Scrulphs: The Hidden War Part 2 | Teen Ink

Scrulphs: The Hidden War Part 2

November 7, 2013
By PBullock BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
PBullock BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments


It’s 2033. Tomorrow is the fifth anniversary of the day the war against the alien nicknamed Scrulphs changed forever. That was the day we learned that the Scrulphs are taking the form of citizens not in the war. We previously were aware that the Scrulphs were taking the form of military soldiers, but now the country is at risk. The government tried to keep the alien infiltration out of the ears of the public but an alien released the information himself publicly. The government did well keeping it wrapped up for over a year; but when the public found out, it was total chaos. People started killing each other in fear that someone was an alien that they probably never seen before. Jeremy and I are the only people who are protecting the country. We have seen more than most of the people on earth will ever see.


“Wake up,” Jeremy calls. Jeremy and I are in a Hummer that we picked up a few towns back. There aren’t any rules anymore. The government has crumbled with the discovery of multiple Scrulph spies. Jeremy and I used to work for the government but now we are our own bosses. All we have is each other. We both once had families, but now we are on our own.
“Where are we?”
“We are close to Michigan.”
Ever since we left Topeka almost five years ago, we have been on the road to Washington, D.C. We have tried to help every town we have passed since we left Topeka. We used the little ammo we had to kill every alien we faced. But that didn’t last long. Now we just use the ammo and guns we find from the abandoned remains of some redneck’s stash.
“How are we on ammo?”
“It’s not looking good. If we don’t find some guns fast, we may need to use our old combat knives,”
“That’s not what I wanted to hear. What’s that next town?”
“Dayton, Ohio.”


We drive into town to greet the locals but it seems like the town is totally abandoned. This doesn’t happen often. When it does, there is usually nothing left because they take their guns for protection and their food for the road. This time, everything was intact like they left in a hurry. We don’t care that much. We are just glad that we found this gold mine.
We waste no time because time is money. The longer we wait, the greater chance there is that we could be attacked. Our only protection is our pistols and our combat knives. Combat knives are a skill that military training took out years ago because it was obsolete and outdated. The knives were being replaced because the military had created ballistic laser sharp knives. As soon as we get to Washington, we will have the state of the art guns. Until then we have these knives.
We split up like we always do to cover more area. Whatever we find, we put in the trunk of the Hummer. Even though we are moving our fastest we still take over an hour because the town is big, and that’s what is surprising to me. As soon as we think we have filled every spot in the truck, from the cup holders to under the seats, I hear the loud purr of a plasma engine that brings back the memories of Topeka and the combat truck. It rattles the whole town, breaking every window. I run outside and see bullet holes appearing in the car, each hole synchronized with the shot of each bullet. As I start to realize that no one’s shooting at the car it blows up shoving me back into the house. I hear the humming and see blue streaks in the sky. Then I see Jeremy run over to me.
“You ok?”
“What’s happening?” I yell into his face only hearing a whisper of his word over the constant buzzing and ringing.
“Ambush! No guns! No time! Run!”
He picks me up and throws me towards the back door, sending me into a sprint. I run down a hallway and see a bedroom and an office, both neatly made. I think and it all makes sense. I have a total stroke of genius, as I begin to put together the alien’s plans for earth. Then I see the backdoor and the multiple heavy locks on it.

“This is going to hurt”

I run through the door knocking it off its hinges and ultimately destroying the whole door frame. I run to the weak fence and think ‘why stop now?’. I tuck my head and throw myself as hard as I can through the fence. Jeremy comes down right on top of me. Now I am starting to pass out as I as I look in the face of hundreds of Scrulphs.


I woke up with my hands and feet covered in big metal balls. I was floating in an anti-gravity chamber with Jeremy close by. This technology is advanced and on a platform that our technology has only began to tap into.
I wake Jeremy up and we try to figure out a way to get out of this trap when we realize that there is no way. So now there is nothing to do but wait for our executions or whatever the aliens are going to do to us. There is no way out.

I wait for hours. Jeremy sleeps away, but the silence is killing me. This was torture. I start to see the plain white walls change into Scrulphs, my parents, my family. Our family. I start to cry when I see Aaliyah and Alicia, my daughter and wife. The Scrulph I thought was Aaliyah and Alicia was killed by Jeremy. Then Sonya and Aquilla appeared next to them lined up next to the wall, Jeremy’s daughter and wife. Sonya was killed the same way my family was. Aqilla died from cancer. Jeremy is strongest man I know to kill his daughter, the only family he had besides himself I take this as insanity creeping in but they forecast the future; telling me that I will die if don’t escape. Telling me that the world will die if I don’t escape. I try to tell them there is no way out, but they tell me I have the strength to get out. They tell me not to give up so I don't. I pull as hard as I can at the gravity machine but it still isn't enough. Eventually I realize that I have to try to get out or die trying. So I pull and pull for what seems like an eternity. I start to hear the whine of the bending metal and the buzz of the gravity machine as I stain the last bit of energy I have. Then the machine blows, throwing me to the wall where our family once stood.

The explosion destroys Jeremy’s machine and he is released. Jeremy is in shock because he was sleeping when the machine blew up. Now he is pulling me towards the door. I am in pain but just as I did what I had to do to get out of the machine I will do the same the same now. I jump to my own feet and start to run towards the door. I open the door and see aliens everywhere in a building as big as a football field. We realize that we haven’t been noticed so we hide. Jeremy is as alert as I have ever seen him before. He sees that I am out of it so he creates a plan. The plan is to find where they keep the cloaking devices and get out as fast as possible.

We put the plan into action. We act quickly diving behind machines and crates. I look up and see a giant hole in the middle of the building. I try to think why they would be digging then I see an assembly line on the other side of the building. I see cloaking devices on them so I tell Jeremy but he was already a step ahead of my. He signals me along like he already knew which way to go. In ten minutes we were right under the assembly line. Jeremy hands me a cloaking device. I didn’t even see him pick one up but I get my thoughts off that quickly so I can focus on putting on the cloaking device. I couldn’t figure it out, but Jeremy helped me.

Then he leads me to stairs. We walk up them and he opens the hatch that opens up to the sun setting above Lincoln Memorial. In that instant everything made sense. The Scrulphs established their base in our capital to create their rockets and bikes. They are using the country’s resources and are trying to break into the underground treasury that holds most of the country's gold and resources.

I then realized that we were already in D.C. so we could get the weapons and protect the capital. That’s what we did. We went into the Oval Office and opened the hidden elevator where you have access to multiple underground levels. It includes the treasury, the bunker, and the armory. We went down and got all the weapons we could hold. We also found another combat truck, but this one was much better than our old one. I urged Jeremy not to attack because it wasn’t time yet. If we attacked we would have put in danger the safety of the president, his family, and all the resources and weapons.


We left Washington that night and went to San Francisco because we decided to help the other half of the country. We started another road trip across the country. Being captured was only a minor setback but now we are back on track and waiting for the right moment to attack.

The next day in San Francisco Jeremy and I were talking.

“How did you get out of the gravity machine yesterday.”

“I saw our families. They told me I had the strength to get out. They told me I need to get out. That the world depended on it,”

Jeremy was silent.

“You think I’m crazy don’t you,”

“No, I saw them to. They told me to be ready for what was going to happen.”

“A message from beyond the grave.”
“They also told me they were still alive.”

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