Sky High | Teen Ink

Sky High

November 13, 2013
By Minininny SILVER, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
Minininny SILVER, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The rising sun burned red as it ascended into the sky behind the trees, casting long shadows across the ground. Nilo grinned to himself as he slowly slinked past tents that continued gently snoring. Large feathers dotted the ground as the teen quietly sneaked away from the clearing. With no chance of being overheard now that he was past the foreboding trees, he ran. I’m not sneaking out…I’m just beginning the ceremony early. He told himself. Today was the day that he would officially be regarded as a man…at least once he had returned with the necessary item: a unicorn’s horn.

Nilo halted, looking up at the rosy sky. Was he far enough from the campsite that he wouldn’t wake the clan when he called his companion? His brown eyes darted to the tall yellowed grass that lay before him. It was within the dry grass that he would find a unicorn, but he couldn’t do it on his own. He reached toward the cord around his neck, pulling a feather-shaped whistle. Lifting it to his lips, he blew into the hollowed wood, the sound didn’t sound remotely like a lute or a whistle, but rather it sounded like an eagle’s screech. C’mon, Rezarta. It’s a big day for both of us.

The air around him seemed to still as he dropped the whistle back into his shirt. But then, he heard a distinct cry. Looking up, he barely glimpsed a massive golden bird circling overhead before dive-bombing right at him – but before it reached him, it swerved to the side, fluttering with its lengthy wings before calmly landing beside him. The avian was yellow with a white breast and underside with dark eyes rimmed with black. However, it was the eagle-like bird’s size that was truly remarkable, standing about seven feet at the shoulder. The bird outstretched a wing – perhaps fifteen feet long – preening with a rather smug look in her eyes.

“Do you have to look like you’re going to kill me when you find me?” growled Nilo, eyes sparkling with delight. “You’re such a silly skywing, Rezarta.” The bird chirped happily, folding her wing back and gently nuzzling him with her beak. “Love you too, Z.” he told her, hugging her head. Looking at her size now, it was hard to think that this was once the chick that had bonded with him so long ago. He smiled, his mind wandering to the legend that had been passed down by his people for many generations.


Many moons ago, the Sky Clan – then nameless – had been shipwrecked when their boats went off course and fell into the dangerous waters in which the water-dwelling monsters lived. Sea serpents, krakens, and kelpies destroyed their watercrafts and these beasts would have devoured them if not for the waves which washed them up on the island’s shore. However, even if they were safe from the creatures in the water, the land offered little refuge. The land-dwelling animals were swift and hard to catch for nourishment, and the monsters on land were just as destructive as those in the ocean.

It was then said that the phoenix god Zerusu pitied the struggling humans. He descended to the earth and flew over the island, shedding his feathers – each feather transforming into the birds known as skywings.

“These birds – my own mortal flesh – will serve as your companions,” the king of all feather-kind bid. “They are powerful, intelligent, and noble, just as I am. As their rightful place is in the sky, they will be known as skywings.” With a shake of his mighty tail feathers, Zerusu ascended back into the heavens, bursting into flame as he went; the last of his energy was spent. His scarlet feathers and gray ashes fell to form a blinding yellow egg that shined down upon the earth in the form of the sun. And thus the people learned to work with the god’s gift and an indestructible bond was formed between the humans and the skywings.


Nilo released Rezarta’s head but stroked her forehead as he remembered meeting a fluffy white chick that was only a foot tall. Now, years later, she was a speed demon of the sky and his amazing companion.

“C’mon, let’s go.” The teen moved over to the bird’s side, Rezarta flattening down to the ground as he climbed onto her back, settling between her shoulders and gently grasping ahold of the extra plumage around her neck. With her rider on board, the avian stretched out her wings and shot off into the air. Nilo grinned from ear to ear as he felt the sheer power in the skywing’s muscles as she flew – Zerusu had not lied about the might of his creation. “Z, let’s go hunting for some unicorns.” He whispered to the bird as they continued rising into the sky. Her head twisted slightly to look back at him before she let out a soft caw and darted across the cloud-flecked plains.

Below them, tall auburn grass swayed below in the gentle breeze. It was there that both bird and boy peered down, looking for any sign of movement. Of course, it was the skywing that could spot prey – and predators – far more easily. Many of the animals on the island had camouflage that disguised them in their environments; the unicorn had perfected the art. If they had been once pure and snow-white once, it was only a legend now. The unicorns that roamed the land were wild and feral. Possessing coats of muddy browns and golds, they already matched the grass’s color, but they further improved their camouflage with cascading black stripes across their flanks.

But even their disguise would not hold up against a skywing’s eyesight. Rezarta paused in the air, circling for a moment before fluttering – she had spotted something. Nilo reached down to wrap his arms around her neck, squeezing his legs as the avian folded her wings and plummeted down in a dive. The bird slowed, jerking up as her talons outstretched and she sank them into the hind of a unicorn. The beast shrieked with wild abandon, as Nilo whipped out his hunting knife and avoided the fatal horn. With the skywing pinning down the equine, the teen was quick to slash the animal’s throat with the sharp blade without a moment’s hesitation. The pitiful creature bleated feebly as its lifeblood dribbled out from its wounds and with a shudder, it was gone.

“I’m sorry.” Murmured the blonde boy as he took the knife once more and sawed off the gray horn. Rezarta watched silently as a witness, occasionally lifted her noble head to survey the area before dipping her head and devouring the corpse. “Good girl, Z.” Nilo looked down at the horn in the palm of his hands, grateful that taking its life had not been a selfish act; it was a meal for his skywing partner. However, as he gazed upon the crimson blood that dotted the ground and the broken body, he blanched and fled, stomach heaving as he dry-retched a distance away. Was this what it meant to be a man? The teen rubbed his temples as his belly quieted. Guilt still flooded through his mind. This was what he had set out to do, but why did it feel wrong? He closed his eyes, sighing.

It was then that he heard the sound of wing-beats. They were not Rezarta’s, Nilo could still hear her noisily gobbling their catch, and the beats were faster and lighter.

“Nilo?” called a childish voice. He frowned, what was his kid sister Clarise doing out?

“Here!” he called to the air. There was a pause, before a small ivory skywing landed next to him, a petite rider on board. Clarise put her hands on her hips as she glared at her older brother.

“I’m gonna tell Daddy you snuck out again.” She said, with a mischievous smirk. Nilo sighed, exasperated.

“Name your price.” Better to make a deal with the devil than endure whatever punishment his father would come up with.

“Gimme all your dessert for a month.” Clarise demanded, eyes sparkling with delight. He groaned.

“Fine, fine, you brat.” He grumbled, rolling his eyes. “You’re so cruel.” The young lass giggled, grinning from ear to ear. The skywing under her suddenly looked startled, blue eyes seeming to go round with fright.

“What’s wrong, Kumotta?” The girl whispered, dropping the devil-child act as she hugged her bird’s neck. Nilo gripped his knife tightly, having almost forgotten about it. He darted over to his sister’s side, gazing around for a sign of what had scared the skywing. It was eerily silent.

But then it happened – a barghest – a monstrous black dog – lunged out of the tall grass for the pair of them. But its fangs never reached their target. The jaws embedded themselves in Rezarta’s throat as the avian flung herself on top of them.



He knew the pain of an adult.

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