To Whom it Concerns | Teen Ink

To Whom it Concerns

April 24, 2013
By klevesque2198 BRONZE, Salem, Massachusetts
klevesque2198 BRONZE, Salem, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Felix Sandusky and I live in Crystal Lake, a city that holds about 50,000 people and is atop a beautiful mountain in Sweden called Mount Kebnekaise. It is a beautiful place. The colors of the flowers seem to pop out at you everywhere you look. There are rows and rows of simple but tastefully designed houses and apartments. The air is crisp and the occasional breeze makes the trees and blades of grass sway ever so gracefully. It is like a normal city, but there is a whole military base on the outskirts.
The year is 2089.
I have a wife, Johanna, and a dog, whose name is Webster. I am 26 years old and work as a house painter. It’s not my dream job,but it puts food on the table and pays the bills. Anyways, this is my journal.
June 13, 2089

Today the entire city is gathering for the once a week visit that we make to the training center. We do exactly what you would expect, train. When we get there, we practice our combat and speed skills. We see how high we can jump, how accurate we are with our shooting, and how strong we are. We do not really know why we are required to do this, but we do what the government tells us.

“I really hate that we have to do this, what is the point?” I complained.

“Who knows, but you have to do it. We don’t want the city to be burnt down again,” said Johanna.
The last time someone rebelled against the government the whole city was burned to the ground and had to be built back up again. This gathering is mandatory for all citizens, with a few exceptions for the ill and the pregnant women. My wife and I just recently found out that we are going to have a baby, so she is not required to join us in training. Pregnant woman here get very special attention.
August 15, 2089

Johanna and I took went to the doctors to see how the baby was doing.
“Everything seems to be fine, come back next month to check in.”she said
I also was having problems with the special chip that has been in my arm ever since I can remember. Everybody has one. On the way home we discussed the different names that we might name it. We decided that if it was a boy, Jackson. For a girl, Veronica.
March 30, 2090
Me and Johanna were ecstatic as we came home holding Veronica in our arms.
“She’s so beautiful,” I said.
Veronica was the only thing in my life that kept me from going crazy.
We set her down in her crib and turned out the lights so she could go to sleep and escape into a peaceful world. Not at all like the one we live in.
April 2, 2090
Every baby is required to have a chip implanted into their arm. Just like the ones everybody else has.
Today was Veronica's day.
Nobody knows what this shot is for, but I have always been curious about it. I thought that maybe I would ask, so I did and the woman just said "Soon enough you will see". It was quite strange the way she said it, almost like she had some vision that the world was about to come to an end.
April 20, 2090
I have a friend who works for the government, so today I called him and asked if he had any information on what that special shot was used for. He said that it had something in it that made us superhuman. Our antibodies doubled, our strength increased, and our pain tolerance is unlike any other human being on Earth. I didn't believe him at first but then it all came together. That's why we have to go to the training center. So they can monitor their own personal weapon; us. We are supposed to be the secret weapon of war.
April 29, 2090
I was disgusted with what the government was using us for and so was Johanna.
“What is the purpose of this? It makes me sick that they think they can just use us like that. We are not some kind of testing animals!” said Johanna.
“I agree, this is just outrageous. Something needs to be done,” I said.
We wanted to tell people about it so we could gather people to rebel against them but we knew that people would think we're crazy. We had to find a way.
May 1, 2090
Johanna and I went to the town square to meet up with a friend.
“What are you talking about? Psh, ‘Superhuman Shot’. Who told you about that?” said Justin. My best friend from grammar school.
“I have a friend who works in the government building. He is the one who told me about it. Haven’t you ever wondered what kind of drugs they are giving to your children when they are born? Or why we live so far away from the rest of society?” I asked..
He thought about it for a moment,
“Maybe you’re right. It does make a lot of sense. What are we going to do about it?”
“We need more people who will join us. We must convince them that what the government is doing is wrong. It’s for the sake of the future generations,” I said.
“I’m in,” said Justin.
May 29, 2090
We finally just finished getting people who will join us and fight the government. We have at least 20,000 people. Hopefully it is enough. Tomorrow we are all going to the Federal Building to confront the Mayor, who's in charge of this whole operation.
May 31, 2090
Chaos has broken out in Crystal Lake. Riots are starting, fires are burning down buildings, people’s dead bodies are scattered throughout the streets. It was a war zone. The Mayor was beyond furious with our “accusations” he said that nobody questions the government. Apparently the drug that they were giving to the humans was also being given to canines, so he decided to let the savage beasts loose. I’m not even sure you can call these things “dogs”. It was more like a mutant with their crazy red eyes and long, sharp claws, and they foam at the mouth. Johanna, Veronica, and I and a bunch of other people created a bunker so the mutant dogs could not get to us. It has been a struggle trying to gather food for us because we don’t have the proper equipment to fight off the dogs. I can’t help but think that this is all my fault, I wonder if any of this would have happened if I just kept my mouth shut.

Dear Reader,
This will probably be the last entry in this journal. If you are reading this note then that means that I am dead. I must have perished along with the rest of the city. You should know that I died because I fought for what I thought was right. Don’t go along with something that you don’t think is right because it is likely that there are others who feel the same way but don’t have the courage to fight. Please stand up for what you believe in even if you think it will end badly because in the end it’s for the better.

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