Takeover. | Teen Ink


April 27, 2013
By Anonymous

"How do you think we get our hands on that?" Apprentice asked his master while gesture towards the crystalline blue liquid. Master pondered for only a brief moment before responding. "We'll use our tankard ship. Then we'll install a pipeline to get this water, they call it, back home."
"What will it do for us?" Apprentice inquired further. "Energy, primarily."Master replied. "This planet is overflowing with resources. Vegetation, fuels, liquid, creatures, minerals. This is the best one we've gotten our hands on in a while"
"What do they call it?"
"For our identification, it's simply z-376821. But in some close examination of the speech patterns of the inhabitants it seems as though they call it Earth"
"Earth" Apprentice let the word roll across his speech slowly. "What about the inhabitants? Are they intelligent enough to take home? Will they put up a fight?" Master chuckled. "For being native to such a resource rich planet you'd imagine they'd be much more civilized. Their tools are well advanced, I must admit. If there is anything worth salvaging in this hovel it'll be that. However they seem to be so inept on their technologies that they have abandoned all fundamental concepts of humanity. It's almost saddening how their material needs have overtaken their society."
Shocked, Apprentice thought about it for just a moment. "If their technology is as incredible as you claim, how are we supposed to invade? Wont their weaponry drain our resources to the point of the invasion being unprofitable?" Master shook his head. " See that's the most interesting part of all this, young one, upon our surveillances I've concluded just as you have, it would not be profitable to invade."
"How do we attain their resources then?"
"They still have wars among themselves. Their villages are on the brink of collapsing. Their settlements are good structurally, but the inhabitants won't be around for another 50 years. We don't have to do anything. We'll just wait for them to destroy themselves. When the majority of them has dies off it won't be hard to delete them of their resources whatever ones remain will be too caught up within their own misery to even attempt to defend themselves."
Apprentice let this sink in. "Master, they seem like a fairly advanced civilization not much different from our own. What separates us from them?"
"Greed," he replied immediately. "Gluttony. Selfishness. Superficiality. You'd be surprised how far they've strayed from their potential." Apprentice considered this for a moment. "I'm glad we got assigned an easy project." Master nodded, "A planet bound for self destruction, I couldn't ask for anything better"

The author's comments:
A very uplifting commentary on our society. first draft. Enjoy!

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This article has 2 comments.

on May. 4 2013 at 4:53 pm
missm1126 BRONZE, Beverly Hills, California
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments
Thanks so much! I really hope we last longer then that as well! :) Glad you liked it!