Darby | Teen Ink


September 26, 2013
By Anonymous

Aliens. I know they’re aliens because I am one, kind of. I look like a human, eat like a human, talk like a human, act like a human (mostly), but I’m really only half-human. My dad was a human but he married an alien, my mom, and thus came me. So I’m the first ever half-human, half-alien, as far as I know.

No matter the horror movies you watch, aliens are…alright. During my fourteen years of living, they hadn’t attacked Earth. But now things have changed.

I was at home in my bedroom. It was about nine o’clock at night and I was gazing at the stars, not because my mother was from another planet though. I was supposed to be working on a science report. But I was too lazy to write anything down except my name, Darby Louis.

I know it’s a weird name but apparently, it was a traditional name on my mother’s planet. On Earth it had just earned me the nickname, Drabby. You can laugh if you’d like I wouldn’t blame you.

Anyways, I could see the stars easily because I had my own balcony. I wasn’t spoiled but my family (my dad, mom, and me) had a gigantic house. My father was head of his own security company that protected U.S. citizens all over the country and my mother was a realtor, one of the best actually.

My house resembled the mansion Tony Stark (Iron Man) had before it blew up in his last movie. If you don’t know who he is, my home is all white with stone, huge glass windows, palm trees growing around it because it’s in California, and has three large balconies. Pretty impressive, right? It’s even on a high cliff overlooking the beautiful Pacific Ocean.

So I was on my balcony being lazy and all when my dad knocked on my door. I barely heard the knock. “Darby, where are you?” he asked.

“Out here,” I called grabbing my science book that was from the twentieth-century with writing from previous owners all over it.

My dad was your normal dad. He had a slight aftershave, good sense of humor, almost six feet tall, and loved football. “Doing your homework?” he asked.

“Of course,” I lied.

“Since your science book is upside down I find that hard to believe.”

I blushed, and aliens blush really hard too. “I like to challenge myself,” I lied.

He laughed. “Darby, I never liked science much either but you gotta do it. Promise me you’ll get it done, okay?” Dad was a trusting guy.

“Yeah, I’ll do it,” I grumbled. He left and I tossed my book across the stone balcony floor.

I sat up and glanced down at the rocky ocean waters. I could hear the waves pounding the shore. The noise from the water calmed me whatever time of day.

Then I also heard the sound of rotating blades and looked up.

Three helicopters were flying a little lower than normal towards the direction of my house.

But that wasn’t the weird part.

I had perfect vision (it’s an alien ability) so I could clearly see that the drivers had pointy teeth and scaly skin. Their hands had more or less than five fingers (if you could even call them fingers) using the controls. They looked like aliens.

I didn’t exactly know what to do so I loudly yelled, “Dad!” as the missile fired.

The closest helicopter fired first and the missile came dangerously fast at my home. I scrambled inside my bedroom when the explosion went off underneath my balcony.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I realized that with the character being an alien, I could create tons of new and different things for people to read.

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