Mr. Linden's Library | Teen Ink

Mr. Linden's Library

April 29, 2013
By Anonymous

Mr. Linden's library

He had warned her about the book. Now it was too late. Heidi was too curious. She was pretty to look at but not smart in the head.

The story all starts back at Linden library at Linden University. Mark had made the worst choice of his life taking the scholarship to it. Their acceptance rate was 99%. The dorms were crummy, and the teachers were

sucky. He knew that when he left Pittsburgh, he was making a commitment for life to go to Wyoming. Ahh, but now it was too late! Heidi had opened the book!

Let's backtrack. Mark was a well educated teen from Pittsburgh. His mother and father were doctors, and Mark was made to be one as well. A cardiologist, he decided, was to be his profession. He would go to Brown first, then Emory university. Things did not exactly work out that way.

When he was sixteen he got a letter from Linden telling him he had a scholarship. He wanted to go. But he was young. He had no knowledge of the realness of it all. All he thought of was the scholarship money his parents had promised him if he got one. His dream was crumbling before his eyes. But he did it anyways.

When Mark arrived at Linden, it was a rainy day. A blasted rainy day, as Papa would say. He missed his parents and grandparents already. He went to the door of the dorm.

"Gomin," a bedraggled looking old man at the door showed Mark to his rooms. Is this hell what I will have to live with for the next four years!!?? Mark was dying on the inside.

Then he met Heidi. Within a week, they where hitched. They both dropped out of Linden and moved to an apartment near Linden, in Linden Wyoming. But every night Mark sneaked over to the headmaster's library. He had heard a rumor that it was filled with magical books. This was partially true. He went and looked through the books every night and came back at dawn. He found nothing for seven years. He lived as a clerk in Linden general store. Then one night, he found it. He found the book on the lowest shelf. A place Mark had never bothered to look. But he was desperate, so he had. And he found it after all of those years. It had no title, but when he opened the first page, it addressed him directly.

Mark you are a wicked child. Spoiling all of your dreams like that because of a girl. A wicked, selfish, foolish girl in my opinion. So take my advice and upon my word never ever show thus book to her. I, for one, would walk the plank before laying it in her power. To get to the point, you are not supposed to have this book. Sorry, that wasn't the point. The real point is what this book is about. This book will engulf your life story. It might make it your own. If this was to be Heidi's, the world would die. I am so sorry for this, but it would. Open the book. I dare you to! But inside your life will be forever change. Let me rephrase that. Your life will not. YOU are special. If YOU open the book it will just blubber, and you can read it. For others (besides you and your wife), the book will pull them into it. But do not fool yourself my prince. The stories are real.

The words faded before Mark’s eyes when he finished reading. Mark greedily turned the page. There was a cycle with this book. Whosever hands it landed into didn’t think before turning the page. They didn’t ponder. It had been the book’s curse for thousands of years.

Chapter One, It read with greedy strength, and power. Almost like a taunting.
Mark was a foolish boy. Accepting a college scholarship much below his skillevel, then marrying a ding dong of a prostitute. Mark gasped, taken aback by these cruel words spoken of him and his wife. But deep down he knew they where true.

Stupid and unbbound, Mark quit college after a month. He fell in love with the girl, I dare not repeat a description, and became a stupid desk clerk, though he was pining for his dream of being a doctor and saving the world. But every night, he slipped out to the college library, to which he had produced a duplicate key. What he did not know was that Heidi had a camera attached to him, and knew exactly what he was doing. She knows. And she only married him for power, for she did not love him. Late at night - oh she is faint!

Mark gasped.

“Heidi! Not my Heidi!” Mark slammed the book and reached into his jacket pocket. Sure enough, what he had thought to be spare change, was a camera. A fifty thousand dollar hybraam camera! How had Heidi payed for this!? But he would not let his mind go that far. Heidi did not love him? He grabbed the camera and said to it.

“I love you sweety,” Then he broke it in half. He decided that he would live with Heidi, just go into her bank accounts and take the money. He had the code, and she wouldn’t tell him it was gone, because he didn’t know of all the money.

Anyways, Mark opened the book only to find this message written to him. It is to tell him of his future. Mark, you see dark times ahead of you and this is not a prophecy. This is truth. You will see dark times ahead of you. Because of a woman. One single Woman.

Mark turned the page, but it was blank. He shut the book. Weird. He walked out of the library. Locking the door once more, Mark started walking down the hallway to the door.

"What where you doing in my library boy?" A sharp, evil voice screamed from where Mark had come from. Linden! Mark ran.

"Stop boy!" And he clicked a remote. Mark knew what that meant. The doors where locked. Mark panicked. The book was under his jacket. Would Mr. Linden find out?

"Now," mister linden smiled an evil smile and walked towards Mark. " I asked you a question boy, what where you doing in my library?"

" Uh, uh, just looking sir. I'm a student a-at the school and love the library."

" Have you been listening to the rumors, because they're not true." Oh really? Mark thought.

" Get out of here boy, and never come back!"

" I - I won't mister Linden." Mark ran and opened the door. Mr. Linden had unlocked it again. Mark ran back to Heidi. He hopped into the bed, which she was in again, and pretended to sleep. He knew she was pretending as well. He fake snored, he was a real snorer after all. He felt a hand in his jacket pocket. He felt the surprise at not finding it. Mark felt great satisfaction. She had been untrue. He snored, and eventually fell asleep.

Years passed. Mark kept the secret but cheated on his wife as well. It seemed a happy marriage, but people knew about the real side. Both knew what the other was doing, but they never mentioned it. Perhaps they where too lazy to divorce, perhaps they where happy the way it was. Everything was wonderful in Linden, Wyoming, until Heidi found out about the book. She was ruffling through books on the shelf to find one for history of the revolutionary war. She was trying to complete high school again. She was looking through their books when she found one with a blank cover.

“What’s this Marky?” She started to open it. Mark lunged towards her and grabbed it out of her hands.

“Nothing of your concern dear.” He curtly replied.

“Oh Mark, it hurts me that you don’t trust me!” She made her pitiful face that would make anyone fall for her, and after a couple rounds of that, she got it out of him. He told her the story, without some parts that may have been offensive, or dangerous for him. She promised never to lay a hand on it. Mark was going out with a couple of friends around the town the next night. And guess what - Heidi took the book. It was late and Heidi was worn out when SHE finally came home, so she only had time to flip to the first page. There was a short message for her on the first page.

Your family can’t help laying their hands on this book can they? You are foolish to open this. Take my advice and do not open to the next page. But I know that you will. But it will be the worst mistake of your life. Of your entire, cruel, mixed up life.

Heidi’s dull senses told her to turn the page. She had not felt any blaze of recognition that the book might be dangerous. She turned the page, but fell asleep at the very moment.

Mark came in and locked the door. Oh good, Heidi was asleep so she wouldn’t pester him on what he did. He walked into the room and saw the book open! There was poison ivy growing from the pages and a voice whispered to Mark in the shadows,

“What are you doin with MY GIRL!?” A scary shadow reflected on the back of the room.

Mark was scared out of his wits, he whispered, then got louder, “Heidi? Heidi! HEIDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

The author's comments:
The Chris Van Allsburg pictures.

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This article has 1 comment.

PithyPython said...
on May. 3 2013 at 5:24 pm
Wow! This is one creepy tale. I love the dialog, and "Marky," especially made me chuckle. I look forward to reading more of your work, both soon and when you are a grownup. Well done! Your Librarian