time that we’re going to have together!!”

One Year Later

Timmy and his mother have been living together for one year now, and it has been wonderful. They have been doing all kinds of fun things together. Timmy’s favorite activities are fishing in the river, eating honey from the beehives, and going hunting for rabbits. Timmy has been happily getting along with his mom and has made plans to visit Krysten and Zachary when he gets let out of the woods, but he will continue to live with his mom until he goes to Monster College. Timmy is continuing to grieve over the loss of Leighla, but he is definitely getting better with the whole situation. Timmy has also found out that he has a brother Tommy. They are best friends and play together for endless hours everyday. They look exactly alike, almost like clones!! So far, Timmy has been having an absolutely lovely life in the woods.

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