A Very Strange Night | Teen Ink

A Very Strange Night

April 29, 2013
By Justin Hollinshead BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
Justin Hollinshead BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day a man by the name of Steve was driving down a road in California. Steve had just bought some groceries from the store and was on his way home. It was dark out and his headlights were the only source of light on the street. Steve loved to look up at the stars and try to see images. In college he studied astronomy and later became a professor at a University. He approached a red light and slowly brought his vehicle to a stop. He tilted his head towards the windshield and watched the stars glow. He picked out the big dipper and other consolations effortlessly. All of a sudden he noticed the biggest star that he had ever witnessed before. It was moving fast and it was glowing brighter and brighter as if it were coming towards him. He got out of his car and grabbed a small telescope to get a better look at the object. That’s when he noticed that in fact it was not a star it was a space ship and it was hurling at him very fast. Judging by the angle of the ships descent he concluded that it would most likely land in the football stadium about 8 blocks north of him. Steve then became worried about what could be aboard the ship so he began to think about whom to call or tell about this. He soon realized that no one would believe him without evidence, so he took out his camera and took a few photos. The ship was getting very close and Steve was hoping that he calculated the angle correctly or else hwouldn't’t live to tell the police. He opened the car door and started the engine in case he needed a quick escape. The engine starts running and he peaks his head outside the car and looks up. He sees this huge space ship buzz by him at a very fast speed. The wind behind it causes Steve to fall out of his car. He gets up and watches the ship crush the stands of the football stadium. Worried and scared he stands up and gets into his car. He decides to drive to the police station, so he tries to turn the ignition key once again. He feels that the key is not turning so he pulls it out and inspects it. He then finds that when the wind caused him to fall out of his car, he had his hand on the key and he bent it inside the key hole. He then decided to use his phone to call someone to pick him up, but he had no cell phone service. Steve thought that the space ship may have released some signal that interrupted cell phone service, so he decided to inspect the ship. As he was walking down the streets he noticed that no one was outside. He thought that it was not unusual for people to be home at this time, but for no one to be on the streets was very unusual. As he approached the ship he saw that most of it was destroyed from the crash, but the general shape looked familiar. Once he was standing on the middle of the ship he got the feeling that he was not the only one there. He yelled, “Hello is anyone there?” He looked around but saw no one. He bent down and started looking through the ruble to find information on what caused the crash. He held up and examined a piece of metal that had the word Sprint written on it. He looked at it for about a second when suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. Steve yelled and turned around. In front of him was a being dressed in a white rubber suit covering his whole body. Steve was so scared that he took off running and screaming, “Alien!” Steve was at the entrance of the stadium when he turned around to check if the being had followed him. Suddenly Steve tripped on a sheet of metal and fell face first onto the ground. When Steve looked up he saw two men dressed in suits that helped him up and escorted him outside. When Steve had calmed down they explained what had happened. They said that the Sprint phone service satellite was hit by an asteroid and crashed into the ground. Steve asked why there were no people outside. The men responded saying that they told everyone to stay off the streets to decrease the chance of injuries to citizens. Finally Steve asked, “What about those white aliens?” The men said that they were people that were there to clean up and they wore those suits for protection. Steve thanked the men for their help and walked home after a very strange night.

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