Execution of Dominion | Teen Ink

Execution of Dominion

May 23, 2013
By William Pirtle BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
William Pirtle BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Narsaedan. The name is synonymous with power. The name resonates with fear. Narsaedan began his climb to infamy as a Paladin during the great Second War, battling for glory as a member of the mighty Silver Hand. One day, he was cowardly slaughtered from afar in battle, and his body lay on the ground decaying, awaiting it's fate as battle raged on around him. Shortly after the battle, the Lich King, the leader and powerful deity ruling a legion of frozen warriors, found the body, and instantly recognized the power within. The Lich King brought Narsaedan back to life and in the process made him a mighty Death Knight, an instrument of death and destruction, and an immensely powerful war machine of the Scourge. Time passed, and Narsaedan and his regiment of Scourge soldiers destroyed dozens of cities and claimed much territory for the Scourge. After the Lich King began to trust Narsaedan, he sent Narsaedan forth to Acherus: The Ebon Hold to participate in a seemingly impossible Scourge campaign against the Scarlet Crusade. For months, the battle between the forces of life and death raged on, countless lives lost. Eventually, Narsaedan and a few other death knights realized the Lich King sent them out to die, as expendable cannon fodder. They revolted against the Lich King, regained control of their bodies, and formed the Knights of the Ebon Blade, and cooperated with the Scarlet Crusade to rid the land of Azeroth of the Lich King forever.
Soon thereafter, Narsaedan traveled to Northrend, the home continent of the Scourge, with the Alliance. The Alliance slowly gain a foothold in Northrend and approached the mighty Scourge necropolis, Naxxramas. Narsaedan and his comrades assaulted the necropolis and defeated the mighty lich, Kel'thuzad. The killing of the lich was a terribly crippling blow to the Scourge. A mighty titan palace called Ulduar presented itself in the way of the Lich King. Ulduar too, was assaulted and taken, and the old god Yogg-Saron was destroyed with great impiety. After Ulduar was taken, the only remaining buffer between the forces of Light and the Lich King was his mighty citadel and his remaining lieutenants. The assault on Icecrown Citadel began, and the Lich King's lieutenants fell, one by one. Finally, the Lich King was cornered and confronted directly, and was slaughtered after a long and tiring battle. A problem remained, and that was there must always be a Lich King, otherwise the Scourge would become too powerful and uncontrollable, and all of Azeroth would fall. An Alliance general, Bolvar Fordragon, took up the mantle of the Lich King, and became the Jailor of the Damned. The Scourge menace was destroyed, but a new enemy emerged to interrupt the short peace.
Deathwing, a corrupted dragon, and aspect of the Black Dragonflight, decided to make a return to Azeroth, this time in a final push for total domination. The Twilight Cultists, worshippers of Deathwing, infiltrated every form of large government and organization, and clandestinely sabotaged many efforts at stopping Deathwing's return. Narsaedan and his companions toppled all obstacles, and crippled the Twilight Cult. Then, the unexpected happened. The Firelord, Ragnaros, returned to Azeroth, bringing fire and brimstone in his wake. The Alliance pitted everything they had towards stopping the forces of Ragnaros. Eventually, the time for the direct assault on Ragnaros came, and Narsaedan and his companions destroyed Ragnaros forever. The Bronze Dragonflight and Nozdormu, the aspect of time, sent the champions of Azeroth to specific points of time to secure a powerful weapon, the Dragon Soul, for use against Deathwing. After the Dragon Soul was secured, the champions assaulted Deathwing, killing his lieutenants and eventually driving the mighty dragon into the Maelstrom, and in a last stand, Deathwing tried to cause the Cataclysm, which would end all life on Azeroth and completely destroy the planet. However, the champions killed Deathwing before he could complete the Cataclysm, and totally annihilated Deathwing using the Dragon Soul. All this time since his freedom from the Lich King, Narsaedan had been gaining skill and powerful equipment to increase his battle prowess against the forces of evil. After Deathwing's destruction, it seemed that there was no other evil to be vanquished from Azeroth.
Suddenly, a new continent, shrouded by an ancient magic, appeared out of the mist in the Southern Hemisphere of Azeroth, where no sailor had ever traveled before. The Alliance and Horde sent forces to Pandaria, hoping to use the continent for its resources. Upon arrival, they were confronted by a mysterious enemy, the Sha. The Sha are physical manifestations of negative emotions. The Pandaren were lodged in a deadly battle with the Sha and with the Mogu, previous lords of Pandaria. The Sha was the highest priority enemy, however. Specifically, the Sha of Fear. Narsaedan and his companions went to the place where the Sha of Fear had been gaining power all this time, and destroyed the Sha of Fear, along with the other Sha. Upon killing the Sha of Fear, Narsaedan was granted a new and powerful weapon, Shin'ka, the Execution of Dominion. After the Sha was dealt with, the Thunder King, leader of the Mogu was the next enemy to be confronted. The Thunder King resided on the Isle of Thunder, protected by many of his lieutenants and the Zandalari trolls. Narsaedan and his guild attacked the Thunder King's citadel. The first major enemy was Jin'rokh, an empowered troll. Jin'rokh died, and the group moved along to Horridon, which was a giant dinosaur, in an arena with all the different tribes of trolls against the heroes. Horridon and his rider were killed, and the group moved on to the Council of Elders, the spiritual leaders of the different troll tribes. The Council of Elders was destroyed, and then the group was thrown into the sewers by Lei Shen, the Thunder King, and there they fought various monstrosities, and eventually emerged back into the main citadel, where the heroes fought the Thunder King's main guard, the Iron Qon. The Iron Qon was destroyed, and then the next and last enemies standing between the heroes and Lei Shen himself, was his own consorts. The consorts were destroyed and finally, the great battle with Lei Shen began. Lei Shen was the toughest enemy ever fought by these heroes of Azeroth. Having direct control over lightning, it was a battle with nature itself. Eventually, Lei Shen was destroyed. Currently, the struggle is still going on with the forces the Thunder King, howerver, the Horde is suddenly becoming more hostile. It is expected that the next major clash will be between the Horde and Alliance over their conflicting interests. Whatever the battle is, Narsaedan and his fellow heroes will be there to support the Alliance in their ventures.

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