Consequences of a Utopian Dream | Teen Ink

Consequences of a Utopian Dream

October 27, 2013
By AngelaTheHerbalist BRONZE, Hammondville, Other
AngelaTheHerbalist BRONZE, Hammondville, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus.

Number 1178659 stared around the austere room. His eyes alighting upon the blank, grey walls, the identical rows of tables and chairs, each with their own man sitting alone with the exact same expression he wore; a practiced look of excitement and expectation. With a burst of annoyance Number 1178659, or 59 for short, wondered why they had to wait so long, but it dissipated almost as soon as it appeared with a muted beeping noise. Despite the sound’s low volume eyes quickly flickered over to 59 in interest, returning just as fast, each with their own beep accompanying them.
Then, as everyone’s watches struck 7 o’clock, the doors of the restaurant opened. In filed a stream of young women, all wearing identical dresses and features to match, and as they did 59 and the other men stood simultaneously, waiting to greet their designated date.
59 quietly waited as each woman walked past his table to join their date, until eventually his was the last table left, and yet no woman had approached him. He looked over at the other couples, all performing the standard introductions necessary for the process; a kiss on the cheek, the offer to tuck in a chair, the exchanging of names and then eventually professions, interests and ideas. 59 looked over to the squat, dull eyed overseer, but he was busy triple-checking that each couple was correctly saying the lines they had learnt since kindergarten, drilled in and repeated each year until there could never be any confusion as to how a person should act in any situation. So not knowing what to do, 59 sat down again, as the other couples had, waiting to be instructed.
As the other pairs began to eat, he saw a woman walk through the restaurant doors, and head straight for his table. 59 rushed to his feet, but the woman gestured for him to sit down again, knowing it was against protocol, but wishing to adhere to any form of authority, he returned to his seat as his date reached the table and then sat and tucked in her own chair.
She was inexplicably different from the other women in the room, not only had she been late and acted against the strict conventions of the date night, she even managed to look different, but not enough to be really noticeable. While her features and hair were the exact replica of the patrons to her right, her dress appeared to be a shade or two darker, and there was also a look in her eyes that 59 hadn't seen before, a clearness and also an unimaginable depth.
“It is lovely to meet you, I’m Num-“he had begun to recite his lines, but before he could continue she interrupted.
“Yes, yes enough of that, let’s just get through with this shall we?” 59 sat in startled silence, trying to formulate a response.
He had finally settled on a polite “I’m sorry?” when their meals arrived. The woman began eating without delay, quickly and without pause, allowing no room for conversation. At the end of the meal 59 offered his arm to her, “May I walk you home?” He honestly didn’t know what her response would be.
“You may,” she responded. They walked without talking until they reached her home. A feeling had been building up in 59 along the way, not yet squashed by the beeping sound.
“How do you do it?” he blurted.
“Do what?” She inquired with an almost mocking expression.
“Be different.” He said, waiting for the beep to change his thoughts again, but it didn’t come. Her expression transformed, becoming thoughtful as she slowly reached up to him, lacing her hands behind his neck, under his collar, 59’s heart started to beat faster, in anticipation of a kiss.
“Because I don’t have this,” she said, tapping a spot on his neck. “Goodnight.” She then slipped through her door, leaving 59 in utter confusion.
Once arriving at home 59 went straight to his bathroom and grabbed his hand mirror. He angled it until he could clearly see where she had touched, the surrounding area was smooth but right there the skin puckered, exactly in the shape of a square.
What is that? 59 wondered. Is this what makes that beeping noise? What scrambles my brain? What is it? It looks just like a microchip… A loud buzzing filled the air as he was electrocuted. After a few minutes he regained consciousness, got up off the floor and resumed to undress for his shower.
Climbing into bed later that night Number 1178659 thought to himself, I can’t believe I didn't get to go to date night; maybe I’ll get called up next time.

The author's comments:
This was once an Extension English assignment where I had to create an original dystopian world, it is now a story that I have added to and edited to become a quite good short story if I don't say so myself.

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