New Weapons | Teen Ink

New Weapons

May 26, 2013
By Anonymous

The situation was bleak. The Allied Planets forces had cornered Negus Ta’wit I on his home planet of Ogylyl. With no space fleet left the Negus had entrenched himself on the last bastion of Navism in the galaxy. Completely surrounded by the Allied fleet, it was only a matter of hours before the orbital bombardment stopped and Allied forces began landing on Ogylyl. Yet the Negus held onto hope.

“Are the preparations ready General?”

“Yes sir” came the stiff reply. “You have only to give the order and the Spear of God shall smite the unbelievers from the sky and we can rebuild our empire they have stolen from us.”

“Excellent. Now we have only to wait for them to start the assault.” The Negus didn’t have to wait for long. Soon the heavy orbital bombardment eased and then completely stopped as thousands of strike pods and assault ships rained down all across Ogylyl for the final battle of their crusade. Wave after wave of attackers were cut down by the Negus’ troops in their last ditch defense of their home world, but it wasn’t enough, after several hours the Allies managed to establish tenuous holds on Ogylyl’s surface and began pressing their advantage.

“It is time. Deploy the weapons” ordered the Negus. When it became clear that the Allies were going to completely conquer all of Shgryna, the Negus desperately pooled his funds into a new-fangled weapon system to turn the tide before it was too late. The result was the Gamma-Ray Beam, a monstrously destructive device capable of snuffing out millions of lives in an instant, leaving infrastructure completely intact.

Specialized ships brought any of twelve of these weapons to the hardest hit areas and massacred the Allied forces. Recognizing no cover or armor, the gamma rays sliced through rank upon rank of soldiers, killing thousands of them in lines. When all the ground forces were dead, the beams were pointed upward to the air ships. Troop transports careened out of control and crashed as everyone inside was killed, strike pods hit the ground and disgorged dead bodies, air attack planes suddenly lost their pilots and went out of control as the death beams arced their way through the air at the speed of light and kept going far beyond their targets. Not realizing their danger before it was too late, the Allied space fleet began getting picked off after their invasion force was utterly annihilated.
In under two hours, the entire crusade to obliterate Navism was crushed at their moment of victory and Negus Ta’wit was able to reclaim his empire and exact righteous vengeance on his foes, wreaking bloody retribution on hundreds of Allied worlds before they begged him for mercy and made Ta’wit the wealthiest man in human history.

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