Tales of the Willing : Vanessa | Teen Ink

Tales of the Willing : Vanessa

August 29, 2013
By Kelly Baxter BRONZE, Ontario, California
Kelly Baxter BRONZE, Ontario, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

And then she looked over at me, blue eyes piercing as if they could see through to my soul. Her dark hair flowing over her chest, contrasting with the red laced corset that brought in her waist and accentuated her breasts. Her dark red lips looked as though she was wearing blood on them, and her sharp, bright white teeth showed as she smiled at me. This was no regular smile, of course. It was obvious she was inviting me over. As if she knew she was what I so desired. I rose from my seat by the bar, moving slowly so to show off my curves and I could see one of her perfect eyebrows raise. Maybe with curiosity, maybe excitement. She knew I was hers for the take. I was dressed in a tight fitting black dress. Which showed of my curves and my plump breasts. My curled red hair spilled over my shoulders, giving more accent to the pale facade I called skin and the dark eyeliner. My lips were perfectly painted. It was as if I knew I had to be beautiful for her. She stood, and I swear I could have fainted. Her grace was as that of a princess, her pace was in perfect unison with the music, and as I stood, entranced, she began going down the hall. Glancing back, she beckoned me to her using her delicate red painted finger and a stunning wink. It was like being trapped in paradise. You know you need to leave, yet can't. Finally making it into the room, which was magnificently decorated. Black and red walls with a huge gothic style bed in the middle of the room. She was already on the bed, and I climbed on too of her, kissing up her beautifully curved neck. Suddenly, she turned us over and was holding me down with a shockingly strong grip. She kissed my bare neck, bringing a pleading moan from the back of my throat. Oh, the desire burning in me. She is so...Ow! She bit down on my neck, sending pain through my body. This must be what death feels like. I struggled, but the longer she stayed, the less the pain was there. In fact, this new feeling was unmistakably pleasure. Searing though my body, as I gave in under her. The next feeling that came could only be described as pure ecstasy. Nothing could have felt better in the entire world. And as she stopped biting, I wanted more. But when she looked up at me, with my blood dripping from her mouth and her blue eyes brighter than ever, the word came into my head. Vampire. This beautiful creature was a vampire, and I had just been fed from. I watched her, curiosity flowing from me. She cut her wrist with a nail, creating a thin red line on her pale skin. She offered it to me, and then another word came into my head. Immortality. Beautiful, sweet forever with her. I drank, the sweet, warm blood flowing down my throat. When I stopped and looked up, she smiled at me and asked my name. "Vanessa" I said.
"Welcome home, Vanessa

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