My Time Traveling Grandmother. | Teen Ink

My Time Traveling Grandmother.

October 27, 2013
By Justin Le BRONZE, Mountain View, California
Justin Le BRONZE, Mountain View, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Time-traveling Grandmother

“I found it!” I said to myself triumphantly as I held a dusty old book up. “This has to be it.” It had been five years since my father told me that my grandmother had a diary that told of my family’s “past and future”. I understood what he meant by past, but I didn’t understand what he meant by future. As I flipped through the pages something caught my eye

June 16, 1856: Ahh… So this is what 1856 feels like. It feels so refreshing to not need all that electricity that 2362 needed.

“Wait…. WHAT?!?” I asked myself confused. I flipped to another page.
May 4, 3421: It seems humanity has finally established colonies out of the Milky Way.

I flipped all the way to the first page.

January 1, 15832: It is done. The machine is ready to time travel. Michael told each user to keep a diary.

I closed the book and said to myself “I have a time traveling grandmother.”

I paced around the room contemplating what just happened. “I need to think this out carefully.” So many questions ran through out my mind. When was she born, how is she my grandmother, and lots more. As if it was magic a hologram emerges from the book.
“If you are reading this message then you have found my diary. This means that I have forgotten the diary at this location. You shall be brought to me.

What?!” I said worried as the image faded in nothing. As if on queue an unbearable pain stabs me in my left arm. I scream in agony. Eventually the pain stops and is now replaced with a heavy calculator thing on my wrist. Almost immediately the thing begins to give of an odd blue glow. I knew what was about to happen. I felt a great push pilling my and throwing me. I closed my eyes for my own protection.
“Ohh..”I groaned to my self as I landed on the cold floor.
“Hmmm. Thanks for getting back my diary” came a voice from above me.
“Who are you?”
“Well since the only person that knows where I left my diary was my son, that must mean that I’m your grandmother. Now get up”
“H-h-how?” I asked because stood in front of me was a woman that was young enough to be my sister.
“Well it’s complicated.”
“Ok so here is your diary” I said as I handed her the diary.
“Thanks, but you can’t leave just yet.
“What do you mean?” I asked slightly worried.
“Well now that you know about this secret project you need to become on of us.”
“One of you?”
“Well you technically already are one of us. That T-12 is used to time travel.”
“So, what do I do?”
“Our job is to go back into history to check if the historians at that time got the correct time and date on specific events.
“So what event is this?” I asked
“Well, this is the first time humanity encountered an alien race.” She said as if it happened everyday.
“WHAT?!” I screamed.
“Relax the historians say it doesn’t happen until tomorrow.”
“Well shouldn’t we help then?” I asked
“No absolutely not, doing that will cause a change in history which will cause a change in the present and future. Even telling anyone about our existence means that person will either have to join us of be eliminated. “ she said very critically.
“So where are we anyway?” I asked.
“This is TerraEarth. Each planet in the solar system has been connected with each other by bridges.”
“So what do we do while we wai-“
BOOM. Explosions can be heard in the distance along in the distance along with the screams of people. Soon a rush of people panicking mobbed us.
“I thought you said it would happened tomorrow!” I said.
“The historians must have been wrong! This is the whole point of our job! We need to get to somewhere safe!”
As we ran toward a building I looked back and saw huge spaceships floating by and firing upon the city. Once we got to cover my grandmother activated the T-12 and began typing.
“What are you doing?!” I asked her.
“I’m inputting the date so all the e-books will show the right date when it happened. Also people who already learned about this event on the wrong date shall have their memory change to have them know the correct date.
“Can we go now?!” I asked.
“Yeah, let’s go!”
“Wait, how do I go?!”
“Press the green button!”
As I pressed a green button it gave a satisfying beep. Instantly I was now teleported to a cold hard metal floor.
“Good job on your first assignment” my grandmother said to me.
“Where am I?” I asked confused by my surroundings.
“This is home base” she said back to me.
As I looked around it felt like I was in the Death Star. There were other people dressed just like my grandmother and machines beeping. I knew it was going to be a long day.
Soon I was thrown into training. By the first month I had memorized every major war, murder, invention, and many more that occurred between 2084 to 3084.
“It looks nice” my new team member Bryan said as I put my new name pin on my uniform.
“Thanks” I replied
“Come on let’s get ready. We have to check if the president was officially inaugurated on January 9, 2843” our team leader Sam said.
“Ok let’s go” I said
“Traveling in 3-2-1” Sam said.
“Ohhh..” I groaned as I landed on the cold hard road.I still hadn’t perfected the landing.
“Get up, we need to fin-” Sam said before he fell to the floor.
“What was tha-” Byran said before he also fell to the floor
“Son of a-” I said before I fell to the floor and blacked out.

To be continued?

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