Last great magician | Teen Ink

Last great magician

September 20, 2013
By Turtlegrass BRONZE, Simpsonville, South Carolina
Turtlegrass BRONZE, Simpsonville, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was finally time. Time I show my brilliance to the world. Haha I couldn't wait. It was time to show the world the workings of a true magician. The first town to hit was a town called Fedora. As soon as I stepped through those finely clad gates I knew something was amiss. The citizens seemed sad almost as if a curse loomed through the streets. I spotted a small child with blue hair walking alone along the sidewalk. Perfect, he could be the first to witness my magic. I ran up to him eagerly awaiting to perform my first act. Right before I approached him I heard a scream and turned to see a black haired girl around 16 hiding behind a building she had fear in her eyes
As if she were looking at a monster... I turned around and lo and behold there she was the mother of all monsters. And I was right under her

He was about 5'11 with white hair and a top hat. He had a black cloak and a short sleeve white button down shirt and dark black jeans. His eyes were two different colors one bright red and the other a bright gold and he looked to be about 21. When he ran up to the child I let out a scream. A scream at what the child had turned into, a demon, the most hated things on earth. The demon grabbed the man and let out a monstrous roar. I searched the mans eyes for any sign of fear but there was none, as a matter of fact he was smiling almost as if he was having fun. The demon started to squeeze and the man erupted into a puff of smoke. When it cleared the hat was floating and a fury of knives rained down onto the demon and it let out an ear piercing wail of pain. Legs appeared from under the hat and soon a body then a head before my very eyes the man had fully erupted from the hat as if nothing had happened. When the demon gained it's bearings it tried to strike at the man but he dodged out the way and snapped his fingers, and a black and white stick appeared in his hands. He throws it up in the air and it comes back down a long staff. He tapped it twice on the ground and ice formed around the demon freezing it in place. "And for my next trick I shall make this abomonation disappear." He said with a smile, looking directly at me. He spun the staff and whispered something under his breath, the ice and the demon inside then exploded in a fury of shards. But they stayed suspended in midair, he tapped his staff on the ground one more time and the ice evaporated in thin air, winking out of existence. He turned to me and bowed. I ran up to him from behind the building "how did you do all that?" I asked with curiosity and wonder. He only smiled and said "my dear it's because I'm the last great magician"

The author's comments:
This kinda came to me after I saw a magic act in Vegas so I started to wonder if I could incorporate it into an actual fantasy story

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