Back To The Real World | Teen Ink

Back To The Real World

May 9, 2013
By Damon Carrazana BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Damon Carrazana BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It all took place in a world where humans and creatures are in peace and harmony. The sun shone bright and the waters gave a soft and relaxing crash upon the land. It would all change when that day came.

It was during the school year, in March. I wasn’t the brightest kid there. Everyone used to make fun of me and do all kinds of silly things that made me mad at them. You could say I wasn’t the most appreciated, or even well-known, kid in school. I woke up thinking that today was just another day full of boredom, pain, and rejection all over again. I got up from bed, lazily walking to the bathroom as if I was a zombie, and when I looked at myself in the mirror, I thought, “Yeesh. I look like a tornado has hit me and a horse stomped on me in the process.” After I got out of the bathroom and got my school clothes on, I lifted my backpack and all my papers fell out. There was a hole under my backpack. “Great. That was a waste of 60 dollars, and I just got this few weeks ago.” I hurried to the bus, but it left before I could get on board. I ran as fast as I could until I tripped and scraped my leg on the sidewalk. The bus driver saw me. He opened the door for me. We eventually arrived at school.

In math class, our teacher was the worst of them all. Whenever we were looking away or even falling asleep in class, he would give us a math question. If we got it wrong, we got an F for the whole day, no matter how well we did with the rest of class. I stared out the window thinking there was another world out there, a world worth exploring, where there were no bullies or crazy, obsessive math teachers, and I could just relax and do nothing.

I dozed off for a bit and when I woke up, I was the only one in my classroom. The walls were shattered, debris was all over the floor, and I saw a huge castle over looking at the whole town. I got up and searched the town.
I said to myself, “Where am I? What happened to this town? Is there anyone alive here? Heelllllloooooo.”
I peeked out and saw demons coming from everywhere, searching for people. When they found them, their eyes glowed red and they killed the people.
I said, “Oh my goodness. Please let this be a dream. Please let this be a dream. I really don’t want to die so soon.”
I checked to see if they were still there. They had vanished, and when I looked behind me, they were right there staring at me with their deadly red eyes as if I were the deer in their headlights. I tried to make a run for it, but they caught me in their web and took me to their cave.

I regained consciousness and saw thee demons gathered around a table discussing something, but I couldn’t hear clearly. I learned the place was called Isla de Fuego, and their plan was to take over this world, to kill as many humans as they could. I was surprised I hadn’t been killed along with the people in the town.
There was a man next to me with scars all over him and a cowboy hat covering his face and head. He was hanging there as if nothing bad had happened or this catastrophe hadn’t phased through him. He was trying to get my attention and said, “Hey kid. What is your name?”
I replied, “Howard. James Howard. What is yours?”
He said in return, “People used to call me Steamboat George, but just call me George.”
I looked at George and tried to figure out who he reminded me of, but I didn’t have time to do so because the demons turned their heads and saw me. They were coming closer. Suddenly, they were caught in some sort of net. Under it was a open pit. George said, “You all right? Looks like my trap worked there for you.”
I looked at him with worry and a sigh of relief.
“Yeah. Where is everybody?”
George looked at me with confusion. “Did you not see the number of people out there running around getting their bodies all chewed up and ripped apart?”
I rebutted, “It was just a question.”
George replied, “Let’s just go before any more of them come out to help.”
He broke the chains using a pick he had inside his hat and freed me from my chains. I followed George to his hideout and we spent the rest of the night searching for a place to relax and sleep. We saw a broken down and abandoned motel. We went to each door and they were all locked except one. The sad news was that it only had one bed. He let me sleep in that one bed while he watch around in case any of the demons were coming after us.
I shut my eyes and when I woke up, I was back in my classroom and the class had ended. I was questioning and confused.
“How did I get back here? Was everything before just a dream? Did I just imagine it all on my head? No. It felt too real for it to be a dream.”
I spent the rest of the day back in the real world questioning whether the dream was truly real.

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