The Land Of Wonder | Teen Ink

The Land Of Wonder

April 24, 2013
By Luis Lausell BRONZE, Danvers, Massachusetts
Luis Lausell BRONZE, Danvers, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Isla Luca, the smallest, most beautiful, and peaceful island there is. After seeing all these countries at war, the government of Isla Luca decided that the people have to be kind and respectful to one another. There is something for everyone in Isla Luca. There are big beautiful plains of pure luscious greenery towering over the city, much like a countryside called Summerwick. Then there is the city with beautiful skyscrapers and very modern technology with lots of modern clothes like the Ophones, Fuggs, and Luca Eagle. The city is called Violethaven. Isla Luca is located on the map under the A of Atlantic Ocean.

The Island is very peaceful and greeting. The people care so much for one another and always help one another. Even when the children play they are nice and kind and take turns, but things weren't always like this. Islians were very sweet and cared about themselves and their families. They weren't always like this. The children would fight all the time when playing games. The parents would judge each other constantly if they were in different social classes. The government decided one day to make a law that everyone MUST have respect for one another. If anyone were to break these rules they would be removed.

No one knew how they were removed.

They just knew that once you broke the rule.

You were gone....


“Its the big opening Papa!” said Lea.

“Yes indeed it is!” agreed Papa.

“I wonder what the Americans are going to be like. I can't wait to meet them!”

The government thought of an amazing idea to have people experience Isla Luca so when the people go back they will make a difference in their countries. Islians were so excited to meet the Americans and show them the tranquility of the island. A wave of all the men and women of Isla Luca gather around for the ships to sail. The town was cheerful and was like a big welcoming party. Filled with laughter and cheer!

“WOW! What a nice island.”

“Yes, I know its beautiful.” examined two ladies in amazement.

“Dad, I can't wait to see what they have here!”

The Americans get off the ship and are greeted with love and peace from the Islians. They are so excited to see each other and become very friendly with one another. A girl, very city like with blue eyes and light brown hair a year older than Lea, approaches Lea.

“Hey, I'm Amber! What's your name?”

“Hi I’m Lea!”

“I love your stuff! What is this!?”

“This is my Ophone and Fuggs and this I got from this cute store called Luca Eagle.”

“Wait.. what, sorry can you repeat that again?” Said Amber floored.

“Um.. Ok. I said this is my Ophone and Fuggs and this I got from this store called Luca Eagle.”

“You mean.. Iphone, Uggs, and American Eagle” Amber said very slowly and annoyed.

“No, no. Ophone, Fuggs, and Luca Eagle. Its one of a kind”

“Haha”, Amber sarcastically chuckled as she took Lea’s Ophone and smashed against the pavement.

“NO! My Phone!”

“Suck it up copycat”

There was a pause of sheer death stare piercing towards Amber as if she is the most hated person in the world. A ball of anger so strong of pure fist goes flying through the air like a wrecking ball, destroying anything that comes in its way. Everyone's breath is taken away as if all the trees on the hill tops sucked up all the oxygen as they see the most unexpected thing that could ever happen.

One Week Later..
Isla Luca, the smallest, most beautiful, peaceful and deserted island there is.

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